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Rav Laitman's Blog

18 ינו׳ 2025 17:53 -

504Comment: In the high-tech sector, 58% of workers suffer from impostor syndrome. Researchers state they surveyed numerous IT companies, and 58% of the nearly 10,500 respondents said they experience this syndrome.

They feel like frauds, even after working in the same position for 14 years. They believe the job is beyond their capabilities and that their promotions are undeserved.

My Response: In general this is a good thing. It should put pressure on a person and push him toward self-improvement. After all, what drives a person forward if not the feeling that there is room to grow and that he is unworthy of his position?

They feel that there is still a lot of work ahead that requires continuous learning, acquiring additional skills, and gaining more knowledge. What is wrong with that?

On the other hand, it is important to ensure that they simultaneously develop confidence in their ability to overcome their insecurity, but not in a way that fills them with excessive complacency, rather, in a way that fosters continual growth. This is commendable.

In the science of Kabbalah, this is a constant state. I cannot imagine ever being completely satisfied; that would be something animalistic.

Question: What is the concept of the impostor syndrome in Kabbalah?

Answer: In truth, I feel that in this world we are all to some extent impostors. We have received our desires and aspirations for a perfect state as a kind of gift, an advance that we must work to repay. I always feel this way, as do my students and teachers.

Question: What does it mean to repay it?

Answer: To repay means that I must reach a state where I genuinely align with it. That would be my complete correction.

Question: How can one use this feeling correctly without falling into self-doubt?

Answer: Progress must be made along three lines: the right, the left, and the middle. On one side there should be no arrogance; on the other there must be a thorough assessment and acknowledgment of one’s inadequacies.

And based on these two lines, the middle line emerges, where we move forward on the realization of the previous two. And we always see a goal ahead where these two approaches converge. I feel both perfect and imperfect, and their union pulls me forward.

Kabbalah explains how this works; it is an entire system. Without it, it is impossible to move forward correctly. Perhaps that is why people struggle to find new solutions. But Kabbalah offers guidance.

This process leads to an interesting expansion of consciousness. When you follow the middle line, your consciousness expands. You move forward, and even outpace the tasks set before you.

You foresee both the challenges and their solutions. You pull them along with you, rather than being overwhelmed by them. Instead of struggling to keep up, you find that the work chases after you while you move ahead.

This must be learned. Those who are interested will join us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/19/18

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Right And Left Lines
Rising Above Consciousness
In Harmony Between Two Lines

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18 ינו׳ 2025 17:44 -

938.01Question: The state of connection with the Creator is a wonderful state. Can we share it with friends, and how can this affect our progress?

Answer: We can constantly move toward a greater revelation of the Creator. This is the main commandment, the main attainment of our existence.

When we do so, we will also strive to share our impressions that we start to attain from nature.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/10/25, “Obtaining Contact with the Creator”

Related Material:
Is it Beneficial to Share Your Personal Feelings?
Everyone Has Their Own Creator
How Do We Feel The Creator’s Revelation?

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18 ינו׳ 2025 17:36 -

938.02Question: You said that the Creator has to be revealed to all of creation through yourself. What does “through yourself” mean? How can this even be implemented?

Answer: Through love you connect with other creations, and what you reveal in the Creator, you want to pass through yourself to all creations.

This creates a connection between all creations through you. In this way you correct the entire creation, help the Creator, and become His partner.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/10/25, “Obtaining Contact with the Creator”

Related Material:
Representative Of All Created Beings
The Creator Truly Wants To Reveal Himself To Us
You Correct the Entire Creation!

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18 ינו׳ 2025 17:19 -

43When the measure of labor is complete, it is the time of prayer, but until then, believe in our sages: “I did not labor and found, do not believe.”

When the measure is full, your prayer will be complete and the Creator will grant generously, as our sages instructed us, “I labored and found, believe,” for one is unfit for a prayer prior to this, and the Creator hears a prayer (Baal HaSulam, Letter 57).

This entire world, all the upper worlds, all their degrees descending from above downward, and all our work in this world are designed to lead us to a request, a cry, a prayer, a plea to the light, to the Creator asking Him to perform our correction. Our task is only to reveal the need for this correction, and in this there will be no concessions.

The need for correction consists of several components. First one must understand precisely what is corrupted and what kind of correction is necessary. Then one must realize that they are incapable of performing this correction on their own and that only the Creator can accomplish it. However, the Creator will act only if one genuinely feels the need for this correction and demands help from Him.

Thus, this cry encompasses many elements. Only through specific work and persistent efforts, carried out according to the advice of the Kabbalists, through long, arduous, and exhausting efforts, do we come to attain this fundamental concept that underpins everything. It is called “prayer,” the first request and initial contact with the Creator.

Everything is arranged in such a way that we have no task other than to prepare ourselves for this prayer. The upper light governs all, while we, as creations, are only capable of revealing within ourselves the need for correction. Therefore, the person, the study, the group, all our actions, and the entire world that seemingly surrounds us, all of these exist to help form the correct request from creation to the Creator, a request to which the light must respond.

It is said that “the cow wants to nurse more than the calf wants to suckle.” Nonetheless, according to the order of the degrees, this desire from above cannot act until there is a preceding desire from below. Therefore it is we who activate the upper light and draw its influence toward us, so we have no room for complaints.

Do not claim that you are already crying out and praying. It is a misunderstanding to think you can pray before the prayer has been born and formed as a result of your efforts. One must internalize many concepts to develop the desire capable of awakening the light.

After all, this is not simply a prayer read from a prayer book that dictates where one should weep and where one should rejoice. We must achieve a prayer that emerges from the depths of the heart. The work within the heart is what is called true prayer.

Thus, nothing will help except to apply efforts in accordance with the advice of our teachers. In this way we will shape the correct need within ourselves through the surrounding light. With every action we awaken small illuminations that gradually construct our desire and bring it to a state where it becomes suitable for correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Letter 57

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The Apparent Dead End Is An Exit Upward
Despair And Confidence: The Components Of A Prayer
In Anticipation Of The First Face-To-Face Meeting

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