Series of lessons on the topic: undefined

05 marzo - 05 aprile 2023

Lesson 1222 mar 2023

Lesson on the topic of "Connecting the World in the Last Generation"

Lesson 12|22 mar 2023
To all the lessons of the collection: Connecting the World in the Last Generation

Part 2:

Connecting the World in the Last Generation - Selected Excerpts from the Sources. #16

Reading Item #16. Twice. (00:11)

1. S. (02:25) It says, the collective will be revealed only after the revelation of all the details according to the quantity and quality of the parts in everything depending on the smallest detail from the smallest to the largest?

R. It all depends on the extent that each one reaches correction and that correction is connected and then we reach the final correction.

S. H writes that the value of an act elevates or declines the collective.

R. Yes.

S. I want to ask about the ten, if someone in the ten makes some trouble he doesn't wake up in the morning and doesn't show up to the lesson, does not participate, does it cause harm to the entire ten?

R. Yes, of course it does. But it depends on the height of the ten; for a beginner ten, it doesn't matter and later on it becomes more and more important as the ten grows.

S. If there are those who continue to miss lessons and they don't have trouble, they just live like that. What should we do with such a ten?

R. If they're not there they're making the least disturbance possible.

S. So to leave them in the ten?

R. Let them know that, eventually we'll remove them and will add different friends.

S. Just cut them off like that?

R. Yes, what can you do if they don't want to join?

S. I'm not talking about my ten generally speaking, a friend is not coming to the ten or he's not participating in the ten or he turns off the camera?

R. If he doesn't come if he's not participating in the ten, his spot is vacant.

S. Just like that, to tell him to leave a ten?

R. I told you.

S. It's a problem to throw a friend out of the ten.

R. It's not considered throwing him out; he has already left.

S. But he comes to morning lessons, not every day he comes every week one time yes one time no, sometimes we see him sometime no?

R. There's no such a thing, if he enters the ten it means that he signs and comes daily to the lesson.

S. Just like that?

R. Just like that, that's how it was with Rabash.

2. S. (05:17) This message is designated to Kabbalists or to all people?

R. This is only regarding Kabbalists.

3. S. (05:30) If the intention allows us to overcome, how can we attain collectively the correct intention for the Creator?

R. During the lesson, that is the main thing; that if you connect together as one man and you listen to the lesson from the Creator through the teacher through the friends and that is all connect you together to one Kli.

Reading excerpt #17. Twice. (06:16)

4. S. (07:27) It says here that every person I guess they mean Kabbalists, should aim himself daily that the whole world was created for me. It is such a big responsibility that your house is on fire, can the person even contain it? How do we come to this?

R. The Creator gives the opportunity, the desire, He gives the chance to hold on to something like that, everything comes from above. We can't receive from anywhere else; as we were created, developed, that is how we will receive everything onwards from the Creator, only the desire to receive that is what we need to extract from our relationships.

S. There is this description in one of the articles of the house is on fire and we have to come to the lesson, the level of responsibility and the relationship between us?

R. It will grow one day. Now I'm not even thinking about it, I can't compare these two things.

5. S. (08:56) Is this excerpt talking about advanced Kabbalists because I don't feel at all that I am in the stage of caring about the world. I can only think about my ten right now?

R. That's enough. If you will think only of your ten I guarantee complete correction. Okay?

Reading excerpt #18. Twice. (09:35)

6. S. (11:13) This is interesting that you should work not more than the measure of necessity. But you say that in the past, there were Kabbalists that were very rich and it didn't interfere with their work. So how does one determine that measure?

R. It was different times, different demands. It was 3,000 years ago, so we can't really talk about it.

S. Should a person hold himself back from doing more than the level of necessity?

R. Definitely, but it has a specific law. But It is not for us, we need to live as such so that we have maximum time to do our spiritual work.

S. What does it mean to save the oppressed?

R. There are such people who are depressed by their corporeal material state, their financial state, or health, and you need to help them.

7. S. (12:44) Question about the previous excerpt. It says, that I have to fulfill the need and desire of the world. How can I scrutinize and do it?

R. It's not for now, it's not for us now. We are talking about our state and later we will continue and talk about different degrees of connection.

Reading excerpt # 19. Twice. (13:18)

8. R. (15:12) We need egoism, but only to the extent that it enables us to exist but our existence will be for the benefit of the others. That is why egoism is required for a person's necessity to care for the others. okay? All right, I think we're done, we will continue tomorrow.