Articles on current events, culture, popular science, relationships and more, presented from the unique perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah

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Two Objectives of the Kabbalistic Method

599.02As seen above, there are two modes in religion: 1) Lo Lishma [not for Her sake], which is pure utilitarianism, meaning aiming to establish morality for one’s own good. One is satisfied when acquiring this tendency. And there is a second tendency to religion, being a mental need to adhere to Him. This is called Lishma [for Her sake]. One can be rewarded with the above through actions, and from Lo Lishma one comes to Lishma (Baal HaSulam, “The Writings of the Last Generation”).

Question: When a person is working in Lo Lishma, does he have a sense of the Creator’s presence, a feeling that there is none else besides Him?

Answer: No, of course not. He is in a state of self-benefit.

Lo Lishma means performing actions for one’s own sake, and Lishma means for the sake of the Creator, for the sake of others, beyond oneself.

Question: Can we say that the majority of humanity is in Lo Lishma?

Answer: No, they are in an animalistic state. But if a person develops within a Kabbalistic group correctly and precisely fulfilling all the conditions, he transitions from complete egoism to a willingness to give to others. He wants to give altruistically, without any connection to himself, but he is not yet able to. This is called Lo Lishma.

The transition from Lo Lishma happens through the reforming light (light that returns one to the source). Precisely because a person wants to give, but is still unable to, the light influences him and brings him to Lishma, to actions for the sake of others.

Question: Should we constantly have the feeling that we are moving toward Lishma?

Answer: We have to think about this. A person has no right to lock himself in the thought that it is for his own benefit, even though his intentions are essentially egoistic. This is precisely the prison, the bondage, the feeling of Egyptian exile—when we feel that we would like to free ourselves from the rule of Pharaoh (egoism), but are unable to. These are not easy states.

Question: To transition from Lo Lishma to Lishma, we work in a group. Where I am like an expert who observes everything from the outside? Does this happen simultaneously?

Answer: Yes, because a second system is created within you—the quality of bestowal. From it, you observe your own qualities of reception.

Question: On one hand a person tries to become aware of the state he is in; on the other hand he has the opportunity to engage in group activities aimed at unity mechanically, without thinking. How can these actions be done non-mechanically?

Answer: This happens under the influence of the right environment. There must be an active attitude of the group toward each individual. Each person must feel the pressure of the group, its correction, what it wants to do with him, and at the same time feel how much he resists this and how much he agrees to surrender. This is the expert point within each member of the group.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 12/19/17

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About the High Value of Lo Lishma
My Dark Silhouette Against The White Background Of Bestowal
Lo Lishma

Why Am I Given Suffering?

963.5Question: Why am I given all this suffering?

Answer: This is given to me so that I can take a proper look at my life, make sure that I am not the source of my own suffering, understand how I can rise above the suffering, above  its cause, and thus free myself from it and look at suffering from above.

Question: And what will I see?

Answer: I will see that all my suffering is purely philosophical. Where suffering exists, there is always some kind of philosophy behind it where I refuse to accept suffering as something meant for me. But if I accept it, I can rise above it.

Question: Is the understanding that this is how I am being guided necessary?

Answer: That is what the Creator desires.

Question: Should this understanding be in both the heart and the mind?

Answer: I agree with Him and follow this path.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/23/24

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What Are We Coming to the Convention With?

938.03Question: With what mindset do we come to the convention, in what kind of unity, and what should we achieve as an individual group and as Bnei Baruch?

Answer: The main focus of the group’s work is preparing for the convention.

This means seeing the current state of our Kli, that in which we exist at the moment, meaning in Lo Lishma, and seeing how to gradually transform these qualities into Lishma.

This, in fact, is our preparation for the convention.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/25, Preparation to “Connecting to Lishma” Convention

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What Will Help You Survive Life?

222Question: There is physical pain, torture, suffering, solitary confinement, and still a person gets out of prisons, out of these tortures, and can live up to the age of 120 as a healthy person. And then there is this mental stress, and that is it, life ends. What is it, why is it so?

Answer: Because our body is adapted to physical suffering, but it is not adapted to sensory and moral suffering. We can’t stand it.

Question: Why? After all, the body is healthy.

Answer: Because it is above our natural way of life, our body.

Question: So some higher function is disrupted, but the earthly function remains in order?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So I’m leaving with a healthy body, roughly speaking?

Answer: People existed in conditions that we cannot imagine.

Question: And then bam, that’s it. Is there some higher component in us?

Answer: Yes, life can be lived if you have a purpose; if you can raise this goal above suffering and limitations, then you can exist.

Question: So you’ve grabbed hold of this spirit and hold on, but your body can give up?

Answer: The body will not give up if you hold on to this power above life.

Question: So you connect it?

Answer: Sure, a person should see a goal ahead of him and what he is suffering for, in short.

Question: Will the body hold up then?

Answer: Yes. The problem with us in our lives is that we don’t see this goal today.

Question: Does this also apply to a simple goal? For example, centenarians live somewhere, they have some simple goal, they hold on to it, and the body holds together with them. Does this apply to a simple goal, not just a high one?

Answer: Yes, he has his sheep, goats or a dog.

Comment: The air, nature.

My Response: Yes and all that.

Question: And does he live?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: There are a lot of films about old women, old men who live to be 100 years old, living somewhere in a forest, in the mountains, who knows where. And how do you think they’re holding up? And they’re holding on. And somehow, they work that way.

Amazing! And there is no need for hospitals or doctors.

My Response: No, if she gets up and knows that she definitely needs to do different things, then all this overlaps.

Question: Even to feed yourself?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/23/24

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Who Decides Whether to Live or Die?
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All the Days of My Life

760.1Everything depends on desire; everything is revealed within it. Therefore we just need a properly organized, structured, and directed desire.

To shape our desire, to give it the right form that is ready to be filled by the Creator, the Creator plays a game with us. He alternately hides and conceals Himself. A person does not always recognize this game, but it goes on all the time and with everyone until the complete correction of everyone.

It is essential to constantly recognize that the entire world is nothing more than a manifestation of the Creator in various images: both those who oppose and those who love, those who hinder and those who help, those who are close and those who are distant, friends and complete strangers.

All these people, as well as inanimate nature, plants, animals, human thoughts, and desires, everything, except for the point of one’s own “I,” the point of observation from which a person strives to grow similar to the Creator, everything else in him comes from the Creator who plays this game, sometimes drawing a person closer, sometimes pushing them away.

But both the drawing close and the distancing are done with only one purpose: to stir a person, as it is said: “The upper light shakes and awakens desires.”

If, despite being thrown about, a person exerts all their strength to hold onto the thought that everything comes from the Creator because “There is none else besides Him” and the Creator is undoubtedly “Good and Does Good,” then their desires expand.

If they truly “hold on with their teeth” and don’t allow themself to disconnect from the thought and feeling that it is the Creator performing all the actions with them, then they begin to see how to use every moment of life correctly. After all, every opponent is, in reality, not an opponent at all, but a helper, someone who strengthens their grip on the Creator, especially in extreme states.

In this way, a person advances until they reach a state where they are ready for anything and can withstand everything, as long as they do not part from the Creator. And this is their only request.

It no longer matters to them what happens in their life; they ask for only one thing: “That I may dwell in the house of the Creator all the days of my life.” They even rejoice in all obstacles, for these expand their desires.

They see these obstacles as the most important exercises that are lovingly sent to them by the Creator, who is simply waiting for their readiness to be revealed to them.

Thus, a person progresses until they complete the entire process known as “concealment” or “the period of preparation,” and move from “Lo Lishma” to “Lishma.”
From preparation to Daily Kabbalah lesson 3/22/10, “Shamati 10”

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Every Person Has His Own Egypt
The Zohar Is Our Life Buoy
The Creator’s Game

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 79

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 79

Should We Ask for a Descent to Progress?

There is no need to ask for descents. We should only yearn for the goal. Whether a descent or ascent takes place is outside of our control. Such states arrive according to our soul’s structure, which we do not know.

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Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 78
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 77
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 76

Why Should I Feel Someone Else’s Pain?

543.01Question: Should we learn to feel the pain of others?

Answer: We should learn to feel the pain of others because by doing so we create a positive field of mutual connection around ourselves. It is necessary for existence.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/23/24

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How Not to Remain Insensitive to the Pain of Another?
Empathize with Others
Man Is Someone Who Is Compassionate

630.2Comment: A person who condemns another will unexpectedly find themselves experiencing the same state.

My Response: And that is very good! He was given an opportunity to correct himself because in the very trait that he condemns, the saw himself. Anyone who notices a flaw in another does so because that flaw exists within them; otherwise, they would not recognize it in someone else.

The fact is that by expressing condemnation out loud, they also begin to go through this correction. On our level this triggers a feedback loop from the other person. However, if they only condemn in their thoughts without voicing it, they are less involved in the process.

Question: Nevertheless, is a thought not much stronger than a word?

Answer: Not for us! Not for those who are still at the level of our world where everything is determined by words or a person’s appearance rather than their inner essence.

Question: But in principle is the influence of thought still strong?

Answer: Absolutely! The influence of thought is absolute!
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Condemnation” 6/16/10

Related Material:
Everyone Judges According To His Corruption
Where Can You Get The Strength To See The Friends Above Yourself?
The Scoundrels Within

Shortage of Women Leads to War

294.2Comment: Researchers are sounding the alarm that they have assessed the shortage of women on a global scale.

My Response: It was always believed that there are more women than men. Are there
suddenly less now?

Question: Yes, the deficit of women is estimated to be 23 million. On the other hand, scientists believe that the imbalance in the world such as the threat of a nuclear attack and all conflicts in general, indicates the absence of women in decision-making teams even at the highest levels. What do women bring? What component do they bring to the negotiation process and communication?

Answer: From childhood we see girls play with toys, build a house, and cook food on small toy stoves while boys play war, compete, etc. Girls play with dolls, and boys chase and hit things. This is a natural outlet of inner energy both male and female.

Therefore, it is natural that allowing women to participate more in our organizations would be much safer for peace.

Question: Researchers say that due to men being more ambitious and inclined to win, they are more competitive at the core; they want to win, which leads to conflicts and extremes.

According to a survey of women in parliaments and high positions, researchers deny that women are so innocent compared to militant men. However, they say women bring rationality, creativity, and a spirit of collaboration.

Why is this happening? Where is the trigger when both are selfish?

Answer: Women are more egoistic. Therefore, they are prone to all kinds of connections and compromises because it is better than any war. They weigh everything that happens very soberly. They have a good reserve of sound selfishness to exercise self-control and think: “This needs to be handled that way. Or it will lead to tears.”

In a woman, egoism manifests in the form of dolls and in boys in war games. But both are egoism. Which one is preferable? Female. She tends to make things easier and achieve friendship and cooperation, which would not lead to terrible, irreversible processes.

In men, on the contrary, this selfish component is rigid. He does not think about what will happen tomorrow; he is ready to break everything today. But both are egoists!

If you ask me at the level of our world, it is preferable for women to lead the world and men to work for them, just like a child with his mother.

Question: What does Kabbalah say about this interaction?

Answer: Kabbalah does not talk about this because it does not deal with a man and a woman of our world when they are both selfish and corrupt. What can Kabbalah say about them? They need to be re-educated, and only then can we work with them.

Everyone should be who they are; they only need to correct themselves to the level, practically, of the Creator. And that is it! Nothing needs to be done differently.

I am not going to talk about who is better or worse. Everyone has to correct themselves to do good work for humanity. In this regard, they will all see how much they complement each other and how necessary they are to each other—both men and women.

Question: What about the gender imbalance?

Answer: There will be no imbalance then. But to achieve this, you need to remove all the egoistic components of both.

Question: How do we do this?

Answer: It is very easy to do this with the help of the method of correction and education. There is no other way. To do this, come to our courses.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/17/19

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Women In Power
The Modern Woman And Kabbalah
“Study: Men Secretly Feel Terrible When The Women They Love Succeed”

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 78

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 78

Can We Also Derive “Fuel” from Within Ourselves?

We can never derive strength from within ourselves. Since we are in a lower state, where would we draw strength from? To ascend to a higher level, we must receive additional desires and screens, which are corrections.

What is the difference between a small and a great one? The small one lacks additional flesh (desires) and intellect. Why are children not given much strength? It is because they lack the intellect to handle it responsibly. As they grow up, they are given more and more strength and intellect. Without a balance between the two, the system would be dysfunctional. The same applies here. The lower one receives additional negative forces and uncorrected desires from the upper one, which hides itself. Then, the lower one must also receive light from the upper one to correct these empty vessels, and align itself with the upper one.

However, if we do nothing and wait for the situation to improve on its own, nothing will change, and the correction will not happen. In moments of emptiness, we must turn to the group and to the study, and carry out any actions that might help. These actions are called “good deeds,” actions that lead us to goodness. There is no alternative. We cannot find the necessary strength within ourselves.

Related Material:
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 77
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 76
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 75

Convention—Ready to Roll!

595.03We must remember that we are all in the same boat and are parts of one soul.

That is why when such a large number of people striving for spirituality gather together, as at the upcoming convention, each person must understand that this is a gift from above. The Creator has given me the opportunity to participate in such a special event where parts of my own soul come closer to me.

And if I relate to them this way, understanding that I have found myself in an assembly of the closest souls ready to connect with me, and if each of us thinks and feels this way, then it will not be difficult at all!

Everything depends on preparation. I must constantly prepare myself and tune in to think, act, and feel exactly this way when I get there.

It does not matter whether it happens today in one place or tomorrow in another, time and space determine nothing! But this exercise, where I intentionally think today about how it will be tomorrow, will help me later when all the conditions come together at the convention to reach the necessary collective effort.

This is extremely important and determines everything. After that, it will be easy. It is like preparation before a battle.

If everything is ready, and you are ready to give everything for spirituality, you will see how everything unfolds exactly as you envisioned. If you have put in sincere and great efforts from the depths of your heart, everything will happen accordingly. There will be no unpleasant surprises, everything will be good.

Imagine a gang of thieves gathering in the dark, preparing for a dangerous mission to rob a bank. Each of them feels dependent on the others and cares about the group. We have something to learn from them.

The only difference is the goal. If the goal is egoistic and obvious, achieving unity is very easy and natural.

But if the goal is to attain bestowal, to rise above each person’s personal egoistic interests, then it becomes much harder.

Yet, even in examples of our world, we see the immense benefit that unity brings. The only problem is that nothing can sustain it except the upper light. Only love can hold a connection together.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/10, The Book of Zohar

Children’s Questions to the Creator

Laitman_093Question: The Riga-based writer and screenwriter Mikhail Dymov asked schoolchildren aged six to ten to ask their most pressing and important questions to the Creator.

Second-grader Sveta asks the Creator: “Is there anything I can do to help You?”

Answer: I will respond on behalf of the Creator, as though reading His reply.

Yes, I certainly lack your help. In fact I lack help from every person, but from each one individually, including you. The help I need is for you to assist Me in correcting the world.

Question: “Can childhood last a whole lifetime?” Marik, first grade.

Answer: Childhood for a whole lifetime!

That depends, of course, on a person’s character. There are people who remain children at heart, and they are truly wonderful people. They might not always be agreeable in their behavior toward others, but they are always curious. For them, the world is an endless field of discovery, and they constantly strive to reveal, create, or achieve something.

This childlike quality that persists in adults is a remarkable trait. It is truly a gift. It is wonderful when it remains, but it does not depend on the person; it is how they are born.

Question: Radik, fourth grade, asks: “People suffer so much on Earth. Is it even worse in Your hell?”

Answer: In hell, yes, it is even worse.

Hell is the torment of conscience. It is a feeling from which a person cannot escape. Even though they see and understand that everything that happens comes from the Creator, that “There is none else besides Him,” they still cannot shake the feeling or the thought about “What have I really done with my life?”

This guilt cannot be shifted onto the Creator because the person did not even try during their lifetime to rise above the Creator’s governance.

The Creator governs us, but a person must realize that everything they do comes from the Creator, not from themselves. Once he understands this, there will be no reason to worry, feel shame, or suffer.

Question: “How should I live so that everyone in the world is happy?” asks Lisa, second grade.

Answer: There is only one way, find out what happiness is and how it can be achieved. There is a method that can lead people to happiness, and it needs to be applied in life. We will grow up and make it happen.

Question: Igor, fourth grade, asks: “Are there so many hardships and suffering on Earth to make people not afraid of dying?”

Answer: That is partly true. But do not think that way. People might find it easier to die when they see that they are leaving behind a terrible world where nothing good exists, where everyone suffers, and in the end, where everyone dies.

But that is not the best solution. There is another way. Even before we die, we have the opportunity to reveal the upper, eternal, and perfect world. By doing so, we will not actually die, we will simply begin to experience the next stage of our existence, our next life.

Question: Ruslan, second grade, asks: “What if people do not love You, but fear You?”

Answer: For some that is fine; they like it when others fear them. “If they are afraid, they respect me.”

But overall this is wrong. Love requires mutual understanding where you can completely let go of yourself with closed eyes and entrust yourself to the one you love. And in turn, they will think only about you, about your benefit and your well-being. And you will think only about them. When both of you care for each other in this way, that is what love is.

Question: Lyuba from third grade asks a sharp question “Do I really exist?”

Answer: That is a complicated question. I truly exist only when I stand before the Creator, when it is Him and I stand against Him, when I oppose Him. That is when I exist.

Question: Do you think it is easier to explain this to children than to adults?

Answer: Of course it is much easier to explain these things to children than to adults. They instinctively understand it.

Comment: I see you are explaining it to them as if they are adults.

My Response: Of course! You cannot treat children any differently.

Comment: So no baby talk.

My Response: No! That kind of baby talk is the root of all evil in the world.

Question: Katya, fourth grade, asks: “When did love begin on Earth?”

Answer: Love began when people started hating hatred.

Hatred arises naturally, as part of our nature. But when we began to recognize its harm, its limitations, the horrors it brings, and started to despise it, that is when we gradually discovered love.

Question: Sasha from second grade asks: “Are we not just Your toys?”

Answer: “You are My toys,” says the Creator, “completely, absolutely. But you must realize this. And then you will ask Me to make you independent. And I will do it.”

Question: “Why, when you love, everything feels nice, even fried eggs?” asks Stepa from second grade.

Answer: When you love, everything feels nice, even fried eggs, because love covers absolutely all flaws. Absolutely everything! Even what is ugly seems beautiful, what is unpleasant seems pleasant, and what is tasteless seems delicious. Love makes everything better. So the most important thing is not to focus on what is wrong or bad in the world but to develop love.

Question: Vita from second grade asks: “Why did You make the world in such a way that when mom tears her tights, she cries?”

Answer: Yes, a person is small. A little girl cries over her problems, and a big girl, her mom, cries over her problems. Everyone has problems. The Creator made it this way so that people would seek out the perfect state, one of joy and love.

And the only way to reach that state is through tears: tears in class, at school, with friends, over torn tights, through it all.

Question: Misha, fourth grade, asks an intriguing question: “How can one become a memory?”

Answer: First of all, you need to become a good memory, not just any memory. There are people who are remembered with dread, horror, and hatred, people that others wish had never existed, along with their memory.

You have to live in such a way that you leave behind good memories. This only happens if you do good for people and leave a gentle, sweet impression behind.

Question: Alik, fourth grade, asks: “What should I ask You for? After all, You already know everything.”

Answer: It does not matter that I know everything. What is important is that you ask! Because when you ask, you grow closer to Me, and I can give you more than what you ask for. I can also give you My special care, My love, My warmth. If I simply give you what you want without you asking, you will not feel connected to Me and will miss out on the great, kind warm feelings in the world.

Question: Gosha, fourth grade, says: “Bring my parents back to childhood. I would be friends with my mom.”

Answer: If it were possible to be friends with your parents like with your peers, that would be great in one sense. But on the other hand, how would you grow and develop? Who would teach you?

It means we need to learn how to be both children and friends with our parents, to treat our peers as friends, and to learn from everyone. At the same time, we must offer a good example to everyone around us.

Question: What should parents learn in this case?

Answer: Parents should learn to be friends with their children, to be companions. This is very important. Such families exist, and in those families children feel comfortable and protected. They are not pressured or stifled in their independence. They grow up openly.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/28/24

Related Material:
My Parents Are Dinosaurs
A Child Learns Everything on His Own
Ten Reasons Children Do Not Want To Go To School

God’s Name Is Written in Human DNA

629.3Comment: Dr. Yeshayahu Rubinstein, an Israeli scientist, claims that the helixes that make up our DNA are held together by a series of sulfur bonds that are in a pattern between base pairs of genetic material. The repeating pattern is 10, 5, 6, 5, which are the Hebrew letters (letters represent numbers in Hebrew) Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey, which is the name of God. From this, he asserts that God put His signature in our DNA.

Answer: The relationship between all possible properties of our DNA is manifested in a matrix called “The Name of the Creator.”

Dr. Rubinstein discovered a relationship determined in nature, which falls under Yod-Key-Vav-Key. This relationship is manifested in absolutely everything! Only sometimes we notice it, can reveal, research, and write down and sometimes not. But it is manifested everywhere because it is a general property of nature.

DNA is a human information record.

Question: Where is it located?

Answer: In our cells. Everything that we are is made up of protein structures that are built on the property of what is called “three lines” or a double helix and ladders that connect them together in Kabbalah.

This has been known from Kabbalah for 5,000 to 6,000 years. Maybe it was known before, but to whom?

Question: How can a person, in his physical growth, but also moral, mental, spiritual, and self-development, not break this spiral, but on the contrary, strengthen it? What does he need for this?

Answer: For this he needs to connect with the Creator. And then he will restore his broken connections.

That is why you need to reach a level where you can be in contact with the Creator, receive from Him that primordial force that will correct your DNA, your double helix, basically, restore the middle line between them.

Question: How does the realization that the Creator’s code is written in his structure help a person?

Answer: Of course! We all consist of these codes. All our cells, all organs consist of the relationships between various protein systems. The results of the Creator’s creation are recorded in them, how we were created by Him, “Him”  meaning, an upper force, a higher program.

Question: We know that sometimes the bridge breaks. Under what conditions does the presence of the Creator, His record, break?

Answer: It breaks when we do not observe any similarity to Him at all. By this we cause problems, illnesses, even death.

Question: What is His function within human DNA? What is the role of the Creator and how should we correspond to it?

Answer: Human DNA, as I have already said, consists of two parallel protein systems, between which there are connecting bridges, like steps of a ladder. This is in a very simplified form; there are a lot of all kinds of additions. They all come down to maintaining a balance between themselves that would correspond to their complete mutual, absolutely altruistic interaction. If this balance is achieved between them, then the correct signal is transmitted along these connecting steps, i.e., along small connecting devices (after all, protein systems are very complex) that balance the right and left lines.

Comment: How can a person become better?

Answer: Better? No problem! For this, he must want to become better. And in accordance with his desire, his spiral will change for the better. It will wind in the right direction, interact with other spirals, and will be in an absolutely optimal mode.

Question: How can a person establish contact, dialogue, as if checking the correctness of his actions with this system?

Answer: For this, he must be kind. Being kind means that he must put everyone above himself and exist in order to do good to others. Then his system will work correctly. It has such an internal style, meaning, mode, a mode of correct favor for oneself and for others.

Comment: Such a complex system!

Answer: It is not complicated. The principle of its operation is very simple.

Inside it is very complex, because it must be embodied in living matter, in animal matter, in biological matter. That is why it is difficult, because to translate the spiritual language, the language of feelings, bestowal, love, and connection into the language between practically non-living elements, proteins, requires a very large transformation.

It is necessary to make many different imprints on different levels of this system of mutually correct relations, until it descends to good interactions at the level of proteins. It is impossible to imagine!

Question: And how to take into account all these smallest details?

Answer: It is impossible. I remember asking myself the same question. And then I realized that at our deterministic level we cannot imagine, do, feel, create, build, connect, and assemble like a constructor.

The only thing we can do is to tune ourselves from the other side, from the side of goodness, love, interaction, rapprochement, and affection. And then these interactions will occur in us and will correspond to our hopes, our aspirations. We align our protein spirals with our aspirations.

Comment: That is, a person only needs to wish for something.

Answer: No, not just “you only need to wish for” and that’s it. This does not happen, it is not hocus-pocus. A person must work on himself, on his correct thoughts, desires, and good interactions with others, and then he will heal all his problems in the spirals with this.

Question: DNA is often called the building material of life since it contains the genetic code that is the basis of heredity.

That is, our heredity is to be absolutely, as you say, kind and act for the good of all. Why does man act in the opposite way? Where is this spiral broken?

Answer: No, it is not broken. We are specially created this way in order to consciously tune ourselves. We are created harmful, nasty, greedy, in short, selfish in everything, in order to tune ourselves correctly from this state and thus heal ourselves and others: ourselves, our offspring, the whole world around us.

Man is given the opportunity to correct himself, but for this he must work. For this he must meet a teacher and an appropriate group. He needs many conditions to begin to change himself so much that he could even correct his protein structure.

Question: Can we change our DNA?

Answer: What does “change” mean? Man can correct it. If he behaves correctly, all these errors are smoothed out.

When he functions correctly, they function correctly. He functions at the level of “Human,” interacts correctly with the personalities around it, and at the same time, all the spirals, proteins, etc. inside it also begin to interact correctly with each other. That is, from a higher level, from the mental, psychological, and even spiritual, he forces the lower structures to come into balance.

Question: What does it mean that a person acts correctly so that his system develops?

Answer: It means treating everyone with kindness. Moreover, this is when he attains the Creator. This is already the highest level. Then he becomes equal to the Creator by his nature, by his internal actions. From the outside, this may not be visible at all. And then his entire structure also gradually becomes absolutely corrected. Which is what I wish for all of you.

Question: Why does a person need this knowledge? Let’s say he knows that the code of altruism lives in him, and he can’t do anything about it.

Answer: There is this code of altruism in a person, which he must open; he needs to find the key to it and tune himself to it. He must do it. He will do it. Every person!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/8/24

Related Material:
The Spiritual Gene, Part 5
The Creator’s Name Is Four Letters
The Secret Of The Creator’s Name

712.03Comment: Science has debunked the concept of death. According to science, a person’s life does not end with death. Some scientists say that consciousness persists even after death.

My Response: Where can this be proven, shown, understood, or felt?

Comment: They say the cerebral cortex, the thinking part of the brain, emits waves for about 20 seconds after death.

My Response: So we live for another 20 seconds. Big deal!

Question: Why study the experience of death if all paths ultimately lead to nowhere?

Answer: It is very intriguing. What if I find something that tells me I am immortal? Then I would see my life in a completely different way!

Question: Is there a concept of death in Kabbalah?

Answer: No, in reality, there is no death. There is no time. How can there be death? There is only a transition between states, nothing more.

Question: How does a transition from one state to another occur in spirituality? Is it also cyclical, like life – death – life?

Answer: In spirituality there is no such thing as we see in our world! Living, biological matter has nothing to do with spirituality. It may live or die in our perception, but it is entirely unrelated to the spiritual. We do not sense spiritual matter, and it is not connected to the physical. Does the death or life of the physical body say anything about the spiritual?!

Question: Is there such a concept as a “spiritually dead person”? What does it mean?

Answer: A person is spiritually dead because there is no spirit in them. Spirit refers to the quality of bestowal to others, not the quality of receiving from others.

Our earthly life is about the desire to receive from everything around us, in every form—on the still, vegetative, animal, and human levels.

Spiritual life, on the other hand, is when we do not take from outside, but give from within, when we try to share, help, and radiate outward. This is called spiritual life. Change one life for the other and you will discover what immortality is.

Comment: Physicists say that a part of you will live on for a very long time. And that part is your energy. They say that according to the first law of thermodynamics, the energy that sustains life is preserved and cannot be destroyed. Beautiful, is it not?

My Response: Very beautiful, but it does not exist at all. This is because our world does not exist; it exists only in our imagination. Therefore, everything we perceive as bodies, our lives, birth, development, death, all this is only our imagination, within us, and nothing outside.

Everything we see around us, all this vast, solid existence, is only our imagination.

Question: Then what is a person?

Answer: A person, too, is the same. Within us is a kind of mechanism that we program in a specific way. It spins the images of our world in which we supposedly live. Just as you sleep and see a dream in which you seem to have experienced something, so, too, this life is like a dream.

And then you wake up: “Oh! Was it a dream or life?” No, it was so-called life, which is, in essence, a dream.

That is all there is. Our current life is simply a state from which we have not yet awakened.

Question: Then perhaps people in their quest to uncover the mystery of death are searching for real life?

Answer: That is exactly what they are doing. They just do not know how to find it. They are seeking new adventures within this dream.

Question: What, then, is true life?

Answer: To wake up. And you can only wake up when you start to rise above your egoism. This is what Kabbalah teaches—how to uncover the secret of life, how to wake up and truly live.

Question: What then is the secret of immortality, not of the physical body, but of the spiritual?

Answer: The physical body does not exist either. It exists only in our imagination, just like this entire world. That is why the world is called “Olam” from the word “ne’elam” (hidden), and the word “ha’alama” (concealment), a shadowy state. That is our current condition.

Question: How then can a person pass through these “holograms,” uncover this life, and achieve immortality?

Answer: To do this one must engage in the method of their own resurrection.

When a person begins to see life not in themselves, but in others, themselves in others, this is how they awaken.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/22/19

Related Material:
There Is No Death
About Death And Eternity
When The Curtain Falls

198Comment: Scientists say we are close to editing genetics to create “designer babies.” Some scientists say genetically modified babies are highly desirable to protect people from diseases.

My Response: I know that any interference with nature has bad consequences. We try to get into everything possible that seems desirable, necessary, positive, or valuable to us, but in the end the opposite happens because nature does not tolerate such interference.

We must act according to its laws. There is only one way to change yourself for the better—by evoking the proper influence of nature, that is, the influence of the upper light. That is the only way.

Question: If a person suddenly decides he can change himself, if he can change his body, can he maybe change his soul?

Answer: The soul, he cannot, but the earthly qualities, he can.

Comment: A person does not just seek to change DNA; he wants to make the “future person” better than himself.

My Response: This is not the way to do it! If I, say, make my son or grandson particularly talented in music, naturally he will develop in this area, apply himself, and get pleasure from it. He may even bring others pleasure. But will it make him happy?

Happiness, the most critical indicator of our quality of life, does not depend on creative success. I am talking about creative success, but not everyone can be a great musician, artist, etc. We also need masons; we need everyone.

Question: So what do we need?

Answer: We need happiness, that is all. A person should feel happy. He can feel happy once he understands why, for what, and how he exists, the world he lives in, and how he constantly transforms it and improves himself and the world. This brings him true happiness.

Happiness is achieved when you do positive things for others and when others do positive things for you. The exchange of correctly directed influences on each other brings us a sense of happiness.

There is no greater happiness than feeling like a baby in your mother’s arms. What a blessing! We see this feeling is given to us by nature.

This is how we should feel about being in human society, humanity, and in life, not having to worry about anything, being in the hands of a society that gives us such a feeling. There is neither life nor death, and nothing else matters, only a feeling of mutual happiness. I bring pleasure to my “mother,” and my “mother” enjoys me.

Question: An idyll. How can we achieve it in this dirty, terrible world?

Answer: To do so, we must educate and bring people to such a state. Treat each other like a mother toward a baby, and at the same time make them feel how everyone treats them like a mother treats a baby.

It is all in our hands; we just need to change the egoistic nature of man a little.

A person’s desire is not a consequence of genetics, but a consequence of his spiritual development. Nothing will help here, only the science of Kabbalah. It will give a person the opportunity to influence themselves, change themselves, and become, on the one hand like a kindhearted baby in the arms of nature and society, and on the other hand, it will give one the opportunity to organize society so that everyone is treated like by a mother.

Humanity will come to this. We must surely change our attitude toward ourselves, nature, and others—toward everything.

Question: When we intrude genetically, we operate on a future person from the outside. How can you add the idea from the outside that you need to develop internally, to develop your soul?

Answer: We must explain it; we need to explain how to achieve happiness to people. This is our task.

This is a very important work that should be starting to manifest in our time. Humanity has a demand for this because it does not see a way to achieve happiness, which is a universally correct, normal state where people do not think about what will happen to them the next moment; they just live happily, treat each other correctly, and create an atmosphere they feel good in.

This is not easy; it is achieved by working on one’s egoism, moreover, systematically and universally. Why should we not do it? At least, the years of life one imagines he is living would be pleasant.

Later he would begin to see that by taking part in the lives of others in this way, he transforms his life and lifts it into other dimensions. That is, suddenly, his sense of life is not determined by his body, but by his connection with others. And to be connected to others gives him a sense of eternity.

If this does not depend on my body, I lose the whole order of time and our earthly events, my sense of the world, and my earthly life. I exist in a state with no beginning or end, one measured by different parameters with greater connection between us, greater sense of freedom, elevated above the ego, connection with all people, and attainment of a common force called “the Creator.”

Everything is in us; everything is before us. Let us build such a world instead of today’s problematic one.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/20

Related Material:
International Day Of Happiness
Clever Or Freaks…
Designer Baby

What to Do if You Are Broken?

627.1Question: Tell me, please, if a person still feels broken, is on his knees, how can one rise from one’s knees?

Answer: Think, think about who I am, what I am, what I am for, who governs me, and what I am meant for.

And a person will see that all of this prepares him for correction, true correction, when he rises above his nature, and the Creator is waiting for him there.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/7/24

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 77

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 77

What Comes After the Correction of “Delighting in Mercy”?

“If a person overcomes and says that the bitter taste he finds in these nourishments are only because he does not have the proper Kelim to receive the abundance because his Kelim are to receive and not to bestow, and he is sorry that the upper had to hide himself, for which the lower one can slander, this is regarded as MAN that the lower one raises.” We work as is written, and receive strength.

“By this, the upper raises his AHP. ‘Raising’ means that the upper one can show the lower one the merit and the pleasure that exists in the Kelim of AHP that the upper one can reveal. Thus, from the perspective of the lower one, it follows that he raises the Galgalta Eynaim of the lower one, and by this itself, the lower one sees the merit of the upper one. It follows that the lower one ascends together with the AHP of the upper one.”

Related Material:
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 76
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 75
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 74

Contact With Rabash

961.2My teacher, Rabash, passed away in my arms. I did everything I could to keep him alive, but what is beyond our power is simply beyond our power.

We must help a person because we never truly know the final verdict concerning them. That is why we are obligated to make every effort to ease their life. But the moment they are gone, that is it.

After his passing, I shut myself away for several months, dedicating myself completely to the study of Kabbalah, cutting myself off from everyone except him. Though, to be honest, I was always only with him anyway.

I didn’t feel, and still don’t feel, a significant difference whether he is physically near me or not.
When I was a young student, it was very important for me to be physically close to him, to listen, to see, to ask questions, to feel my connection to him. It gave me a sense of security, a way forward, confidence in myself “at his expense,” so to speak.

But over time, I became more or less independent, relatively speaking, of course. Still, I have no illusions about the fact that even today, we are in contact. I feel it absolutely clearly, just as one can feel a close person nearby, perhaps in the next room or standing behind you.

The thing is, there’s an image you form inside yourself from his physical presence, impressions, and expressions toward you. And then, there is his spiritual presence in relation to you when you create his spiritual image. In this way, you remain connected.

Question: But when people say, “I’m still in contact with my teacher,” it immediately brings to mind an image of a ghost hovering around, whispering, “Tell him this… Let him do that…”

Answer: That’s all just human nonsense.

Your next level, where you connect with him, exists within you just like everything else.
You cannot connect with him unless you yourself rise to the level of souls, unless you reveal the collective soul from within your own point in the heart. In it, you feel all other souls, absolutely everything!

To what extent depends on your level, but you do begin to feel it, like a small child feeling the world around them. There is still some contact.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Death of Rabash…” 4/10/10

Related Material:
Spiritual Contact
The Successor of Rabash’s Work
A Teacher Who Is Always With You

Changes Are Needed

294.1Comment: It happens that we build the system in such a way that we interfere with each other.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. As long as we are egoists, we always interfere with each other. So we learn from this.

Comment: At the same time, you say that when everything works stably, it’s death.

My Response: It won’t be stable for us. Something will always arise. And if not, then I will try. How else can we do it? We need to feel that changes are needed.

Let’s say we’ve taken on the Internet now. It’s an entire system that we are building. Through this, we are laying the foundation for the society of the future.

Moreover, we want to create an interactive system online where everyone actively participates. You enter it as if stepping into an enchanted world with a joystick or some other device as if engaging in a game, in a shared space where millions of people can be present simultaneously.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Changes Are Needed” 4/17/10

Related Material:
A System that Emanates Goodness
Create an Adapter Between Us and Nature
The Internet Needs A New Direction

The Most Direct Path

294.1Question: I want to ask about thought and speech. How can a person keep themselves in check? Is it by restraining their impulses or by fully expressing even their negative traits? Let’s say someone wants to say something nasty to another person, either they say it or they do not?

Answer: The rule is very simple: strive toward the goal, and everything that arises along the way will unfold. Bad or good does not matter; the main thing is to keep moving toward the goal.

For example, you are driving along a road. There are potholes, uneven pavement, and some hills, but you must keep going toward your destination, always choosing the straightest, most direct path. And whatever you encounter along the way is given to you by the Creator to shape you in some way.

That is why on the spiritual path you must be grateful equally for both the bad and the good. Equally! This is the test for a person. Let’s say today you “got hit on the head,” but yesterday everything was wonderful. Yet, in your heart, you feel the same. Absolutely the same! That means you are already moving straight ahead.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Correcting evil into good” 6/17/10

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The Main Thing: Yearning For The Goal
The Purpose Of Life – The Core Of All
Life Was Given In Order To Attain The Creator