A Poem of Sanctity
A Psalm – His Foundation Is in the Mountains of Holiness
I Am Content
The Bright One
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Baal HaSulam/Poems of Baal HaSulam
I Am Content

I Am Content

Happy is the man whose strength is in You, and the Lord is the highway in his heart.

Happy is the man who hears Your commandments and on whose heart You place Your law and Your word.

You fashion light and create darkness, make peace and create everything,

And if You made me an ear with which to hear You with the soul’s love forever,

And did not show me how Your eyes observe from the end of the world to its end, I am content.

If You promised me that I would attain all Your secrets and be among those who approach You,

And did not clothe them in me in the actual present, I am content.

And if You clothed them in me in the actual present,

And I did not attain that Your glory is not forgiven and that even spirits will not limit You, I am content.

If I attained that spirits will not limit You,

And You did not establish for me a house of prayer to receive from You all my deficiencies, I am content.

If I were awarded Your calling and to accept as one demands of one’s friends for all my contemplations,

And You did not bewilder me with the inheritance of a land in one day and the birth of the nation in one time, I am content.

If You showed so as to know the secret that can be seen on the earth from His throne,

And You did not place me at the start, to feel Your clothing there within my heart, I am content.

If I merited to feel all Your lights in inner light, to shine the light of the face,

And You did not alert me that this is the purpose You want from all Your creation and all that gives You pleasure, I am content.

If You alerted me Your unique pleasure, that You wish from all the work of heaven and earth,

And did not teach me to know how You blessed it from all the days and sanctified it from all the times, I am content.

If I merited the blessing of all the days, and the sanctity of all the times, past and future put together,

And You did not trouble Yourself to appease me with much wisdom and friendship to remove from me the shame, I am content.

If I merited being purified as the object of the heaven and their host, and the secret of addressing my prayer to You, etc.,

And You did not ask me about the meaning of the words, “Should your sons praise My covenant,” etc., I am content.

If I heard from You the oath by Your holiness, if it is for David, it is not a lie,

And You did not instruct me that besides Your pleasure, it pertains to my own pleasures, I am content.

If my palate uttered every wisdom and every lust, and all my pleas would be to You,

And You did not make clear to me that I have nothing to add and I may go from the world, I am content.

If I understood with all my mind that I must leave the world at once,

And You did not awaken me to search for some gift in the vessels, and did not find a thing, I am content.

If You alerted me that it is labor that You want and more mere pleasure,

And You did not alert me with a kind expression where is the place of understanding in the books, I am content.

If You alerted me to yearn for understanding in the books,

And did not teach me that what matters most is the certainty and purity of heart, and that the light has no value, I am content.

If I attained that there is no importance to the light but only to the certainty and purity of heart,

And You did not grant me yearning for the Lord, and I were unable to receive without blemishing You, I am content.

If I perished from the world after fulfilling my complete purpose,

And I did not merit what is written, “Let the wise not boast of his wisdom,” and the ability to accept the renewal of a faithful craftsman, I am content.

If I merited the renewal of a faithful craftsman and who sustains the question,

And I were not rewarded with all the wondrous lights and the whole Torah in one moment, and the pen of a quick writer, I am content.

If I merited there all the glory and the faithful mercies in a never-ending coupling,

And I did not merit the blessing of a man to rule over the fish of the sea, etc., until a complete withdrawal from within, I am content.

If I departed from the world after this privilege of dwelling in heaven and in earth at once,

And You did not illuminate for me the solution of a righteous who is saved, I am content.

If You illuminated for me the solution of a righteous who is saved,

And did not stop me in Ahiman and the closing of the gates of righteousness up to those who say to God, “Move away,” etc., I am content.

If I departed from the world after filling out this wholeness,

And You did not teach me the meaning of the verse, “We have a little sister who has no breasts,” etc., I am content.

If You renewed my vitality with “What shall with do to our sister on the day when she is spoken for,”

And You did not illuminate me with the wondrous lights and “Indeed, the matter has become known,” and the silver mansion and a cedar tablet, I am content.

If at that time, You showed me all Your wondrous mercies by the installing of the crown,

And You did not teach me the meaning of the flood and the breaking of the vessels and the cherubim, and present and not present, etc., I am content.

If You established Your faith in my heart through the cherubim and present and not present through the Parsa of the two that I had heard,

And did not teach me the meaning of the verse, Korah, Nafag, and Zichri, I am content.

If You taught me the great unification of Korah, Nafag, and Zichri,

And did not draw me into the purifying bath with my head held high through “God, do bring near the redemption of they who await You,” I am content.

If I merited revealing all the blessing and sacristy from Rosh and Toch of MIKVEH in multiplication through “God, do bring near the redemption of they who await You,”

And I did not merit seeing the great abundance in KLA to the point of carrying more on the Rosh of MIKVEH, I am content.

If I merited attainments in the whole Torah instead of the KLA and the meaning of rest and light…

And I did not merit seeing Jerusalem decisively built so it will never be ruined again, I am content.

If I departed from the world after the eternal attainment of the built Jerusalem,

And You did not instruct me with great faith the meaning of the verse, “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one,” I am content.

If You showed me the absolute certainty in ATA before the eyes of all the nations in utter clarity,

And did not alert me to return into the purifying bath since the connection has not stopped, and You will be glorified in me, I am content.

If You alerted me to interfere with Your work inside,

And did not bewilder me with the sight of how the Yod takes and ascends from me until I depart, I am content.

If You bewildered me with the rising of the Yod that I drew until it departed above,

And did not establish in me the desire to interfere because of “How will God know,” etc.,

For behold, these are the wicked who obtained riches, and as “Who is like You in might

And who is similar to You,” and since the might is not eternal, You therefore drew me inside, etc., etc., I am content (for how sweet is the light of certainty, etc.).

If You established me by interfering with Your work,

And did not offer me the meaning of the words, “Should a man give all his fortune,” etc., I am content.

If I endured the trial not to think of all Your future in return for Your love,

And You did not give me sweetness in the ascents and the disclosure of the secrets of Your law abundantly, I am content.

If I were rewarded, through the ascents and through the revealing of the secrets, to continue two years,

And I was not rewarded with being combed in iron combs to death in the one, I am content.

If I were rewarded with devotion of NRN in the one until my whole being is annulled,

And I were not rewarded with the dew of revival that will slowly be shaken on my head, I am content.

And moreover, I have been rewarded with a benefit that is many greater by meriting all the above, and even the revival of the dead with great compassion to bring me closer in complete repentance with fear and love and true work.

You have brought me back to the whole of Israel and to Your law with great and faithful love. How can I repay You for all that You have imparted me?

Your benefit to me is several times greater for You have lent an ear to listen. You, with the love of the soul and abundant peace for absolute eternity, have shown me Your eyes watching from the end of the world to its end, to attain with certainty all Your secrets as all those near You, who sit first in Your kingdom. You have clothed them in me in complete and absolute present and I attained that Your glory is never forgiven. Even lights and spirits do not limit You, and You determine the place for a house of prayer, as one demands and receives from one’s friend all my contemplations, none excluded.

You have bewildered me with the inheritance of a land and the birth of a nation unto Your great secret that watches over the land from His dwelling place. You also alerted me that this is all that You desire from all the creation of heaven and earth. You taught me that You have blessed it from all the days and times, and You appeased me with abundant wisdom until You completely removed from me the shame, as an object of the heaven, as in “My face to Your prayer when you run to see the favor,” etc. You also swore to me by Your holiness that You will never remove Your mercy and the light of Your face from me, and You alerted me that anything but Your delight belongs to myself, and my palate expelled any wisdom and lust; I wish only to see Your brightness.

You notified me that I must depart from the world at once since I have nothing more to add. You awoke me to seek some gift, and did not find one, and You awoke me to yearn for the return to the beginning but I could not without blemishing Your sublime glory. You alerted me that there is no importance to the lights and wisdoms, only to the certainty and purity of heart.

You also showed me the renewal of a faithful craftsman and who sustains the question, the green line that surrounds all the worlds, and You renewed my vitality, extolled Your name on everything, Your robe like a throne embracing heaven and earth as one, and You bewilder with Your lights, You are more beautiful than the sons of men; grace is poured, etc., and from the work of creation and the whole of the Torah, as in “My tongue is as the pen of a quick writer,” and the blessing of the man to rule over the fish of the sea and every creature crawling on the earth, etc. I also added Your wonders to explain the meaning of righteous who is saved, and the Ahiman and the closing until it was. …

You have also given me the little sister and renewed my vitality. You also crowned it with the wondrous lights from “Indeed, the matter has become known,” and the silver mansion and the cedar tablet. You also brought me into the breaking of the vessels, the flood, the present and not present, until I heard with two. You bewildered me with seeing Korah and Nafag and Zichri, and the great and holy unification of “God, do bring near the redemption of they who await You,” to extend me into the purifying bath and to the revelation of all the lights of the 613 commandments, and the abundance of KLA over … a purifying bath.

I also set before my eyes the meaning of the built Jerusalem and the meaning of the verse, “The Lord is our God, the Lord is one,” until the decisiveness in the 613 commandments before the eyes of all the nations. You also taught me that the connection from within the purifying bath has not stopped, and You still take pride in me as in the beginning, to see how You crave the work of Your hands, and the great vision without the ability to extend the Yod into the Hey, and in the middle of the way, it rises up like a rising start until it disappears there. And I sorted out for me the permission to interfere with Your work, as in the words, “Behold, these wicked and those who are tranquil obtained riches,” etc., etc. You tested me as in the verse, “Should one give all the fortune of his household, he shall be ridiculed and mocked.” You also granted me with Your humility, a pleasant sweetness in the ascents, and commanded me to reveal the secrets of Your law through compositions more wondrous than my predecessors. Also, I was rewarded with being combed with iron combs for the love of Your unification. Also, I merited extracting my whole soul in one. You returned and revived me with a dew of revival.