Question: How can one find the spiritual image to which they can nullify themselves?
Answer: I cannot even say. It simply arises, that is all. It is the result of the influence of the upper light.
There is nothing to invent here. You do not need to imagine anything. There are no fantasies or meditations, no fairy-tale notions. You simply have to wait until the upper light creates a clear inner vision in you when you begin to understand that in all people, it is their soul that speaks, and they are all connected through it into one unified whole.
Let’s say there is a pot of soup in front of you. You can scoop out a spoonful, a second, a third, but each spoonful is part of the same soup. You separated it out.
I see one person, another, a third… I can distinguish them in some way from this “soup,” from the collective soul, but in essence, they are absolutely united within it. And it is only my “spoon” that separates them: this one is Vladek, that one is Grisha, Misha, Vova, and so on. But in reality, this separation does not exist, it is only relative to my “spoon.”
Question: You say that by humbling oneself before one’s friends during study, one can attract the light. Will this reveal the feeling of separation to me?
Answer: On the contrary, I will see the common bond between friends, that it is one single soul.
I do not see them as faces or even as separate individuals. I see their unity, something like a “pot of soup.”
Question: But you have many students. Over time, do you not see their distinct images?
Answer: No, I do not scan them. Not at all! I do not remember faces, and names even less.
Maybe I remember 30 to 40 names, and even that is unlikely because for me, a person is not associated with their name or face, with any external factors. I simply see them; they are inside together with the others, they wish to be with them, they strive for this.
In essence, all people are together, we are all one unified soul, one single “soup.”
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Image in the Spiritual” 6/2/10
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