Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi discuss the possibility of people losing their data privacy. The following is a loose transcript of the talk…
Oren Levi: A few days ago, we celebrated Data Privacy Day. In relation to privacy, we found recently how even the Israeli police spied on several of its citizens using Pegasus spyware, made by the Israeli technology company NSO Group. It seems as if the more advanced technology becomes, the less privacy individuals possess. There is nowhere to hide. We become exposed, as if naked, in front of everyone. What will protect us in such a state?
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: The protection will be that everyone will lack security, and when everyone is open toward one another, we will feel no shame, we will each have nothing to protect, and that will bring calm to everyone.
Oren Levi: Where is the insurance that will give us 100% protection?
Dr. Laitman: Call upstairs. Connect with the upper force, the good and benevolent force. The only means to be under His protection is through reaching equivalence of form, and performing the same actions as He does. Acts of bestowal and love are opposite to our nature, since we are incapable of feeling them. Someone on the same frequency as this force of nature will feel safe, protected, and peaceful. The only payment required is your loyalty.