Question: The Riga-based writer and screenwriter Mikhail Dymov asked schoolchildren aged six to ten to ask their most pressing and important questions to the Creator.
Second-grader Sveta asks the Creator: “Is there anything I can do to help You?”
Answer: I will respond on behalf of the Creator, as though reading His reply.
Yes, I certainly lack your help. In fact I lack help from every person, but from each one individually, including you. The help I need is for you to assist Me in correcting the world.
Question: “Can childhood last a whole lifetime?” Marik, first grade.
Answer: Childhood for a whole lifetime!
That depends, of course, on a person’s character. There are people who remain children at heart, and they are truly wonderful people. They might not always be agreeable in their behavior toward others, but they are always curious. For them, the world is an endless field of discovery, and they constantly strive to reveal, create, or achieve something.
This childlike quality that persists in adults is a remarkable trait. It is truly a gift. It is wonderful when it remains, but it does not depend on the person; it is how they are born.
Question: Radik, fourth grade, asks: “People suffer so much on Earth. Is it even worse in Your hell?”
Answer: In hell, yes, it is even worse.
Hell is the torment of conscience. It is a feeling from which a person cannot escape. Even though they see and understand that everything that happens comes from the Creator, that “There is none else besides Him,” they still cannot shake the feeling or the thought about “What have I really done with my life?”
This guilt cannot be shifted onto the Creator because the person did not even try during their lifetime to rise above the Creator’s governance.
The Creator governs us, but a person must realize that everything they do comes from the Creator, not from themselves. Once he understands this, there will be no reason to worry, feel shame, or suffer.
Question: “How should I live so that everyone in the world is happy?” asks Lisa, second grade.
Answer: There is only one way, find out what happiness is and how it can be achieved. There is a method that can lead people to happiness, and it needs to be applied in life. We will grow up and make it happen.
Question: Igor, fourth grade, asks: “Are there so many hardships and suffering on Earth to make people not afraid of dying?”
Answer: That is partly true. But do not think that way. People might find it easier to die when they see that they are leaving behind a terrible world where nothing good exists, where everyone suffers, and in the end, where everyone dies.
But that is not the best solution. There is another way. Even before we die, we have the opportunity to reveal the upper, eternal, and perfect world. By doing so, we will not actually die, we will simply begin to experience the next stage of our existence, our next life.
Question: Ruslan, second grade, asks: “What if people do not love You, but fear You?”
Answer: For some that is fine; they like it when others fear them. “If they are afraid, they respect me.”
But overall this is wrong. Love requires mutual understanding where you can completely let go of yourself with closed eyes and entrust yourself to the one you love. And in turn, they will think only about you, about your benefit and your well-being. And you will think only about them. When both of you care for each other in this way, that is what love is.
Question: Lyuba from third grade asks a sharp question “Do I really exist?”
Answer: That is a complicated question. I truly exist only when I stand before the Creator, when it is Him and I stand against Him, when I oppose Him. That is when I exist.
Question: Do you think it is easier to explain this to children than to adults?
Answer: Of course it is much easier to explain these things to children than to adults. They instinctively understand it.
Comment: I see you are explaining it to them as if they are adults.
My Response: Of course! You cannot treat children any differently.
Comment: So no baby talk.
My Response: No! That kind of baby talk is the root of all evil in the world.
Question: Katya, fourth grade, asks: “When did love begin on Earth?”
Answer: Love began when people started hating hatred.
Hatred arises naturally, as part of our nature. But when we began to recognize its harm, its limitations, the horrors it brings, and started to despise it, that is when we gradually discovered love.
Question: Sasha from second grade asks: “Are we not just Your toys?”
Answer: “You are My toys,” says the Creator, “completely, absolutely. But you must realize this. And then you will ask Me to make you independent. And I will do it.”
Question: “Why, when you love, everything feels nice, even fried eggs?” asks Stepa from second grade.
Answer: When you love, everything feels nice, even fried eggs, because love covers absolutely all flaws. Absolutely everything! Even what is ugly seems beautiful, what is unpleasant seems pleasant, and what is tasteless seems delicious. Love makes everything better. So the most important thing is not to focus on what is wrong or bad in the world but to develop love.
Question: Vita from second grade asks: “Why did You make the world in such a way that when mom tears her tights, she cries?”
Answer: Yes, a person is small. A little girl cries over her problems, and a big girl, her mom, cries over her problems. Everyone has problems. The Creator made it this way so that people would seek out the perfect state, one of joy and love.
And the only way to reach that state is through tears: tears in class, at school, with friends, over torn tights, through it all.
Question: Misha, fourth grade, asks an intriguing question: “How can one become a memory?”
Answer: First of all, you need to become a good memory, not just any memory. There are people who are remembered with dread, horror, and hatred, people that others wish had never existed, along with their memory.
You have to live in such a way that you leave behind good memories. This only happens if you do good for people and leave a gentle, sweet impression behind.
Question: Alik, fourth grade, asks: “What should I ask You for? After all, You already know everything.”
Answer: It does not matter that I know everything. What is important is that you ask! Because when you ask, you grow closer to Me, and I can give you more than what you ask for. I can also give you My special care, My love, My warmth. If I simply give you what you want without you asking, you will not feel connected to Me and will miss out on the great, kind warm feelings in the world.
Question: Gosha, fourth grade, says: “Bring my parents back to childhood. I would be friends with my mom.”
Answer: If it were possible to be friends with your parents like with your peers, that would be great in one sense. But on the other hand, how would you grow and develop? Who would teach you?
It means we need to learn how to be both children and friends with our parents, to treat our peers as friends, and to learn from everyone. At the same time, we must offer a good example to everyone around us.
Question: What should parents learn in this case?
Answer: Parents should learn to be friends with their children, to be companions. This is very important. Such families exist, and in those families children feel comfortable and protected. They are not pressured or stifled in their independence. They grow up openly.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/28/24
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