chevron_rightVol. 1
chevron_rightIntroduction of The Book of Zohar
The Rose
The Rose (Mirrors of the Sulam [Ladder)
The Flower Buds
Who Created These
Who Created These of Elijah
Mother Lends Her Clothes to Her Daughter
The Letters of Rav Hamnuna Saba
Hochma [wisdom], on which the World Stands
Lock and Key
BeHibaraam [When They Were Created] – BeAvraham [In Abraham]
The Vision of Rabbi Hiya
You Are in Partnership with Me
The Donkey Driver
Two Points
On the Night of the Bride
Heaven and Earth
Among All the Sages of the Nations of the World, There Are None Like You
Who Is This
Rejoicing in Holidays and Not Giving to the Poor
Torah and Prayer
Rabbi Shimon’s Exit from the Cave
The Commandments of the Torah, the First Commandment
The Second Commandment
The Third Commandment
The Fourth Commandment
The Fifth Commandment
The Sixth Commandment
The Seventh Commandment
The Eighth Commandment
The Ninth Commandment
The Tenth Commandment
The Eleventh Commandment
The Twelfth Commandment
The Thirteenth Commandment
The Fourteenth Commandment
General Explanation for All Fourteen Commandments and How They Divide into the Seven Days of Creation
Explanation of the Division of the Fourteen Commandments into Ten Utterances
chevron_rightVol. 2
chevron_rightBeresheet - 1
He Carved a Carving in the Upper Light
The Brightness of the Firmament
Taamim, Nekudot [points], and Otiot [letters]
And the Land Was Tohu [Chaos] - 1
Let There Be Light
Let There Be a Firmament
Let the Waters Gather
Let the Earth Put Forth Grass
Let there Be Lights - 1
The Two Great Lights - 1
Explaining the Names Matzpatz, Matzpatz
The Two Great Lights - 2
Illuminations of Light and Illuminations of Fire
Three Lights
Moses and Jacob
Let Us Make Man - 1
I, I am He
Let Us Make Man - 2
A Prayer for the Poor
The Sling-Stone
Creates Worlds and Destroys Them
Five Kinds of Mixed Multitude
Moses and Two Messiahs
Pure Marble Stones
A River Comes Out of Eden
And Placed Him in the Garden of Eden
Idolatry, Bloodshed, Incest
And the Lord God Formed Every Beast of the Field
And the Lord God Built the Rib
Moses’ Hevel
Bad Mixtures
The Correction of the Lower World from the Upper World
And the Land Was Unformed [Tohu] and Void [Bohu] - 2
Three Letters Tov [Tet-Vav-Bet]
The Correction of PBP de ZON
The Voice of the Lord Is Upon the Waters
Opposite the Frame
Bet Resheet
The Hidden Light
If My Covenant Is Not Day and Night - 1
The Separating and Connecting Firmament
These Waters Conceived and Begot Darkness
If My Covenant Is Not Day and Night - 2
Let There Be Lights - 2
Let the Waters Swarm
And God Created the Sea Monsters
Let Us Make Man - 3
For He Did Not Shower Rain
And the Lord God Commanded the Man
And the Serpent Was Cunning
And the Lord Set a Token for Cain
Sin Crouches at the Door
Aza and Azael
This Is the Book of the Generations of Adam
My Spirit Shall Not Abide in Man
chevron_rightBeresheet - 2
Seven Palaces in the Garden of Eden
Seven Sections of the Upper and Lower Earth
Seven Sections of the Upper Earth
Seven Halls of the Upper Earth
Preface to the Seven Halls
Seven Halls of AVI of Beria
Let There Be Light - 1
And There Was Evening and There Was Morning
Let There Be Light - 2
Let There Be a Firmament
Let the Earth Put Forth Grass
Lights without Vav
Let the Waters Swarm
Let Us Make Man
And God Saw All that He Had Done
And the Heaven and the Earth Were Completed
And on the Seventh Day God Completed
Which God Has Created to Do
Sukkah [Hut] of Peace
And the Lord God Built the Rib
And the Lord God Formed the Man
Baal and Asherah
Reconciliation and Receiving Permission
One Who Sets Out on the Road
Voice and Speech
The Address of the LORD to My Lord
A Rising Flame
The World Was Divided into Forty-Five Colors and Kinds of Light
And They Heard the Voice of the Lord God Walking in the Garden
And the Children of Israel Were Stripped of Their Ornaments from Mount Horev
And They Sewed Fig Leaves
And He Drove Out the Man
And the Man Knew Eve
If You Do Well
When Cain Killed Abel
This Is the Book of the Generations of Adam
He Created Them Male and Female
And Enoch Walked with God
And the Lord Saw that the Wickedness of Man Was Great in the Earth
And He Was Saddened in His Heart
My Spirit Shall Not Abide
The Fallen Ones Were in the Earth
I Will Blot Out Man
Come, Behold the Works of the Lord, Who Has Wrought Desolations in the Earth
Noah and the Ark
Go See the Works
Good Is a Man Who Is Gracious and Lends
Drink Water from Your Cistern
And the Earth Became Corrupt
Had He Not Sinned, He Would Not Have Begotten Offspring
And God Saw the Earth
The Lord Has Done What He Devised
For After Seven More Days
And Noah Begot Three Sons
The Judgment of Hell
The End of All Flesh
Shrill Your Voice, Poor of Anatot
That Jew
The Offering
I Lifted Up My Hands in Prayer
And I Bring a Flood of Water - 1
I Said, “I Will Not See the Lord”
And I Bring the Flood of Water - 2
And I Will Establish My Covenant
And He Healed the Ruined Altar of the Lord
Come You and All Your Household
The Earth Is the Lord's, and All that Fills It
The Wicked Perish from the World
The Difference between Moses and the Rest of the World
And Noah Went into the Ark
And Lifted Up the Ark
And He Blotted Out the Universe that Was Upon the Face of the Ground
And God Remembered Noah
And Noah Built an Altar
And the Lord Smelled the Sweet Fragrance
And God Blessed Noah
And the Fear of You and the Dread of You
I Have Set My Bow in the Cloud
This Stone, which I Have Set Up as a Pillar
The Sons of Noah Who Came Out of the Ark Were...
These Three Sons of Noah
And Noah Began and Planted a Vineyard
Bat-Sheba and Uriah
He Was a Mighty Hunter before the Lord
And the House, While It Was Being Built
A City and a Tower
The Gate of the Inner Court
And the Lord said, “Behold, They Are One People”
chevron_rightLech Lecha
Listen to Me, You Stubborn-Hearted
On What Does the World Stand?
And the Lord Said unto Abram
And They Went Forth with Them from Ur of the Chaldees
Go Forth to Correct Yourself
And I Will Make You a Great Nation - 1
But From the Wicked Their Light Is Withheld
And I Will Make You a Great Nation – 2
And Abram Went, as the Lord Had Spoken to Him
And Abram Took Sarai
And Abram Passed Through the Land
Three Degrees NRN
And Abram Went Down to Egypt
And It Came to Pass, When Abram Came to Egypt
The Creator Plays with the Souls of the Righteous
And the Lord Plagued Pharaoh
At Night My Soul Longs for You
And He Went on His Journeys
And There Was Strife between the Herdsmen of Abram's Cattle and the Herdsmen of Lot’s Cattle
And the Lord Said to Abram, After Lot Had Separated
Like an Apple Tree among the Trees of the Forest
And It Came to Pass in the Days of Amraphel
O God, Do Not Keep Silent
Melchizedek King of Salem
After These Things
The Word of the Lord Came Unto Abram in a Vision
Rabbi Hiya Went to See Rabbi Elazar
Bless the Lord, You His Angels
And Abram Said, “...What Will You Give Me?”
For Who Is God, Save the Lord? And Who Is a Rock, Save Our God?
מחזה שד"י, מחזה סתם
The Creator Makes Couplings
Night and Midnight
A Small Hey and a Big Hey
Sayings for the Brit Milah [Circumcision]
chevron_rightVol. 3
And the Lord Appeared to Him
Man’s Soul Rises from the Earth to the Firmament
The Soul at the Time of Its Demise
When Rabbi Eliezer Was Sickened
And Behold, Three Men - 1
Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord
Behold, Three Men - 2
And He Said, “I Will Surely Return” - 1
And Sarah Will Have a Son
Her Husband Is Known in the Gates
And He Said, “I Will Surely Return” - 2
And the Men Rose Up from There
Do I Hide from Abraham?
I Will Go Down and See
And Abraham Will Surely Become a Great Nation
If As the Outcry That Has Come to Me, They Have Done
Would You Indeed Sweep Away the Righteous with the Wicked?
And the Two Angels Came to Sodom
The Garden of Eden and Hell
And the Lord Rained on Sodom
But His Wife Looked Back
A Land without Scarcity
And Lot Went Up from Zoar
Ammon and Moab
And He Said, “She Is My Sister”
Standing to His Right to Accuse Him
And Shall Behead the Heifer There in the Valley
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
And the Lord Visited Sarah
And the Lord Did to Sarah
Your Wife Shall Be as a Fruitful Vine
The Calculation of the Time of the Messiah
The Son of Hagar the Egyptian
The Signs of the Messiah
And God Tested Abraham
And Saw the Place from Afar
Abraham, Abraham
In All Their Affliction He Was Afflicted
chevron_rightChayei Sara
They Carried – And Cast Him into the Sea
And Dumah Rises and Calculates
A King Who Becomes Servant to a Field
One Who Diminishes Himself
And the Life of Sarah Was
And the Cows Took the Straight Way
And I Will Put Enmity between You and the Woman
Your Eyes Have Seen My Golem
To Mourn for Sarah and to Weep for Her
Dumah Takes Them in According to the Calculation, and Takes Them Out According to the Calculation
And Sarah Died in Kiriat Arba
The Serpent of the Firmament
Types of Witchcraft – in Women
The Cave of Machpelah - 1
Four Hundred Shekels
The Cave of Machpelah - 2
And Abraham Was Old, Advanced in Days
The Righteous Have Several Places
Eden Dripping on the Garden
About the Revival of the Dead
You Will Not Take a Wife from the Daughters of the Canaanites
בתורה כל החיים
Behold, Rebecca Came Out
Prayer, Outcry, Tear
And Isaac Brought Her into the Tent
And Abraham Took Another Wife
Unto the Sons of the Concubines – Abraham Gave Gifts
Who Gave Jacob for a Spoil?
These Are the Generations of Isaac
And Isaac Was Forty Years Old
And Isaac Pleaded
And the Children Struggled
The Meal of the Righteous in the Future
Association of the Quality of Mercy with Judgment
And the Children Struggled Together within Her
The Gathering of the Exiles and the Revival of the Dead
And the Boys Grew – for He Had a Taste for Game
For He Had a Taste for Game
And Jacob Cooked a Stew
And There Was a Famine in the Land
She Is My Sister
And Abimelech Commanded
And He Called the Name of It Rehoboth
And His Eyes Became Too Weak to See
He Called for Esau and Said, “I Do Not Know the Day of My Death”
The Best Garments of Esau
In My Distress I Called… and He Answered Me
The Blessings
And Jacob Went Out from Beer-Sheba – 1
Seven Havalim
The Brightness of the Illuminating Mirror
SAM and a Woman of Harlotry
And Jacob Went Out from Beer-Sheba – 2
Arise, O Lord
And Jacob Went Out from Beer-Sheba - 3
Prophecy, Vision, and Dream
And Behold, the Lord Stood Above It
And Jacob Awoke and Said, “How Awful Is This Place”
And Behold a Ladder Was Set On the Earth
And Jacob Made a Vow
Rabbi Hiya Said to Elijah
And He Looked, and Behold a Well in the Field
And Jacob Went Out from Beer-Sheba
I Will Serve You Seven Years
Upper Righteous and Lower Righteous
Four Knots
And the Lord Saw that Leah Was Hated
The Tribes
This Time Will I Praise – She Called His Name Judah
His Thought Was of Rachel
And Found Mandrakes in the Field
When Rachel Had Borne Joseph
Maidens of Song
Each Set Is Only in Three
Remembering and Visiting
Death and the Shadow of Death
Then God Remembered Rachel
Name Me Your Wages
The Rods - 1
And Jacob Took Him Rods of Poplar
Blessings Are Upon the Head of the Righteous
I Have Not Seen the Righteous Forsaken
And God Placed Them in the Firmament of the Heavens
Two Firmaments: Beginning and End
The Trees of the Lord Have Their Fill
The Rods - 2
The Lord Lives, and Blessed Be My Rock
He Does Not Withdraw His Eyes from the Righteous
The Offerings of My Bread
The Idols
And the Angels of God Met Him
And Jacob Sent Messengers
I Have Resided with Laban
The Prayer of the Righteous
And Jacob Was Left Alone
And a Man Struggled with Him
Let Me Go for the Dawn Has Broken
The Sinew of the Thigh-Vein
And Bowed Down to the Earth
And Embraced Him, and Fell on His Neck
Please My Lord Pass Over before His Servant
And Built Him a House
You Shall Not Plow With an Ox and a Donkey
Put Away the Foreign Gods
And He Built There an Altar
And God Went Up from Him
Jacob – Israel
Every Beginning Is Hard
If Thou Faint in the Day of Adversity
As Her Soul Departed
And Jacob Set Up a Pillar
And Reuben Went and Lay with Bilhah. Now the Sons of Jacob Were Twelve
Who Is This Coming Up from the Desert?
These Are the Generations of Esau
These Are the Kings
Jacob, Israel, and Yeshurun
Fear Not, Worm of Jacob
Midnight and the Morning Prayer
Who Found the Seas in the Desert
I Will Thank the Lord with All My Heart
You Are My Hiding Place
And Jacob Sat
These Are the Generations of Jacob
For He Pays a Man According to His Work
He Shall Not Go in to the Veil
Behold, My Servant Will Be Enlightened
And Israel Loved Joseph
Joseph Dreamed a Dream
His Brothers Went to Graze
Jerusalem that Is Built
And A Man Found Him
I Seek My Brothers
There Is Anger and There Is Anger
The Pit Was Empty, Without Water
Zion and Jerusalem
And He Called His Name Er
Come to Your Brother's Wife and Mary Her
What He Did Was Bad in the Eyes of the Lord
She Removed Her Widow's Garments
Joseph Was Brought Down to Egypt
The Lord Was with Joseph
His Master's Wife Cast Her Eyes
As She Spoke to Joseph Day after Day
His Sin Waters the King of Egypt and the Baker
Let a Double Portion of Your Spirit Be Upon Me
Create for Me a Pure Heart, O God
Man Puts an End to Darkness
And It Came to Pass at the End
His Spirit Was Troubled
They Quickly Brought Him Out of the Pit
After God Has Informed You of All This
Now Jacob Saw that There Was Grain in Egypt
And Joseph Was the Governor
And Joseph Knew His Brothers
And Joseph Remembered the Dreams
And He Put Them All Together in Prison
He Took Simeon from Them
And the Men Were Afraid because They Were Brought into Joseph's House
And Saw Benjamin
The Morning Was Light
Two Sons Were Born to Joseph Before the Year of the Famine Came
Then Judah Approached
Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama
For the Kings Assembled
Beautiful in Elevation
Sixty Breaths
And You Shall Eat and Be Satisfied, and Bless
Then Joseph Could Not Refrain Himself
And He Fell upon His Brother Benjamin’s Neck and Wept
And the Voice Was Heard in Pharaoh's House
Take Wagons from the Land of Egypt
And Joseph Prepared His Merkava [Chariot/Assembly]
Why Have You Brought Harm?
Jacob Lived in the Land of Egypt
And the Time Drew Near that Israel Must Die, and He Called His Son Joseph
And He Called His Son Joseph – 1
Behold, Your Father Is Ill
At Evening Time There Shall Be Light
And He Said unto Jacob
And Israel Grew Stronger, and Sat upon the Bed
The Names Are Called “Hand”
Appeared to Me at Luz
I Will Make You Fruitful, and Multiply You
And Now Your Two Sons, Who Were Born
Rachel Died on Me on the Way
And Israel Saw the Sons of Joseph - 1
Whom God Has Given Me by This
And the Eyes of Israel Were Dimmed with Age
Jacob Lived
Two Camels
Mine Is the Silver, and Mine the Gold
The Time for Israel to Die Drew Near - 1
Rabbi Yitzhak Sat and Was Sad
When His Time Comes to Depart from the World
The Mother of the Children Is Happy
My Mother's Sons Were Angry with Me
Your Covenant with Death Will Be Atoned
Woe unto an Evil Wicked
The Tzelem
Four Species
A Lily and a Rose
And the Days for Israel to Die Drew Near - 2
And He Called His Son, Joseph – 2
And Solomon's Wisdom Excelled
And When I Lied Down with My Fathers
And Israel Bowed Down Upon the Bed's Head
The World Is Judged Four Times a Year
When the Sun Was Setting
And Israel Saw Joseph's Sons - 2
And He Blessed Joseph
And Hezekiah Turned His Face to the Wall
The Redeeming Angel – 1
Do Not Remember the Iniquities of Our Forefathers against Us
Serve the Lord with Fear
May My Prayer Be Counted as Incense
The Terrible Mountain
Three Watches [parts of the night]
The Redeeming Angel – 2
Three Colors
The Strength of the King Loves Justice
Praise, You Servants of the Lord
And He Blessed Them on That Day
Your Eyes Saw My Unformed Substance
What Is the Measure of My Days
All the Blessings—to This Degree
The Sound of the Rolling Wheel
Be Gathered, that I May Tell You
Reuben, You Are My Firstborn
Asher, His Bread Shall Be Fat - 1
Reckless as Water, You Shall Not Have Preeminence
Shimon and Levi Are Brothers
The Nations of the World Count by the Sun, and Israel by the Moon
Judah, You, Your Brothers Shall Thank You
He Ties His Foal to the Vine – 1
Do Not Fret Because of Evildoers
A Small Aleph
He Ties His Foal to the Vine - 2
Out of the Eater, Out Came Food
Two Corrections of the Females
Corrects in Twelve in Two Worlds
Zebulun Will Dwell by the shore of the seas
I Have Adjured, You, O Daughters of Jerusalem
Issachar Is a Strong-Boned Donkey
Dan Shall Judge His People
Gad, Regiments Will Come Forth from Him
Put Me like a Seal Over Your Heart
Three Souls
Asher, His Bread Shall Be Rich - 2
Naphtali Is a Doe Let Loose
Thought, Speech, Voice
Joseph Is a Fruitful Bough
Benjamin Is a Wolf; He Will Prey
This Is What Their Father Said to Them
And Jacob Concluded Charging His Sons
He Perished and Was Gathered to His Peoples
Cry Aloud with Your Voice, O Daughter of Gallim
Silver Counted for Nothing in the Days of Solomon
A Cup of Blessing
The Barn of the Lycium
Jacob’s Embalming
And Placed Inside a Coffin in Egypt
chevron_rightVol. 4
These Are the Names
The Word of the Lord Came - 1
Come with Me from Lebanon, My Bride - 1
Do Not Eat the Bread of an Evil-Eyed Man
Three Are They Who Repel the Shechina
They Came Each with His Household - 1
The Wheels of the Holy Merkava [Chariot/Assembly]
With Jacob; They Came Each Man with His Household
The Word of the Lord Came Expressly - 2
Come with Me from Lebanon, My Brid - 2
Seventy Souls
Who Send Out Freely the Ox and the Donkey
And a New King Arose - 1
The Vision of Egypt
The Coming of the Messiah
And a New King Arose - 2
The Morning Star
Righteous to Whom It Happens according to the Deeds of the Wicked
And There Went a Man of the House of Levi
She Hid Him Three Months
And His Sister Stood from Afar
And the Daughter of Pharaoh Came Down
He Looked This Way and That
He Sat Down by a Well
Come from the Four Winds, O Wind
The Well of Moses and Jacob
I Am Black, and Beautiful
Run Away, My Beloved
Why Exile and Why to Egypt?
He neither Ate Bread nor Drank Water
Twelve Mountains of Persimmon
Eighteen Mountains of Persimmon
I Went Down into the Garden of Nut Trees
One Opposite the Other
The Sons of Israel, the Sons of Jacob
They Came Each Man with His Household - 2
The Dead Know the Affliction of the Living
While the King Sat at His Table
Israel Compared to the Rest of the Nations
Under a Slave When He Becomes King
Until the Day Breaks
And He Said unto His People
Their Valiant Ones Cry Outside
Two Tears to the Deep of the Great Sea
Let Us Deal Wisely
Against All the Gods of Egypt, I Will Execute Judgments
The Song of Songs that Is for Solomon
And There Went a Man
The King of Egypt Died
Two Tears to the Great Sea
Does the Lord Have a Sword?
And the Children of Israel Sighed
Sigh, Cry, and Outcry
My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His, He Pastures among the Roses
Moses Was Pasturing
In a Flame of Fire Out of the Midst of a Bush
And I Appeared—In God Almighty [Shadai], and My Name Is HaVaYaH, I Am Not Known to Them
Visible Colors and Invisible Colors
Four Foundations: Fire, Wind, Water, Dust
I Will Bring, I Will Deliver, I Will Redeem, I Will Take
General and Individual
But They Did Not Listen to Moses for Shortness of Breath
Voice and Speech
Be Afraid of the Sword
These Are the Heads of Their Fathers’ Houses
Know This Day and Take It to Your Heart
Midnight and Midday
A Sea Monster Lies between the Niles
The Flaming Sword that Turned Every Way
Take Your Rod
And They May Become Blood
And Take It to Your Heart
And the Nile Shall Swarm with Frogs
He Was Seven Years in Building It
Ways—Paths—Pleasantness—and Peace
Behold, the Hand of the Lord
And I Will Make You a Great Nation
And Sarai Was Barren
If There Is an Angel as Mediator for Him
There Was a Day When… Satan Also Came among Them
The Sea Monsters
And the Lord Will Pass Through … and when He Sees the Blood on the Lintel and on the Two Mezuzahs [Doorposts]
And It Came to Pass at Midnight
All Things Have I Seen
And He Smelled the Smell of His Garments
This Month Shall Be to You
A Lamb for a Household This month shall be to you
Sourdough and Leaven
Matzot [unleavened bread] of Judgment
Praising the Exodus from Egypt
The Passover Sacrifice
Sanctify to Me Every Firstborn
For He Will Give His Angels Charge over You
For You Saw No Manner of Image
Every Firstborn of an Ass You Shall Redeem with a Lamb
The Tefillin [Phylacteries]
And Elisha Passed Over to Shunem
There Were Three Deaths
And God Led the People Around
And the Lord Walks Before Them by Day
And He Took Six Hundred Select Chariots
And Pharaoh Drew Near
The Lord Will Fight for You, and You will Keep Silent
Why Are You Yelling Out to Me?
Lift Up Your Staff
And He Removed the Wheel of His Chariots
And the Angel of God Went
And ... Went, And It Came, And ... Stretched
And Israel Saw the Great Hand
Then Moses ... Will Sing
The Lord Is My Strength and Song
The Lord Is a Man of War
Pharaoh's Merkavot [chariots/structures] and His Army
Your Right Hand, O Lord, Majestic in Power
When Moses Entered the Cloud
In Your Great Excellence, You Overthrow Those Who Rise Against You
The Enemy Said, “I Will Pursue”
Who Is Like You among the Gods
You Stretched Out Your Right Hand, the Earth Swallowed Them
Building a Temple Below
And They Found No Water
And He Said, “If You Will Hear and Listen to the Voice of the Lord”
The Story of the Manna
The Creator Demands the Glory of the Righteous
Tzur and Sela [both words mean “rock”]
Is the Lord among Us
Then Amalek Came
And They Saw the God of Israel
And Moses Built an Altar
And Jethro Heard
And Her Two Sons
Then Jethro, Moses' Father-In-Law, Came
This Is the Book
You Will Behold the Secret of the Se’arot [Hair]
And You Will Behold the Secret of the Forehead
And You Will Behold the Secret of the Eyes
And You Will Behold the Secret of the Face
You Will Behold the Secret of the Lips
You Will Behold the Secret of the Eyes
You Will Behold the Secret of the Lines in the Palms
You Will Behold the Secret of Secrets
On the Third Month
And Moses Went Up to God
Thus You Shall Say to the House of Jacob
On Eagles' Wings
And It Came to Pass on the Third Day
There Were Voices and Lightning Flashes
And All the People Saw the Voices
And God Spoke
The Tablets Were the Work of God
I Am the Lord Your God - 1
You Shall Not Have
You Shall Not Make for Yourself
You Shall Not Bow Down to Them
You Shall Not Take
Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep It Holy – 1
Honor Your Father
You Shall Not Make with Me
I Am the Lord Your God - 2
You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord In Vain
Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy - 2
Two Gemstones
Honor Your Father and Your Mother
You Shall Not Kill; You Shall Not Commit Adultery...
These Are the Ordinances
If You Buy a Hebrew Slave
The Old Man [The Grandfather]
If Men Struggle
Returning a Loss
Setting Aside Cities of Refuge
Mem-Tet and Mot [rod/pole]
Redeeming a Hebrew Slave
Doubled-Edged Sword
A Vow and an Oath
Barn and Winery
Watching Through the Windows
You Shall Not Follow the Masses in Doing Evil
Keep Away from a False Matter
The Order of Judgments in Laws of Torts [damages]
Written in the Signs of the Creator and His Shechina
A Spirit that Ascends and Descends Each Night
Two Messiahs
Concerning Tithing
You Shall Be Holy Men unto Me
Administer Justice in the Morning
The Rooms of the Tabernacle
And in All the Things That I Have Said to You Be Watchful
Any Man of Israel Who Was Circumcised Should Be Seen
The Creator Is Called ADNI
Neshikin [Kisses]
Behold, I Am Sending an Angel before You
You Are Not To Boil a Kid [Young Goat] in Its Mother's Milk
And unto Moses He Said, “Go Up to the Lord”
And upon the Nobles of the Sons of Israel
chevron_rightVol. 5
A Bed, a Table, a Chair, and a Lamp
And They Shall Take a Donation for Me - 1
A Persimmon and a Sedan Chair
Evening and Morning and Noon
From the Trees of Lebanon Are the Six Days of Creation
Gold and Silver and Bronze - 1
Hear O Israel, Blessed Be the Name of the Glory of His Kingdom Forever and Ever
How Great Is Your Goodness, which You Have Hidden
The Watchman Says, “Morning Comes”
They Will Take a Donation for Me - 2
Three Colors in a Flame
When the Creator Created the World
Who Is She Who Looks Forth Like the Dawn
Sifra DeTzniuta
Ki Tisa
chevron_rightVol. 6
Acharei Mot
chevron_rightVol. 7
Shlach Lecha
chevron_rightVol. 8
Ki Tetze
chevron_rightVol. 9
New Zohar, Bereshit
New Zohar, Noah
New Zohar, Lech Lecha
New Zohar, VaYera
New Zohar, Toldot
New Zohar, VaYetze
New Zohar, VaYeshev
New Zohar, BeShalach
New Zohar, Jethro
New Zohar, Truma
New Zohar, Tzav
chevron_rightVol. 10
New Zohar, Ki Tisa
New Zohar, Acharei
New Zohar, Behar
New Zohar, Naso
New Zohar, Chukat
New Zohar, Balak
New Zohar, Matot
New Zohar, VaEtchanan
New Zohar, Ki Tetze
New Zohar, Ki Tavo
New Zohar, Shir Hashirim
New Zohar, Midrash Ruth
New Zohar, Eicha
chevron_rightVol. 11
Rosh Hashana
Yom Kipurim
chevron_rightVol. 12
אדם הראשון
אהבת חברים
גברים ונשים
גלות וגאולה
השגה רוחנית
טוב ורע
ימות המשיח
יציאת מצרים
יצר הרע ויצר הטוב
ישראל והעמים
מדרגה רוחנית
מחשבת הבריאה
מטרת החיים
ספר הזוהר
עליות וירידות בדרך
עניים ועשירים
ערב רב
צדיקים ורשעים
קו אמצעי
רבי שמעון בר יוחאי (רשב"י)
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Rashbi/Zohar for All/Vol. 2/Beresheet - 1
Moses and Jacob
Moses and Jacob

148) As right and left above the Chazeh—Moses and Aaron—grip and unite in the right and left below the Chazeh, which is Samuel, the middle line of above, Tifferet—Jacob and Moses—grip and unite with the middle line below the Chazeh—Yesod, Joseph. Thus, all the VAK were included and united in one another. The four ends of Moses, Aaron, and Samuel, and the two ends of Jacob and Moses with Joseph. Jacob and Moses are both Tifferet of ZA—the interior of Tifferet is Moses, and the exterior of Tifferet ‎is Jacob. Previously, it was said that Moses and Aaron are right and left of above, and here it is said that Moses is Tifferet, since there are many phases ‎of Moses.

Jacob is the landlord. When Jacob died, Moses took the house and was with her in his life. There is nothing in which there are no internality and externality, for each degree is divided into anterior vessels—KH and the upper third of Bina through the Chazeh, where the Parsa is—and posterior vessels and externality—Bina and TM from the Parsa and below.

However, the anterior vessels and posterior vessels ‎are included in one another. Internality and externality can be discerned even in the anterior vessels of some degree by itself. The internality is the essence of their degree, the anterior vessels, KH or HGT, while their externality is only an incorporation ‎from the posterior vessels, Bina and TM or TNHYM.

Similarly, there are internality and externality in the posterior vessels ‎by themselves, where through their incorporation ‎with the anterior vessels of above, it is considered their internality, KH through the Chazeh, while their own essence—Bina and TM below the Chazeh—is their externality. It is likewise in each degree and each Sefira.

Moses and Jacob are both a Merkava ‎for ZA of Atzilut. However, Moses is a Merkava ‎for the internality of ZA, the anterior vessels from Chazeh of ZA and above, and Jacob is a Merkava ‎for the externality of ZA, the anterior vessels included in the posterior vessels of ZA that stand from Chazeh ‎and below.

Nukva of ZA is entirely from the posterior ‎of Chazeh of ZA and below, and she is called “a house.” It follows that Moses, who is a Merkava ‎for the internality of ZA from Chazeh ‎and above, is not in the same phase as the Nukva of ZA, who is entirely from the Chazeh of ZA and below. This is why only Jacob—the externality of ZA, the anterior vessels included in the Chazeh of ZA and below—has equivalence with the Nukva of ZA—the posterior vessels from the Chazeh ‎and below. Hence, Jacob is considered the landlord and not Moses, for he is a higher degree than the Nukva of ZA. Also, male and female must be from the same phase, since a coupling means equivalence of form.

This is why it was said that Jacob is the landlord, for because he is a Merkava ‎for the externality of ZA, he has equivalence with the Nukva of ZA, who is called “a house.” Jacob is considered her husband. After Jacob died, Moses took the house, the Nukva of ZA, and was with her while he was alive in this world. And although in terms of his spirit he is a Merkava ‎to the internality of ZA and has no equivalence with the Nukva, as long as his spirit was clothed in a body in this world, and any body is entirely from the posterior vessels, he had equivalence with the Nukva of ZA in terms of his body and caused the coupling of ZA with the Nukva during his life in this world after Jacob died.

Joseph was righteous through Jacob and through Moses, since Jacob and Moses were both Merkava ‎to the anterior vessels of ZA, KH or HGT, though one is above the Chazeh ‎and one is below the Chazeh. It is known that there is a coupling only through the middle line of NHY, Yesod Tzadik [righteous]. For this reason, Jacob and Moses alone could not cause the coupling of ZA with the Nukva, unless they connected in Joseph, who is a Merkava ‎for Yesod of ZA, and then they could cause the coupling ZON in a way that Joseph served as Yesod Tzadik ‎for both Moses and Jacob.

149) Jacob took the house, Nukva of ZA, through Joseph, as it is written, “These are the generations of Jacob Joseph,” indicating that they were connected to one another. Also, Moses did not cause a coupling for the Nukva until he took and bonded with Joseph because when the Shechina [Divinity] departed from the exile in Egypt, Moses—the internality of ZA—could not make a coupling with the Shechina except through Joseph, as it is written, “And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him.” It is written that he took them with him because a body is unfit for a coupling unless the body first makes a coupling with the covenant, Yesod.

In other words, Moses is a Merkava ‎for the Guf of ZA from the Chazeh ‎and above and has no equivalence, called coupling, with the Nukva. Rather, he must first make a coupling with Joseph, a Merkava ‎for Yesod of ZA, a covenant. This is why Moses took Joseph with him. Because Joseph was connected with him, ZA was using his Nukva as it should be. This is why it is considered that Jacob, Moses, and Joseph come as one, for both Jacob and Moses must bond with Joseph.

150) Jacob died and his body was raised to the holy land. Joseph died and his body was not buried in the holy land, only his bones. Moses was neither, as both his body and bones were buried outside the land.

Jacob was the first husband of the Nukva because Jacob is a Merkava ‎for the externality of ZA, for the anterior vessels from the Chazeh ‎and below. He has equivalence with the Nukva, who is entirely from the Chazeh of ZA and below. This is why he is the first and true husband of the Nukva. But after Jacob died, the Nukva made a coupling with the internality of ZA, Moses. And while Moses was clothed in a body in this world, for which he had equivalence with her, he was with her properly. He was the second husband of the Nukva.

151) This is why Jacob was raised to the holy land in his entire body, since he is a Guf, meaning because he is a Merkava ‎for the Guf of ZA, Tifferet, included in his from Chazeh ‎and below, as he is anterior vessels, which are included in the posterior vessels. But Joseph, only his bones were raised to the holy land, not his body, since the bones are the hosts and camps of above.

There is nothing in which there are no internality and externality. Even Joseph, Yesod of ZA—who is entirely from Chazeh of ZA and below—also has internality and externality, since his incorporation ‎from the anterior vessels from the Chazeh ‎and above is the internality in him, and his own essence is the externality in him. The ten Sefirot ‎KHB TM in the Guf are called marrow, bones, tendons, flesh, and skin. It follows that the marrow and bones, KH, are the internality of Joseph’s ‎Guf, his inclusion in Chazeh of ZA and above. The tendons, flesh, and skin are the externality of Joseph’s ‎Guf, from his own essence, from Chazeh of ZA and below.

Prior to the end of correction, the shells have a grip in the vessels from the Chazeh of ZA and below. And yet, they have no grip in those anterior vessels that are included in the posterior vessels. For this reason, Jacob, who is entirely a Merkava ‎for the Guf of ZA, for the anterior vessels included in posterior, in HGT that are from the Chazeh of ZA and below, in respect to the posterior ‎themselves, he has only incorporation. For this reason, the shells have no grip in his entire body, even in the posterior ‎included in him, and he was buried in the holy land with his entire body.

But Joseph, as he is a Merkava ‎for Chazeh of ZA and below, only for Yesod, he is kept from the grip only in his internal vessels, the marrow and bones, but in his external vessels—the tendons, flesh, and skin—the shells have a grip. This is why only his bones were buried in the holy land, as they are kept from any grip of the impurity ‎of the shells, but his tendons, flesh, and skin were not buried there because the impurity has a grip in them.

This is why Joseph’s bones were buried in the land, but not his body, since the bones are hosts and camps of above. Because the marrow and bones are from the incorporation ‎with the vessels from the Chazeh of ZA and above, in which the impurity has no grip, for which they were buried in the holy land. But the externality of the body—the tendons, flesh, and skin—in which the impurity has a grip, could not be buried.

They all stem from the same Tzadik [righteous]. The phases ‎from the Chazeh of ZA and above are included and stem from Joseph, Yesod Tzadik of ZA, and the righteous Joseph is called “hosts” because the hosts and camps above Chazeh of ZA stem from him. Thus, the phases ‎above the Chazeh ‎are included in Joseph, and they are called his marrow and bones. This is why Joseph’s bones, which are the hosts from Chazeh ‎and above, were raised to the holy land, which are the marrow and bones, for there is no grip to the impurity ‎in them, but the tendons, flesh, and skin, in which the impurity has a grip, could not be buried there.

152) Moses was outside the land and neither his body nor his bones entered there. But the Shechina entered the land after Moses’ death and returned to her first husband, Jacob. Since Moses is from the internality of ZA, he had equivalence with the Nukva only during his life, but not after his demise. Thus, if a female was married to two men in this world, after her death she returns to her first husband. This is why Moses was buried outside the land, since her first husband, Jacob, was in the land, and the Nukva belongs only to her first husband.

153) Moses was rewarded in his life with what Jacob was not rewarded in his life because Jacob caused the coupling of ZA in the Nukva in the upper world only after his demise, but Moses caused the coupling of ZA with the Nukva while he was alive in this world, but not after his demise. Is that Moses’ drawback that he could not cause the coupling of ZON after his demise? It is not. Rather, when Israel went out of Egypt, their redemption was from the side of Yovel, which is Bina.

All those 600,000 of the generation of the desert were from the upper world, Bina, and in that way, Bina, they walked in the desert. Not even one from that generation came to the land. Rather, their sons, who were born to them, came to the land, as they are in the correction of the moon, Nukva, and all those who work the land in plowing and sowing are the correction of the moon.

The souls of Israel extend from ZON. Since the Nukva of ZA is sweetened in Bina, regarded as the upper world, the souls of Israel have a root in Bina, too. To bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt—for by nature, on the part of ZON, they were not worthy of being redeemed—the Creator extended to that entire generation high souls from the upper world, only from Bina. And through that high root, the Creator redeemed them, as it is written, “And He redeemed him from the hand of him who is stronger than he.” From the direct root of the souls of Israel, Egypt’s impurity ‎was stronger than Israel’s Kedusha. But high souls from Bina illuminated for them and redeemed them.

For this reason, when Israel went out of Egypt, it was on the part of the illumination of Bina, who is called Yovel. All 600,000 souls of Israel from that generation extended from the upper world, Bina, and this is why they had the strength to overcome Egypt’s impurity ‎and be redeemed from them. And in that same way, by the illumination of Bina, they walked in the desert. But not even one of them entered the land because the land of Israel is Nukva of ZA, and since they did not have the illumination of the bottom Nukva, they could not enter the land.

But the children of the generation of the desert, who were born to them and extended properly, to be from the correction of the moon, who is Nukva of ZA, entered the land and ate of its crop. All the workers of the land is the correction of the moon because the generation of the desert, who extended from the upper world, were not workers of the land and ate bread from the heaven. Their sons, who extended from the Nukva, engaged in working the land because working the land is the correction of Nukva of ZA, to which the generation of the desert did not belong.

154) Moses extended the coupling of ZA in the moon, the Nukva, while he was in a body in this world, and was with her as he wished, for he was considered the queen’s husband. But when he passed away from this world, his holy spirit rose in the upper ascension and the spirit returned to the upper Yovel, Bina. There, in the world of Bina, Moses clung to the 600,000 souls of the generation of the desert who were his, from his phase.

This was not so with Jacob, since he did not ascend to Bina, the Yovel, after his demise like Moses. Rather, his spirit went back down to Nukva of ZA for Shmita [remission], which was not so while he was alive. While he was alive, he was not attached to Nukva of ZA, as after his demise, since during his life he had another home, another Nukva. That is, he had a wife in this world during his life, which is why he could not entirely cling to Nukva of ZA, as after his demise.

155) The holy land, in its lower correction, was established through the Nukva of above. That is, the Nukva of above, Ima, is on the holy land, the bottom Nukva, due to the corrections of the lower righteous. This is why they cannot all be together.

Moses and the generation of the desert cannot be together with Jacob and those who come to the land, since those who extend from the upper world, Bina, are all primarily Ruach, while those who extend from the lower world, Nukva of ZA, are all primarily Guf.

This is so because the merit of the Nukva compared to Bina is as a body compared to spirit. For this reason, the souls that extend from them are also like that. It is improper that they will be one inside the other inside the moon, the Nukva. Rather, these are inside the moon, and those are outside of her, receiving illumination from one another. Those who extend from the Nukva should receive illumination from those who extend from Bina, like a body that needs the illumination of the spirit. For this reason, those who extend from the Nukva—Jacob and those who came to the land—are inside the Nukva, the holy land, and those who extend from Bina—Moses and the generation of the desert—are outside the holy land and illuminate to the souls in the holy land.

156) All those who entered the land were only an image of the first, from the generation of the desert, but they were not at such a high degree as them because there will not be a generation nor was a generation before like those first ones—the generation of the desert, for whom the brightness of the glory of their Master appeared face-to-face.

157) Jacob was with his wives in his life, in a body. After his demise, his spirit rose and clung to the spirit of the Nukva. Moses was separated from his wife, Zipporah, in this world and clung to that holy spirit, the Nukva of ZA, while still in a body. After his demise, Moses’ spirit clung to the high and hidden spirit above, in Bina.

All the degrees clung to illuminate as one, illuminating to one another. Those who extend from Bina—who have the value of spirit—to those who extend from the Nukva—who have the value of body. Moses’ spirit is from the Yovel ‎[Jubilee/50th anniversary], Bina, and his body is from below, from the Shmita, Nukva. Jacob’s spirit is to cling to the Shmita, Nukva of ZA, and his body belonged to his wives who are in this world.

For this reason, during his life Jacob could not cling to the Nukva of ZA, but only after his demise. Moses is to the contrary because his body was in equivalence with the Nukva of ZA, hence he clung to the Nukva of ZA during his life, and not after his demise because his spirit adheres to Bina and has no equivalence at all with the Nukva of ZA.

158) All those upper lights are in their form in the earth below, and all are hanging in the firmament of the heaven, by which they illuminate to the earth below, as it is written, “And God placed them in the firmament of the heaven to illuminate upon the earth.”

The great lights are two names included as one. Their perfection is in three, and they returned to being one, opposite each other. Two names are included as one—Matzpatz, Matzpatz—since the Nukva is hidden in the name while she is included with ZA on an equal level, not needing to receive her lights from ZA.

Their perfection is in three because she does not illuminate while she is on an equal level with ZA for lack of clothing of Hassadim, since the coupling of the level of Hassadim ‎on screen of Hirik, the middle line that decides between the two lines right and left and clothes them in one another has not been revealed.

Thus, their perfection is in three, three lines. And once they have been perfected in three lines, the two of them return to one, opposite each other, as it is written, “The Lord is one and His name One.” It is so because then the sun and the 12 hours of the day are extended, the 13 qualities of mercy, which is one. And also, the moon and the 12 hours of the night, the 13 qualities of mercy, which is one.

It is a decorated and engraved name, included in faith, since the name “One” is engraved and included through the corrections in the Nukva, who is called “faith.” This is only a preparation, for at the end of correction, the name “One” will be revealed only in the Nukva, too. During the 6,000 years, it is still not disclosed only in the Nukva, but included in her, which means that it is destined to be disclosed, but it is not disclosed yet.