We told each other even before getting married that we did not want to bring children into this world. We are two lonely souls who found each other and who understand that the world is terrible. We decided that we would live for each other. But now I am writing to you being five months pregnant. It is too late for abortion. We agonized over the decision, whether to go through with it or not, and now I will be giving birth. Yet, we both do not understand how we got here. (From a letter to Dr Laitman)
Answer: You were brought to this.
My first question is: how could this happen to us? We clearly did not want this.
Answer: Many people would not want children, but life itself pushes them to conceive a child.
Question: When you say “life itself,” are you hinting at someone or something?
Answer: I am hinting at the fact that nature made us this way, and that is why we end up here.
Question: So resistance is futile?
Answer: There are people who consciously, even excessively, build such boundaries around themselves saying “We do not want this and that is final.” There are societies like that too.
Question: Who forces a person to cross this boundary? Is this, in principle, also something that happens from above?
Answer: Yes.
Question: So you do not understand how it happened, but that means you were closed off in that moment?
Answer: Yes.
How can we protect our future child from this world? What can we do, how can we raise him so that he is not touched by this dirt?
Answer: I don’t know. Raise him well and give him a good education, a reliable profession. That is all.
Question: When you say “raise him well,” what do you mean by that?
Answer: Raise him well means knowing how to relate to people in a way that elicits positive reactions from them. That is it.
Question: Is that what you mean, not education, but upbringing specifically?
Answer: Yes, upbringing.
Question: What advice can you give to a couple who finds themselves in a situation where their decisions and plans have changed and they are expecting a child?
Answer: Solve all these problems together.
Question: And go for it?
Answer: Go for it. How else? Work through it together and support each other. And they will see that this shared child actually connects them and gives them a new chapter in life, in existence.
Question: So this becomes their new life, right?
Answer: Yes.
Question: What is the best way to deal with anxiety about a future child? This is more of a general advice for others. There is anxiety about a future child, not wanting to give birth. How do you deal with this anxiety?
Answer: This is natural. You need to give birth, you need to raise the child and do everything you can. And gradually, you will see yourself one day as a mature person, a grandparent.
Question: What practical steps can be taken right now during pregnancy to create a safe environment for the child? Because this is something that worries them constantly.
Answer: The most important thing is for the child to understand life. This means understanding why a person exists, how they should behave, which people to avoid, which to get closer to, and so on. In other words, teach them how to interact correctly with this world.
Question: You are giving some very simple, vital, wise advice. Stay away from certain people, get closer to others, try to love others so that they love you. Is that the main thing in upbringing?
Answer: Of course! What else could there be?
Question: How is it that nowadays there are so many people being raised completely differently? That is, people who are filled with hatred…
Answer: You should not raise your children that way because it will only make their lives harder. Hatred eats away at a person.
Question: You do not watch much television, I know. But today, all these channels, YouTube and others are full of fights where people hit each other hard, on the back of the head, wherever. Then, all these movies are packed with strong people who twist others and so on. That is, there is a completely different process of upbringing, more and more, not to love and be loved.
Is this a demand today? Do people want this, do they watch this?
Answer: I think it is not so much a demand as they are being pumped full of it. And of course, this will only make things worse for people.
Question: If we’re talking about raising a child, is it advisable to keep them away from this?
Answer: Yes.
Question: To the point of shielding them from seeing it?
Answer: Of course. What is the point?
Question: There is no point?
Answer: None.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/29/24
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