Articles on current events, culture, popular science, relationships and more, presented from the unique perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah

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The Land of Israel Will Be Ours

933As the holiday season and the start of the new year approach, a question arises: “How should we best prepare for it?”

I believe that all the people of Israel living in this land understand the unique situation we are going through. It demands unity and solidarity from us as well as the strength to withstand our enemies who surround us from all sides. We must be prepared for this and confident that if we act in this way, we will succeed.

Everything depends on us. If we desire it, the land of Israel will be ours. These two states—our breakthrough into the spiritual world and our physical resistance to the enemies of the people of Israel are interconnected and are drawing closer together.

The more prepared we are for spiritual revelation, the more likely we are to secure the physical land of Israel. One influences the other. This connection is very positive and clear and is becoming more evident with each passing day as we can see in the recent series of successful military operations.

Baal HaSulam explains in detail in the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” the connection between internality and externality. Therefore, the more unity and solidarity we have, the more success we will achieve in the corporeal realm. This is a very favorable situation, and the most important thing is not to miss this opportunity, not to show weakness toward our enemies, or hostility toward one another.

If we establish open, heartfelt relationships filled with love and unity among us, we can conquer the entire world through the force of good. Forces of kindness, unity, and togetherness will emanate from us, and the world will gladly accept and use them. This is a very favorable time for such a transformation.

The correction that we have been unable to achieve for thousands of years is now possible. Let’s hope, with God’s help, that we succeed.

What is this opportunity that is opening now that was not available before? Previously we did not have such a dedicated and tangible form of connection that determines both our current existence and our future. But now we can rise, and with our unique force we can compel nature, the Creator, to bring us to the pinnacle of existence.

We just need to desire for this to happen and bring order to our relationships as they should be: between individuals, between tens, between men’s and women’s groups, and between children as much as possible. The strengthening of the unity we achieve between us will inevitably change reality. The entire people of Israel united around our group will implement this connection in practice.

We must become the center of unity, not for the sake of being central, but for the sake of the connection itself. Everyone will be ready to give all their light for this. To break through into spirituality, each person must have only one thought—how to fill their friend’s heart. Entering a friend’s heart means conquering the land of Israel. In this way, we will achieve complete correction. After all, a friend’s heart for me is the land of Israel.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/1/24, “Questions and Answers about the Spiritual Path”

Unification Is a Spiritual Action

938.07Question: What is the connection of the ten? Is it a process or an achievable result?

Answer: Connection is the only spiritual action. We can unite in tens, hundreds, or thousands, depending on the scale we are satisfied with.

It is a process of ascending the degrees of the spiritual ladder where we feel a constant elevation and revelation at each step of our connection with the Creator.

Question: Is our task before the congress is to reach some minimal degree of connection?

Answer: How it turns out depends on you.

Question: When will this happen? What do we need to go through and feel? How many hearts must be opened to achieve even a minimal result?

Answer: You can open your collective heart today; there are no limitations. As much as you desire, that much you will ascend in the qualities of bestowal, love, and connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Point in the Heart”

Related Material:
The Correct Connection
Attack on Connection
What Is Unification?

Descent in Spiritual Work

549.01Question: How do you distinguish a descent from an ordinary bad mood?

Answer: An ordinary bad mood can happen, for example, if your child broke your favorite cup or you are having trouble at work. These also have their causes, but they are not directly related to your spiritual state.

In spiritual work, an descent is when the significance of spirituality diminishes in your eyes.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/28/20, “Questions from World Kli

Related Material:
A Descent or a Bad Mood?
The Difference Between Depression And Spiritual Descent
Descent – Ascent

A Sip of Coffee for the Sake of a Friend

549.02Question: How can we drink coffee for the sake of bestowal when we are sitting in a lesson?

Answer: As you take a sip of coffee think that by doing so, you are passing on all the enjoyment you receive from that sip to your friend.

If you connect to your friend with your Kli (vessel), then everything you receive in that Kli is also received by your friend. Therefore, you direct your intention toward your friend.

In this process, the Creator serves as the source that fills both of you. By receiving from Him, you bring Him contentment.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to the Study of the Ten Sefirot

Related Material:
For the Sake of Friends
What Can Bring Contentment to the Creator?
A Cup Of Coffee Or How To Give Pleasure To The Creator

The Power of Annulment

528.03If his friend is number one, and the zero follows it, it is considered that one receives from his friend ten (10) times more. And if he says that he is double zero compared to his friend, he receives from his friend a hundred (100) times more (Rabash, Articles, 7, “According to What Is Explained Concerning “Love Thy Friend as Thyself”).

Question: There is a power of annulment in front of a friend by one zero and a power of annulment in front of a friend by two zeros. What is the difference in the power of annulment?

Answer: For each person there are different criteria in accordance with the root of his soul. Therefore, I cannot say what the power of your property of bestowal and love should be so that you can rise to the first level, to the second, to the third one.

A person who does not possess these properties cannot try them on for himself. You should understand that you will attain all this as a result of continuous work among yourselves in the ten when you try to treat your friends as it is written in the primary sources, and your friends will treat you in exactly the same way.

It is precisely with this technique that you will begin to master the spiritual levels, understand what is on them, and rise quickly.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/11/24, Writings of Rabash “According to What Is Explained Concerning “Love Thy Friend as Thyself”

Related Material:
Annulment Is The Condition For Revelation Of The Creator
Spirituality Begins With Annulment
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path

Connecting All the Parts of Adam’s Soul

947Question: How can we work only on the part of Adam’s soul that is in us?

Answer: Each of us receives a portion of the part of Adam HaRishon that is in us that we have already corrected. What is still uncorrected is also within us. This is what we are doing.

The most important thing for us is to come together, both men and women, as one common whole. Through this, we can begin to feel the piece of Adam within us.

Question: How can we not miss the opportunity at this convention to connect all the parts into one soul?

Answer: This is what we are doing. It is not a matter of ordinary human interaction. We must come close to one another in our senses and realize that through our feelings we can connect to such a degree that we feel our source, the source from which we descended. Through this, each will correct their individual and our collective soul, which will allow us to feel the upper world more and more.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/24, “Growing Stronger in the Ten”

Related Material:
Gather All the Broken Pieces
The Light Of The Soul Breaking Through The Fence Of The Ego
Collect The Parts Of The Common Soul

Questions about Spiritual Work—178

632.3Question: How can we understand that we are progressing on the path of connection? Could it be that what is happening to us is just a game of egoism?

Answer: If, from time to time, we ask the Creator for help in rising above egoism and something is accomplished, it means we are moving forward.

Question: How can we attain faith above reason like you and our great teachers? What should we do to achieve this?

Answer: This comes with time and is contrary to what you desire. It will all come.

Question: What does “a moment of holiness” or “being in a moment of holiness” mean?

Answer: It is a connection with the Creator. The Creator is holy, meaning He exists only in the desire to bestow. Therefore, those who have such a desire or are approaching it are called holy.

From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Things that Come from the Heart”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—177
Questions about Spiritual Work—176
Questions about Spiritual Work—175

How Can You Achieve the State of One Unified Soul?

942Question: How can one achieve the state of one united soul?

Answer: This is our task. Therefore, the most important commandment given to us from above is to love your neighbor as yourself. Then you will feel your connection with everyone else. And to the extent that you unite with others, the light of the Creator will shine in you more and more.

Question: By constantly connecting with the field of unity, how can one avoid falling into the material world?

Answer: It is possible that you will not be able to hold on. Most likely, you will experience multiple descents. But at the same time, you will ask for the strength to rise and unite again. And this is how you will continually correct yourself.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/24, “Growing Stronger in the Ten”

Related Material:
Feel the Common Soul
Attain the Common Soul
The Light Of The Soul Breaking Through The Fence Of The Ego

The Creator Knows What Is in Your Heart

527.02Question: What is the part of a prayer when we say: “The Creator is great, merciful, and mighty”? We know that prayer consists of gratitude and requests. That seems more like praise.

Answer: But that is what is in your heart. You feel and say these words based on what you are feeling.

Question: Can praise help when someone is in a state of descent and cannot move forward?

Answer: No that would be a lie. It is impossible to lie to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/14/24, “Continuing the Congress With an Ascent”

Related Material:
Praise the Creator
The Essence of Gratitude to the Creator
True Gratitude For The Creator

Balance the “Day of the Creator” and th “Night of the Creator”

207This is what it means that one must engage in Torah day and night, that the night and the day should be equal for him, as written in The Zohar (BeShalach). In other words, the state of completeness called “day,” and the state of incompleteness called “night,” should be equal (Rabash, Assorted Notes, 300, “A Land Where You Will Eat Bread Without Scarcity”).

Question: If a person has the desire to pray and give thanks, it is called the day of the Creator, and if there is no desire, it is called the night of the Creator. In what way can they be equal?

Answer: In the fact that for a person both desires should be equally important because both conditions come from the Creator, and one must relate to both states equally. Day is when the Creator shines, and night when He is concealed from you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/15/24, “Continuing the Congress With an Ascent”

Related Material:
Turn Night into Day
The Day Of The Lord And The Night Of The Lord
About Light And Darkness

The Cure for Egoism

938.01Recognition of evil is a state where you cannot stand your egoistic nature and are ready to do anything to get rid of it.

However, this is not your entire ego; it is only the part that is currently revealed. Still, its recognition awakens a deep hatred toward it.

If you feel you are evil, understand how you genuinely relate to others, the world, people, and ultimately to the Creator, and desire to rise above your egoistic problems. This is the essence of healing from egoism.

Question: Is complete annulment before the friends and the Rav a cure for the evil inclination?

Answer: Not entirely, you must feel your illness and realize that you want to get rid of it. For this, you need to change your attitude toward your friends and the Creator from negative to positive. Then everything will be corrected, and you will feel how the world changes.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/30/24, Writings of Rabash “A Cure before the Blow”

Related Material:
Healing Something With Something That Resembles It
Congenital Disease: Hatred Of Friends
The Doctor That Cures You Of Egoism

Congress: A Desire to Build a Temple

945Question: Will we create a Temple for the light of the Creator to enter at the Congress?

Answer: Yes, this is what we want. It is why we gather—to create a unified desire between us in which there will be no transition from one to the other, but everything will be one.

Then in this unified desire, the Creator can be revealed. This is what we need.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/9/24, Writings of Rabash “The Point in the Heart”

Related Material:
The Goal of the Convention
Give Oneself to the Common Desire
A Fateful Decision

Above Life and Death

712.03Question: You described negative phenomena that we will reveal in the future due to lack of unification. But I have a feeling of trust, a kind of calmness. Is it because I am in this community or is it because we are such egoists that we do not care about the whole world?

Answer: No, we are simply acquiring connection with the upper force that is leading us forward. We understand that nothing could be worse than breaking this connection. Whatever happens, I am connected to it. This is the most important. It is above life and death.

Soon you will feel that you have gotten rid of this part of your life, and then what?

Meaning, you will not feel a great loss in the fact that the body will die. You will have such a point—not just a point—it will already contain a Kli, it will have its own life, and you will begin to identify yourself with it and not with the body.

Naturally you will stop looking at life the way other people do. This will come to you very quickly. I think many already have that feeling.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/28/20, “Questions from World Kli

Related Material:
Life Outside the Body
Rise Above The Body
Life Beyond The Boundaries Of Birth And Death, Part 2

A Corrected Ten

938.04Question: What ensures that a ten in mutual integration can carry out the work that the Creator expects from them?

Answer: A corrected ten is one that operates as a single entity. In it, each person fulfills their role, supports one another, and helps everyone reach their maximum capacity to integrate with each other.

This ten is constantly in a state of asking the Creator to give them more light for growth. By absorbing this light, they grow and draw closer to the Creator.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/16/24, “Continuing the Congress With an Ascent”

Related Material:
The Ten Is A Standard Spiritual Vessel
The Transformation Of The Point Into A Spiritual Partzuf
The Common Point In The Heart

Questions about Spiritual Work—177

276.04For even a thief in hiding calls on the Creator. For this reason, it does not require Mochin de Gadlut to keep the branch from cutting from its root (Baal HaSulam, Letters, 18).

Question: What does this mean?

Answer: It means that even “a thief in hiding calls on the Creator,” thus, there is no need for the upper light to guard him so that he does not disconnect from the Creator.

Question: Religious people are born with the name of the Creator and live with it. How can I come to a state where there is none else besides Him and I begin to love without knowing who, just as they revere Him?

Answer: The thing is, there is a big difference between your path and theirs. The Creator Himself gradually brings you to Him and pulls you toward Him.

Question: How can I attract the force of overcoming and work only for the sake of the Creator?

Answer: You need to ask to be able to change what descends upon you from above through your desire.

Question: If I ask, while in Lo Lishma, about what will come of my work and I do it with the intention of annulling myself, is there room for a personal request here?

Answer: There is almost never room for a personal request. You can have a personal one only after you rise to the level of a common request.

Question: To reach the first spiritual degree, do we need to awaken a certain number of souls? How will this happen?

Answer: It will happen through the correction of those who have already been awakened.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/15/24, “Continuing the Congress With an Ascent”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—176
Questions about Spiritual Work—175
Questions about Spiritual Work—174

Convention: At the Finish Line

936Question: We are at the finish line coming to the convention. Tens are working to their limit if I can put it that way. What is more important at this point: to connect strongly or to ask the Creator to connect us?

Answer: When do you think you will be able to achieve connection?

Comment: When we ask Him together.

My Response: That is exactly what needs to be done.

Comment: So it is essentially one action made up of two parts. Our goal is to connect, but we cannot do it on our own, so a prayer to Him arises.

My Response: Yes, you do so every day until you see that you are connected.

Question: Will the Creator let us know?

Answer: Of course.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/24, “Growing Stronger in the Ten”

Related Material:
Before a Convention
Feel an Ascent at the Convention
How To Succeed at The Convention

How Can We Receive the Force of the Creator at a Convention?

940For this reason, at the time of the giving of the Torah, when they had no doubt that this was the voice of the Creator, it is called “seeing,” as it is written, “I and you shall have no [other Gods], we heard from the mouth of the Creator” (Rabash, Assorted Notes, 940, “The Point in the Heart”).

Gevura is the force of the Creator with which He influences us so that we receive strength from Him and can become bestowers.

This is an anti-egoistic force because the Creator is 100% anti-egoist. If we receive a little of this force from Him, we will also become anti-egoists to some extent, and to this extent we will be able to feel the upper world, the Creator, everything: infinity, eternity, perfection. Everything that is impossible to attain in egoism.

Question: At what point do we receive this force and begin to feel it?

Answer: Every day you advance a little. But for now, you do not feel it, like a newborn child who is growing but does not know that he is growing and only afterward begins to realize it more and more.

Question: How can we receive this force now at the congress? I really want to enter these sensations.

Answer: I understand you, but it is not easy. You must be so devoted to your friends so that the connection with them, and through them the connection with the Creator, becomes the most important thing in your life. You must take care that they succeed. Here you will have to open your heart and knead it a little to make it softer.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/9/24, Rabash, Assorted Notes, 940, “The Point in the Heart”

Related Material:
Enter the Common Heart
How Can We Attract the Force of the Creator
Everything Starts From the Connection of the Hearts

After the Congress

572.02While he was imparted the desire and thought to at least occasionally do holy work, even in the simplest possible way, if one can appreciate the importance of this, according to the importance one attributes to the holy work, to that extent he should give praise and thanks for it (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 26, “One’s Future Depends and Is Tied to Gratitude for the Past”).

Question: It seemed to me that the convention was conducted on a much lighter note compared to previous ones. It felt like we didn’t exert ourselves as much; there weren’t deep clarifications during the lessons, although from the first moments, a pressure from above was felt.

After the convention, a dense cloud of pleasure descended upon us. It’s unclear whether we deserved it or if it’s an advance that still needs to be earned.

Answer: No, you don’t need to “earn” it; you deserved it. You made a great effort to come, and it wasn’t easy to physically get here. Therefore, all of this was well earned by you.

I am confident that we will begin to better understand our mutual connection and ascend higher and higher on the rungs of the ladder leading upward.

Question: In fact, I want to express deep gratitude for such a powerful convention. Can this gratitude be strengthened by analyzing everything we’ve gone through, or does it come naturally through feelings?

Answer: I believe it is gratitude for the past, present, and future. Baal HaSulam writes that a person says to the Creator, “I thank You for all Your mercy toward me,” meaning for the past. And thanks to this, they can immediately say with confidence, “And for all that You will do for me in the future!”

In other words, a person is grateful to the Creator for everything He has done for them in the past, and for everything He will continue to do from this moment onward. There is no doubt that we will feel the Creator’s benevolent attitude toward us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/14/24, “Continuing the Congress with an Ascent”

Related Material:
Impressions From The 2020 Israel Convention
Gratitude Divided in Parts
True Gratitude For The Creator

Questions about Spiritual Work—176

231.01Question: What is this simultaneous state of merging, love of friends, and love for the Creator, and how do we properly realize this state?

Answer: The correct realization is when we truly connect to achieve love for the Creator and merge with Him. But this is impossible without first uniting among ourselves.

Question: What does it mean that each friend has the potential for love of the Creator?

Answer: They know they must come to love the Creator, which is only possible through love for friends. Therefore, they have come to learn how to achieve this.

Question: When my failure to love my friends was revealed, but I did not have time to pour out my heart to the Creator and I feel shame and resentment toward my actions, is that not enough? Do I need to repent and fix everything in prayer? Or is understanding based on our sources, like Rabash writes that I am guilty, enough?

Answer: That is not enough. You must realize your opposition to the Creator. Only then can you ask Him to correct you. And afterward you will begin to make efforts to gradually manifest the Creator’s qualities within you.

Question: When we are practically in the greatness of the Creator, where should we direct this strength?Should it be to individual work, self-correction, greater love of friends, or greater love for the world?

Answer: Direct it where your heart leads.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/10/24, “The Ten as an Environment for Spiritual Development for Everyone”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—175
Questions about Spiritual Work—174
Questions about Spiritual Work—173

Turn the Point in the Heart into a Screen

528.03Question: For a Kabbalist, what is the magnetic field that helps the point in the heart and egoism to exist?

Answer: Our heart is an organ that attracts everything it likes and rejects everything it dislikes. We must place a screen before our heart and engage not with what pleases us, but with what can destroy our egoism and connect us with the Creator. In other words, we must connect with our friends through our heart, and in this way, we will draw closer to this.

Question: How does the point in the heart turn into a screen (Masach)?

Answer: It happens under the influence of the upper light. If, in unity and prayer, you turn to the Creator, you will attract the reforming light (the light that returns to the source), and it will begin to correct you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/9/24, Rabash, Assosrted Notes, 940, “The Point in the Heart”

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Rising Above The Universe
The Law Of Life In Society Of The Future
Restoring The Broken Screen