1. Atzilut is Private Providence
2. The Striking of Thoughts upon Man
3. Against Your Will – 1
4. If There Is a Virgin Maiden
5. The Meaning of Sins Becoming as Merits
6. A Gentile Who Observes the Sabbath Must Die
7. The Correction of Lines
8. This Is the Path of Torah – 1
9. A Hedge for Wisdom – Silence - 1
10. For He Whom the Lord Loves He Admonishes - 1
11. The Fear of You and the Dread of You Shall Be upon All the Animals of the Earth - 1
12. The Whole World Is Nourished by My Son Hanina – 1
13. A Hand on the Throne of the Lord – 1
14. Thus You Shall Say to the House of Jacob
15. Ordinances
16. The Numbered Things of the Tabernacle – 1
17. Concerning the Shechina [Divinity]
18. The Garments of the Soul - 1
19. Beginning to Speak from the Connection with the Creator
20. Concerning the Will to Receive - 1
21. Sanctification of the Month
22. And You, Israel
23. Behold, I Am Setting Before You
24. The Main Thing We Need
25. The Summoning for the Blessing on the Food
26. Who Will Not Lift Up the Face
27. Three Lines – 1
28. The Earth Feared and Was Still
29. The Creator Observed Their Works
30. Turn Away from Evil and Do Good – 1
31. How I Love Your Teaching
32. Man’s Greatness Is According to His Work
33. What Is Amalek, Whose Memory We Must Blot Out
34. TANTA [Taamim, Nekudot, Tagin, Otiot]
35. Find Favor and a Good Mind
36. Who Hears a Prayer
37. Fish Means Worries
38. The Blessing of the Torah
39. Anyone with Whom the Spirit of the People Is Pleased – 1
40. Concerning Two Witnesses
41. Raising the Hands
42. Serve the Creator with Joy
43. The Discernments of “Woman” and “Sons” in the Torah
44. Ruin by Elders—Construction; Construction by Youths—Ruin
45. Sons of Wise Disciples
46. This Moment and the Next Moment
47. Worse than Everyone
48. Right, Wholeness, and Truth
49. Our Faith in Books and Authors
50. Man’s Sensation of Time
51. The State of Shabbat [Sabbath]
52. God Made It so that He Would Be Feared
53. The Voice, the Voice of Jacob, but the Hands, the Hands of Esau
54. Everlasting Salvation
55. Delight Them with a Complete Structure – 1
56. Questions in the Work
57. A Kli [vessel] that Holds a Blessing
58. Ani [I] and Ein [nothing/null]
59. Anyone Who Is Angry, It Is as though He Commits Idol-Worship
60. A Request for Help
61. Right and Left
62. Reward and Punishment
63. You Stand Here Today – 1
64. All Is Done by His Word
65. Turn Away from Evil and Do Good – 2
66. Woe unto You Who Await the Day of the Lord
67. What Is Truth?
68. The Order of the Work
69. The Reward for Work in Spirituality
70. The Difference between Kedusha [holiness] and Sitra Achra [other side]
71. The Meaning of Exile
72. Concealed and Revealed in His Providence
73. Flavors of Torah
74. Father and Mother
75. The Work of the Greatest in the Nation
76. The Works Go Up
77. Greeks Have Gathered Around Me
78. The War of the Inclination
79. What Is Handsome In the Work?
80. Man’s Receptions
81. Against Your Will You Live; Against Your Will You Die
82. A Horse to Ride On
83. A Prayer for Life and Nourishments
84. Touching the Tefillin [phylacteries]
85. Observing Torah Only in the Land of Israel
86. The Degree of “Wicked”
87. Jerusalem
88. The War Against Amalek
89. Joy and Fear
90. The Difference between Money and Honor
91. All Bitter Herb [Maror]
92. Old and New
93. A King Who Breaks through a Fence
94. A Groom Is Akin to a King
95. The Kingdom of Heaven Begins with Hesed
96. Affliction Precedes Mercy
97. The Torah Must Be Received with Both Hands
98. Midnight Correction
99. Wholeness and Deficiency – 1
100. Faith and Reason
101. Faith Above Reason
102. Good Deeds Are Called Sons
103. The Unification of ZON
104. The Prohibition to Teach a Gentile Torah
105. Blessed Is Our God, Who Has Created Us for His Glory
106. The Ruin of Kedusha [Holiness]
107. And Golan in the Bashan
108. Man Determines
109. The Reason Why People Go to the Graves of the Patriarchs
110. The Path of Torah
111. Nothing New Under the Sun
112. Returning a Theft
113. The Old Man Looks for Fear of Heaven
114. Three Partners
115. The Meaning of “Torah Lishma [for Her sake]”
116. Who Are the Wicked?
117. The Light in It Reforms Him
118. Except for “Leave!”
119. From Lo Lishma to Lishma
120. Joy that Comes from Dancing
121. Two Forces within Man
122. Being Rewarded with Life
123. Without Hands and Without Legs
124. To Serve Me
125. Definitions – 1
126. Visiting the Sick
127. Happy Is He
128. Exalt the Lord Our God
129. Knowledge and Faith
130. The Testimony of the Creator
131. See a Life with a Woman that You Love
132. Upper and Lower
133. It Is All Corrections
134. Repentance Does Not Help in GAR
135. Righteous Take by Force
136. The Tying of Isaac
137. The Lack Is the Kli [Vessel]
138. A Near Road and a Faraway Road
139. A Foot and a Shoe
140. The Difference between Envy and Lust
141. The Spirit of the Wise Is Displeased with Him
142. The Sorrow of the Shechina [Divinity] – 1
143. The Need for Recognition of Evil
144. Revealed and Concealed
145. Passion for Knowledge
146. Suffering and Joy
147. The Line of the Work
148. Faith Is Called “Action”
149. “Land” Is the Kingdom of Heaven
150. A Knife for Slaughter
151. The Desire to Bestow – 1
152. Walk Discreetly
153. Torah with the Manner of the Land
154. Sitting in Corners
155. You Have Chosen Us – 1
156. Sanctification of the Moon
157. What Comes First—the Blessing or the Peace?
158. According to the Sorrow Is the Reward
159. The Need and Importance of Teaching Faith
160. And All the People Stand Over You
161. Awakening – 1
162. Love of Others
163. Colors in the Work
164. What to Ask of the Creator—to Be His Servant
165. The Matter of Keeping
166. Which Repentance Helps?
167. Strict with Himself and Blesses
168. Blessed Is the Man Who Puts His Trust in the Lord
169. The Meaning of the Bed
170. Faith Within Reason
171. How Good Are Your Tents, Jacob – 1
172. Man and the Torah
173. Tefillin
174. The Commandments Are from the Mouth of the Creator
175. Three Degrees of Man
176. Faith Is Regarded as Above Nature
177. The Fruit of Torah
178. Father Ejected Mother Because of Her Son
179. Ibur [Conception] – 1
180. King David Has No Life
181. The Quality of Adam HaRishon – 1
182. Heresy Is the Punishment
183. Work Is the Most Important
184. The Time of Wearing the Tefillin [Phylacteries]
185. Concerning Shekalim – 1
186. Return, Israel – 1
187. The Greatness of the Creator Is His Humbleness
188. Covering a Portion, Revealing Two Portions – 1
189. Concerning Learning the Wisdom of Kabbalah
190. The Place of Repentants
191. The Roles of Light of Wisdom
192. Foundations
193. The Meaning of the Second Restriction
194. Why Was David Punished?
195. The Association of the Quality of Judgment with Mercy
196. Devotion
197. Concerning Suffering – 1
198. Hochma and Hassadim
199. Oral Torah
200. Receiving Pleasure from Three Kelim [Vessels]
201. Raising MAN – 1
202. Concerning Fear
203. The Torah Is Acquired through Suffering
204. Two Kinds of Repentance
205. Action and Intention
206. Three Things in the World
207. For Your Crimes, Your Mother Was Sent Away
208. The Meaning of Dust
209. A Groom and a Bride
210. Man’s Actions
211. Man
212. A Palace
213. Darkness, Fire, and Shadow
214. He Who Robs His Father and His Mother
215. Having Guests – 1
216. Concerning Women
217. Run My Beloved
218. Israel Are the Sons of Kings
219. Seek Peace and Pursue It
220. Good Taste in Small, Corporeal Things
221. What Is Life?
222. Scrutinies in the Work
223. Entry into the Work
224. The Reason for the Faith
225. Names Are Given only According to the Lower One
226. The Ark Carries Its Carriers
227. In Katnut, Gevurot Appear First
228. Moses Is the Quality of Faith
229. She Opened Her Mouth with Wisdom
230. Am I In the Place of God?
231. Aza and Azael
232. Bribing the Sitra Achra
233. Concerning Yenika [suction/nursing]
234. Reality and the Existence of Reality
235. The Forms of the Light
236. The Whole Earth Is Full of His Glory
237. Mind and Heart
238. The Joy of the Groom and Bride
239. Widows
240. Discernments in States
241. When Wicked Are Lost, There Is Singing
242. As He is merciful, So You Are Merciful
243. Finding Grace
244. Repentance
245. The Help of the Creator
246. Concerning Shekalim – 2
247. He Who Is Meticulous about Turning His Gown
248. He Who Delights the Shabbat
249. I Will Sin and Repent
250. Anyone in Whom There Is Fear of Heaven – 1
251. Concerning the Minyan [Ten in the synagogue]
252. A Broken Heart – 1
253. Do Not Eat the Bread of an Evil-Eyed Man
254. Work Means Faith
255. Words of a Dead Man
256. The Light that Was Created on the First Day - 1
257. Idol Worship
258. Who Is Rich?
259. Building the Temple
260. Great Is He Who Is Commanded and Does
261. Hear, My Son, Your Father's Ethics – 1
262. We Have Forgotten the Good
263. The Merit of the Bride
264. Ascend in Degree, Choose a Bridesmaid
265. Inner Keys and Outer Keys
266. Anyone Who Is Settled in His Wine
267. Man Was Created in the Torah
268. One Learns Only Where One’s Heart Desires
269. One Does Not Toil Over a Meal and Misses It
270. Anyone with Whom the Spirit of the People Is Pleased - 2
271. Any Person Who Is Favored
272. Anyone Who Associates the Aim for the Creator with Another Thing
273. The Mightiest of the Mighty
274. Specifically through a Man and a Woman
275. I Wish They Left Me and Kept My Law
276. If a Human Being Has on the Skin of His Flesh
277. When One of the Members of the Group Dies
278. The Light Created on the First Day - 2
279. Why Israel Are Compared to an Olive Tree
280. This World and the Next World – 1
281. Be Mindful with a Minor Commandment as with a Major One – 1
282. Be Mindful with a Minor Commandment as with a Major One – 2
283. Be Mindful with a Minor Commandment as with a Major One – 3
284. I Have a Minor Mitzva [commandment], Whose Name Is Sukkah
285. A Person Builds a Building
286. Truth and Peace Loved
287. Turning His Ear from Hearing Torah
288. With Me, from Lebanon, Bride
289. The Creator Is Meticulous with the Righteous
290. A Righteous Shall Live by His Faith
291. Man and His Role
292. One Who Restrains Himself in Strife
293. Anyone Who Observes the Shabbat [Sabbath] Properly, Desecrates It
294. We Will Do and We Will Hear – 1
295. Anyone Who Sanctifies the Seventh – 1
296. The Core of Creation and the Correction of Creation
297. He Raises the Poor from the Dust, Lifts the Indigent from the Trash
298. Associating the Quality of Mercy with Judgment
299. Having a Clean Mind
300. A Land Where You Will Eat Bread Without Scarcity
301. The General Public and the Chosen Few
302. For the Lord Chose Jacob for Himself
303. Delight Them with a Complete Building – 2
304. Fear and Love
305. The Meaning of Evil
306. If the Rav Is Similar to an Angel of the Lord
307. You Have Not a Blade of Grass Below
308. You Have Chosen Us – 2
309. Concerning Walking in Secrecy
310. The Righteous Perishes and No One Notices
311. The Tree from which Adam HaRishon Ate Was Wheat
312. If You Go to War – 1
313. When the Lord Rejoices Over You
314. Smallness and Greatness
315. Three Souls
316. Adam HaRishon – 2
317. Faith – 1
318. Seeing and Hearing
319. Anyone Who Is Proud, It Is as though He Commits Idol-Worship
320. It Is Not the Shy Who Learns
321. Eating from the Waste
322. Concerning Choice
323. Discernments in a Spiritual Kli [vessel]
324. The Preparation Period
325. The Light of Hassadim on which There Was No Tzimtzum
326. Man’s Work
327. The Merit of Having Guests
328. Their Idols Are Silver and Gold, the Work of Man's Hands
329. Prayer
330. Lowliness
331. The Voice Is Good for Perfumes
332. Concerning Equivalence of Form
333. He Who Begins a Mitzva [Commandment]
334. The Difference between Charity and a Gift
335. A Messenger of the Public
336. He Who Cries over a Fitting Person
337. Happy Is the Man
338. A Cure before the Blow
339. Let the Earth Put Forth Grass
340. In the Beginning [God] Created
341. And the Lord Saw
342. Noah Was a Righteous Man
343. Gopher Wood
344. Go Forth
345. Anyone with Whom the Spirit of the Creator Is Pleased
346. Mind and Heart
347. Passed By Your Servant
348. When the Creator Loves a Person
349. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
350. The Lord Appeared to Him by the Oaks of Mamre
351. How to Draw Near Him
352. Until I Was Circumcised – 1
353. Abraham Arose
354. Abraham Gave All that He Had
355. He Who Has No Sons
356. A Son Makes the Father Worthy
357. Abraham Begot Isaac
358. And Isaac Was Forty Years Old
359. Isaac Sowed in That Land
360. I Did Not Find My Hands or Legs in the Seminary
361. Your Good Treasure
362. Jacob Saw that There Was Grain
363. Four Angels
364. All Who Are Violent, Prevail – 1
365. And Judah Approached Him – 1
366. Hard on Himself and Easy on Others
367. To Benjamin He Gave Three Hundred Pieces of Silver
368. And Behold, the Lord Stood Over Him
369. Joy While Learning Torah
370. The Way of the Land Preceded the Torah
371. A Ladder Set on the Earth
372. It Came to Pass as That Day
373. He Saw that He Could Not Prevail Over Him
374. He Touched the Hollow of His Thigh
375. Jacob Sent
376. Jacob Was Very Frightened
377. Better a Poor Child
378. Jacob Lived in the Land Where His Father Dwelled
379. Miracle and Choice
380. Anyone Who Sanctifies the Seventh – 2
381. The Lord Hears the Poor
382. When Pharaoh Sent the People
383. They Stood at the Foot of the Mountain
384. Observing Shabbat [Sabbath]
385. I Will Carry You on the Wings of Eagles
386. This Is the Day that the Lord Has Made
387. A Decent Judge and an Indecent Judge
388. These Are the Ordinances
389. Raise a Contribution for Me – 1
390. Coercion and Inversion
391. The Creator Did Not Try Job
392. A Hand on the Throne of the Lord – 2
393. Carrier of Iniquity
394. When You Count the Heads of the Children of Israel to Number Them
395. The Quality of “Still” and the Quality of “Vegetative”
396. Behold, the Lord Has Called the Name Bezalel
397. Take from Among You a Contribution to the Lord
398. The Numbered Things of the Tabernacle – 2
399. The Tabernacle of the Testimony
400. Half a Shekel – 1
401. Hear, O Israel
402. If a Woman Inseminates – 1
403. This Shall Be the Law of the Leper
404. And Say a Matter
405. When an Ox or a Sheep or a Goat Is Born
406. Six Days You Shall Work
407. If You Buy a Hebrew Slave
408. Count the Heads of the Whole Congregation of Israel
409. Concerning Suffering – 2
410. Self-Love and Love of the Creator
411. All Who Are Violent, Prevail – 2
412. The Vow of a Hermit, to Dedicate Himself to the Lord
413. The Difference between Books of Ethics and the Books of the Baal Shem Tov
414. The Rabble Who Were Among Them Had Greedy Desires
415. When You Raise the Candles - 1
416. This Is the Making of the Menorah [Temple Lamp] – 1
417. And Aaron Did So
418. Poverty Becomes Israel
419. Spies
420. Send Forth
421. Concerning the Spies
422. From Afar the Lord Appeared to Me
423. Three Lines - 2
424. The Dispute between Korah and Moses
425. Korah Took
426. The Prayer of a Righteous, Son of a Righteous, and a Righteous, Son of a Wicked
427. This Is the Constitution of the Torah [Law] – 1
428. This Is the Constitution of the Torah [Law] – 2
429. Make Everything in Order to Bestow
430. A Higher Soul
431. A Shoe for His Foot
432. The Making of the Calf
433. The Lord Your God Was Unwilling to Listen
434. How Good Are Your Tents, Jacob - 2
435. When Balak Took Counsel
436. Three Prayers - 1
437. Great Priesthood
438. Save Your Servant, You, My God
439. Why Was Pinhas Awarded the Priesthood?
440. Pinhas Saw
441. Avenge the Vengeance of the Children of Israel
442. Your Children, Whom You Said
443. The Writing Is in the Labor
444. Darkness Precedes Light
445. No Masach [Screen] in Keter
446. The Meaning of Dry Land
447. Peace with the Creator
448. The Sensation of Wholeness
449. The Drop Is Declared
450. Forces that Induce the Development of the Heart and the Mind
451. Pure Eyed
452. Just as I Am Dancing before You
453. The Eyes of Both of Them Opened
454. He Who Prays for His Friend
455. Because You Hear - 1
456. Small Talents
457. The Counsel of the Lord Ever Stands
458. And It Came to Pass because You Hear - 2
459. Because of Humbleness and Fear of the Lord
460. Will Keep His Promise to You
461. “See” in Singular Form
462. Blessed Is the Place [Creator]
463. You Became Rich; You Are in the Evening; Light the Candle
464. If You Go to War - 2
465. The Work of the General Public and the Work of the Individual
466. Optional War and a War of Mitzva [Commandment]
467. All the Peoples of the Earth Shall See
468. This Day, the Lord Your God Commands You
469. Each Day They Will Be as New in Your Eyes
470. When You Come - 1
471. You Stand Today - 2
472. The Concealed Things Belong to the Lord Our God
473. Sins Become for Him as Merits
474. And the Canaanite, King of Arad, Heard
475. Lend Ear, O Heavens
476. The Rich Shall Not Give More and the Poor Shall Not Give Less
477. What Do You Have in the House?
478. What Was the Sin of Korah?
479. You Shall Not Distort Justice
480. The Place Where the Lord Will Choose
481. The Whole World Is Nourished by My Son Hanina - 2
482. This Is the Path of Torah - 2
483. A Hedge for Wisdom – Silence - 2
484. He Whom the Lord Loves He Admonishes - 2
485. Your FearThe Fear of You and the Dread of You Shall Be upon All the Animals of the Earth & Dread - 2
486. The Beginning of Speech Is from Ein Sof
487. Concerning the Will to Receive - 2
488. The Garments of the Soul - 2
489. Against Your Will - 2
490. Adornments of the Bride
491. Raising MAN - 2
492. The Reward for a Mitzva
493. A Righteous Son and a Wicked Son
494. There Is Fear Only in a Place of Wholeness
495. The Creator Ascended
496. The Path of Truth
497. Blessed Are You
498. It Shall Come to Pass That If You Surely Hear
499. “I” is the Malchut
500. When You Raise the Candles - 2
501. The Quality of Truth – 1
502. If Man Wins, the Creator Is Happy
503. Partnership
504. The Secret of the Lord Is to Those Who Fear Him
505. True Mercy
506. Saved Us from the Hand of the Shepherds
507. What Is Joy?
508. The Ascent of Malchut to Bina
509. The Revelation of the Love of the Creator
510. Concealed and Revealed
511. The Middle Line
512. He Who Disputes Peace
513. Gathering Wood
514. Welcoming Guests – 2
515. Concerning the surrounding lights
516. A Shoe
517. The Constitution of the Torah
518. He Who Comes to Defile
519. Concerning the Tzimtzum [restriction]
520. Water Will Flow from His Buckets
521. The Mind [Reason] that Governs Man
522. “Right” Means Wholeness
523. What It Means to Bear a Son and a Daughter in the Work
524. What Is, He Swallowed Maror [bitter herb], He Will Not Come Out, in the work?
525. Three Lines – 3
526. With All Your Heart
527. The God of Israel
528. Prayer
529. I Will Give You My Blessing
530. Movement Due to Shame
531. The Essence of the Correction
532. The Main Choice
533. The Creator Pulls the Man Close
534. Concerning the Groom
535. A Cup of Kiddush
536. You Shall Tithe a Tenth
537. This Month Is to You
538. I Give Him My Covenant of Peace
539. Questions about “Return O Israel”
540. Nourishment
541. When the Lord Favors Man’s Ways
542. Return, O Israel – 2
543. Tell the Children of Israel
544. Man Is Born a Wild Ass [Donkey]
545. Laboring and Finding
546. He Made Everything Good in Its Time
547. The Attribute of Caution
548. Doing and Hearing
549. Feeling the Lack
550. If You Seek Her as Silver
551. The Torah as a Spice
552. He Who Comes to Purify Is Aided - 1
553. The Difference between Concealed and Revealed
554. The Power of Thought
555. The Exile of the Shechina [Divinity]
556. The Torah, from the Words “Shot Through”
557. Concerning Ohr Hozer [reflected light]
558. Desire for Spirituality
559. One Hundred Blessings
560. Generations
561. The Soul of Israel
562. Wisdom and Prayer
563. Definitions – 2
564. Fire, Wind, Water, Dust
565. To Do Them Today
566. Cast Their Seed Among the Nations
567. The Quality of Truth – 2
568. The Meaning of “Right” and “Left”
569. The Meaning of the Offering
570. General Attainment and Personal Attainment
571. He Is One and His Name, One
572. Two Labors
573. They Shall Fear You
574. If You Come - 2
575. The Purity of the Work
576. A Shabbat Dish
577. Concerning the Goal
578. Half a Shekel – 2
579. I Will Remove the Stony Heart
580. A Good Neighbor and a Bad Neighbor
581. The Act Is What Decides
582. One Whose Wife Provides for Him
583. Righteous and Wicked
584. The Face of the Lord Is in Evildoers
585. The Kingship and the Governance to The One Who Lives Forever
586. Which Is the Straight Path
587. The Upper One Scrutinizes for the Purpose of the Lower One
588. Malchut of the Upper One Becomes Keter to the Lower One
589. God Did Not Guide Them
590. Those Who Walk to the Land of Israel
591. Renewed Work
592. The Names of Malchut
593. One Should Not Appease One’s Neighbor When He Is Angry
594. The Commandment of Repentance
595. The Measure of the Greatness of the Creator
596. Nothing New Under the Sun
597. A Generation Goes and a Generation Comes and the Earth Forever Stands
598. What It Means that Shabbat Is Called “Guest” in the Work
599. Arise, O God
600. From the Depth I Called You, Lord – 1
601. Prayer and Request
602. One Should Not Be Ashamed of the Mockers
603. There Is Shechina in the Wall
604. Why He Waited until the War Against Amalek
605. And Jethro Heard
606. Those of Little Faith
607. Remember that You Were a Slave
608. Not because You Were Many
609. God Is More Terrible than Your Sanctifiers
610. Buying a Woman
611. Capital and Fruits
612. Concerning This World and the Next World – 2
613. When a Woman Inseminates
614. Bitter Herb
615. The Reward for the Work
616. The Governance of Malchut
617. Peace at Home
618. Awakening – 2
619. King of the Nations
620. Concerning a Blessing
621. A Minor Mitzva [Commandment]
622. Overcoming
623. Purify Our Hearts
624. Ushpizin
625. The Mitzva of Sukkah
626. Anything that the Merciful One Does, He Does for the Best
627. Law and Judgment – 1
628. The Qualities of “Idol-Worshippers” and “Israel”
629. One Who Despises a Wise Disciple
630. And There Was Evening and There Was Morning
631. Kedusha [Holiness] and Tahara [Purity]
632. I Will Always Yearn
633. Revealing a Portion and Covering Two Portions – 2
634. Fear of Heaven
635. This World and the Next World – 1
636. The Need for Flavors of Torah
637. Four States in the Work
638. Man’s Inclination
639. This Is the Making of the Menorah [Temple Lamp] – 2
640. A Blessing and a Curse
641. Inheritance of the Land
642. Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue
643. Supporters of the Torah
644. Passing the Dead before the Bride
645. By Your Actions, We Know You
646. The Generations of Jacob Joseph
647. A Prayer Requires a Deficiency
648. The Joy of the Giver
649. Preparation for the Light
650. Criticism on Bestowal
651. Day and Night
652. If Any Man of You Brings an Offering - 1
653. Concerning Threshing
654. Who Despises the Day of Smallness
655. Shoots Like an Arrow
656. For the Iniquity of the Amorite Is Not Complete
657. What Is Reality and What Is Imagination
658. This World and the Next World – 2
659. What Are Torah and Work?
660. How Did They Sin?
661. Branch and Root
662. Four Discernments in the Desire
663. If He Is Rewarded, His Work Is Done by Others
664. Feeling the Sin Increases the Light
665. Counsels against the Inclination
666. He Who Comes to Purify Is Aided – 2
667. A Descent and Ascent in the Work
668. In a Place Where Repentants Stand
669. The Good Inclination and the Evil Inclination
670. You Shall Give Him His Wages On His Day
671. Sorting Food and Waste
672. The Creator Craves the Prayer of the Righteous
673. The Death of a Righteous
674. To Admonish Another
675. The Quality of Joseph
676. Being Privileged
677. Why Matza Is Called “Bread of Poverty”
678. Male and Female
679. Signs of the Son of David
680. Annulment - the Baal Shem Tov Way
681. When a Woman Inseminates – 2
682. Exit and Entry in the Work
683. A Wise Sees the Future
684. The Quality of Moses
685. The Creator Complements the Desire
686. The Most Important Is the Right
687. Make for Yourself an Ark
688. Raise a Contribution for Me – 2
689. The Matter of Father and Son
690. This World and the Future
691. The Torah Was Given in Secret
692. The Torah Is Called Tushiya – 1
693. The Torah Is Called Tushiya – 2
694. Great Is a Transgression that Is Lishma
695. And They Shall Take to You Pure Olive Oil
696. Your Strength to the Torah
697. And You Shall Honor It, Not Doing Your Ways
698. Two Kinds of Internality
699. The End of Correction
700. Covering and Revealing
701. Confidence
702. From the Depths I Have Called You, Lord – 2
703. Miketz [After]
704. Why Was the Torah Given to Israel
705. Impudence
706. By the Sweat of Your Brow
707. A Treasure of Fear of Heaven
708. The Prayer of the Righteous
709. Education
710. Three Generations, Three Lines
711. There Has Never Risen a Prophet Like Moses
712. Desire and Intellect
713. One Who Walks along the Way
714. Torah of Hesed [Mercy/Grace]
715. Concerning Preparation for a Fast
716. Concerning Pride
717. Voice and Speech
718. Anyone Who Mourns Jerusalem
719. And Judah Approached Him – 2
720. He Who Adds Knowledge, Adds Pain
721. The Segula of Torah and Mitzvot
722. Action and Thought
723. Tzimtzum
724. Balak Saw
725. Man’s Soul Will Teach Him
726. Going on the Road
727. The Most Important Is the Environment
728. Faith – 2
729. This World Is Sanctified by Man
730. Nicer than Gold
731. Charity for the Poor
732. Before the Face of the Menorah
733. In Its Time, I Will Hasten It
734. The Western Candle
735. On the Day When the Tabernacle Was Established
736. The Diminution of the Moon
737. A Eulogy
738. A Covenant of Salt
739. Two Types of Attire
740. Three Gifts
741. To Cleanse the People
742. The Lord’s Revenge Against Midian
743. The Journeys of the Children of Israel
744. Abraham’s Gemstones
745. When the Creator Came
746. Concerning the Fetus
747. In the Heat of the Day
748. To Renew the Reason
749. The Commandment of the Upper One
750. How Terrible Is This Place
751. Anyone in Whom There Is Fear of Heaven – 2
752. Before I Was Circumcised – 2
753. Concerning the Evil Inclination
754. The Complaint of the Angels
755. To Enjoy in Order to Bestow
756. A Deficiency from the Light
757. Toil
758. The Measure of Overcoming
759. Man as a Whole
760. The Material of the Soul
761. Two Discernments in the Kelim
762. Degrees of Aviut
763. Inverse Relation between Lights and Vessels
764. The View of Kedusha
765. He Who Learns Torah in Poverty
766. The Ability to Receive
767. You Shall Make Holy Garments
768. The Suckling of the Klipot
769. Merging of the Body
770. The Difference between the Soul and the Body
771. Walking
772. Writing a Book of Torah
773. The Difference between Torah and Ethics
774. It Is Good to Thank the Creator
775. The Thoughts of a Gentile and Those of Israel
776. Still of Kedusha
777. A Prayer for the Exile of the Shechina
778. Pleasure Cancels the Mind
779. Bless the Fruit of Your Womb
780. And You, Write
781. The Way of the Baal Shem Tov
782. How Great Is Your Name
783. A Ransom for His Soul
784. The Meaning of Shabbat
785. Law and Judgment – 2
786. The Lord Came from Sinai
787. ABYA in the Work
788. He Raises the Poor from the Dust – 1
789. From the Peh and Above, It Is Not Considered a Kli
790. Be Careful with What Comes Out from Your Lips
791. Demand and Receive Reward
792. A Stubborn and Rebellious Son
793. Write Them on the Tablet of Your Heart
794. The Place of Attainment
795. Hear, My Son, Your Father's Morals – 2
796. The Real State
797. A Gift
798. The Merit of the Little One
799. The Birth of the Moon
800. A Broken Heart – 2
801. The Klipa of Ishmael
802. If Any Man of You Brings an Offering – 2
803. The Order of Conveying the Wisdom
804. Raises the Poor from the Dust – 2
805. Concerning Joy
806. Esau’s Head Is Holy
807. Fire Is Called “Judgments”
808. Wholeness and Deficiency – 2
809. Wholeness in Life
810. He Who Fears Me
811. Returning to One’s Origin
812. Turn Away from Evil and Do Good – 3
813. The Desire to Bestow – 2
814. Times in the Work
815. Bo [Come]
816. Observed and Received
817. The Meaning of “Poor”
818. Happy Are They Who Keep Judgment
819. Borrowing Vessels
820. The Discernment of “In Everything”
821. We Will Do and We Will Hear – 2
822. A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress
823. The Name Shadai
824. Internality and Externality
825. Choice
826. A Messenger to Circumcise
827. The Godliness Made the Concealment
828. A Lot
829. The Basis of Learning the Revealed
830. The Need for Gentiles
831. The Need for the Torah
832. Dead Fish
833. Turn Away from Evil and Do Good - 4
834. “Grow!”
835. Gird Your Sword
836. Servant and Son
837. Adhere to His Attributes
838. The Trueness of Providence
839. A Kosher Woman
840. Quick Nearing
841. Coerced
842. The Work in General
843. The Work Is the Reward
844. Labor Is the Reward
845. None as Holy as the Lord
846. Faith Is the Quality of Malchut
847. Willows of the Brook
848. The Days of the Messiah
849. A Condition for Marrying a Woman
850. A Proselyte Who Converted
851. A Desire for Levirate Marriage
852. Two Kinds of Scrutinies
853. The Need to Recognize the Greatness of the Creator
854. Takes His Part and the Part of His Friend
855. Wood and Stone
856. Man’s Nature
857. The Need for a Kli without Light
858. Moses Assembled
859. You Shall Increase Their Inheritance
860. With What to Aid?
861. The Work of the Lines
862. Will Give Wisdom to the Wise
863. Korah’s Complaint
864. See Life
865. Wholeness Is One Hundred
866. Peace to the Far and to the Near
867. The Governance of Peace
868. The Reason that Obligates
869. Matrimony
870. Adam HaRishon Was a Heretic
871. A Scorpion and a Snake
872. Who Makes a Way through the Sea
873. Ibur [Conception] – 2
874. Rest and Joy, Light to the Jews
875. Three Lines - 4
876. The Creator Created the Evil Inclination, He Created for It the Torah as a Spice
877. Three Prayers - 2
878. Their Leg Was a Straight Leg
879. Good Writing and Signing
880. Judgments
881. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
882. Rosh Hashanah
883. For Man Is the Tree of the Field - 1
884. The Rosh Hashanah Prayer
885. With a Shofar You Will Renew
886. Malchuiot, Memories, and Shofarot
887. I Do Swear
888. Good Days
889. The Quality of Mercy
890. The Sorrow of the Shechina – 2
891. The Meaning of Yom Kippur
892. An Article for Sukkot
893. The Fruit of a Citrus Tree
894. Simchat Torah [The Joy of Torah]
895. The Meaning of Hanukah
896. Repel Admon in the Shadow of Tzalmon
897. What Is Hanukah
898. What Is the Miracle of Hanukah
899. Hanu-KoH
900. Two Degrees
901. Rosh Hashanah for the Trees
902. Israel Are Compared to an Olive Tree
903. Concerning the Fifteenth of Shevat
904. Man Is the Tree of the Field - 2
905. Daveh [Afflicted] or Hod [Glory/Majesty]
906. The Meaning of Amalek
907. When He Let His Hand Down, Amalek Prevailed
908. Blotting Out Amalek
909. Revealing the Concealment
910. Until He Does Not Know
911. The Meal of a Wicked One
912. What Is Purim
913. His Law He Contemplates
914. Two Opposites
915. I and Not a Messenger
916. The Day after Shabbat [Sabbath]
917. A Kept Matza [Passover bread]
918. Concerning Passover
919. Concerning the Environment
920. The Torah Spoke Regarding Four Sons
921. The Need for an Act from Below
922. The More One Speaks of the Exodus from Egypt
923. And he said, “When You Deliver the Hebrew Women”
924. And God Spoke to Moses
925. And I Will Take You as My People
926. Come unto Pharaoh
927. Concerning Hametz and Matza
928. Behold, a People Has Come Out of Egypt
929. The Passover Offering
930. Concerning the Beginning of the Month
931. Peh-Sah [speaking mouth]
932. The First Innovation
933. Concerning the Exodus from Egypt
934. The Duty to Tell the Story of the Exodus from Egypt
935. Concerning the Matza [unleavened bread]
936. The Time of Redemption
937. Questions for the Exodus from Egypt
938. Concerning the Omer [Count]
939. The Exodus from Egypt and the Giving of the Torah
940. The Point in the Heart
941. Mount Sinai
942. Concerning the Mind Controlling the Heart
943. Three Discernments in the Torah
944. The Giving of the Torah Is with Two Eyes
945. The Ninth of Av
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Rabash/Assorted Notes
If Man Wins, the Creator Is Happy

502. If Man Wins, the Creator Is Happy

“He who sells sadness, etc., but the Creator is happy.”

The question is, How is this similar to a seller? After all, the seller does not keep the object, while the Creator, even though He gave the Torah to the people of Israel, the Torah still remains with Him. The Torah is not something corporeal, where we can say that if He gives it to the created beings, the Torah does not remain with Him.

Some want to interpret that this refers to the verse that we say about the Torah, “It is not in heaven,” that it was given to the people of Israel to determine the rules.

We should interpret that we understand the Torah in two ways: 1) The quality of the Torah, whose light reforms him, as in “I have created the Torah as a spice,” to mitigate the evil inclination. 2) The quality of the Torah called “The eye has not seen.”

The intention of the Emanator is for the lower ones to receive pleasure. Yet, man uses the Torah in the opposite manner, wanting the Creator to receive pleasure. He receives this power from the Torah, from that spice. It follows that he is fighting with the Creator, meaning that the Creator wants man to receive pleasure, and man wants the Creator to receive pleasure.

Thus, he uses the Torah in the opposite direction from the seller. It was said about this that the Creator says, “My sons defeated Me.” That is, they fight against the will to receive that the Creator imprinted in their hearts, where if the man wins, the Creator is happy.

It follows that the Torah of the Creator is according to the purpose of creation, and “His Torah” is when man uses the Torah with the aim of the spice, when he takes the Torah in order to please the Creator. This is why the Torah is named after man.

The Torah is named after its use: If a person wants to receive the Torah with the Creator’s intention—to do good to His creations—so the creatures will enjoy, it is called “the Torah of the Creator,” when the Torah follows the line of the Creator. If a person takes the Torah so as to have the power to bestow, this is regarded as man’s intention, where man wants to bestow contentment upon his Maker, and then it is regarded as his Torah.