Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman responds to questions from Oren Levi, which emerged after a research on rats showed that rats that had more of a genetic connection were able to better cooperate. The following is a loose transcript of the talk…
Oren Levi: Do man’s genes determine the measure to which he can cooperate with others?
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: Cooperation passes through the genes, but it is not ordinary genetics like with rats.
Oren Levi: Who is there to blame when a person has bad genes and he is more antisocial, apathetic, and won't cooperate with others?
Dr. Laitman: The person is to blame for not getting ahead with the cure. A person can release himself through his attitude toward others. It starts with the understanding, "I need to reach a state where I care about others. Others also need to care for their friends."
In the quality of cooperation each of us is a wrong-doer. We're all egoists and all of us need to correct ourselves, to invert ourselves from reception to bestowal. Everyone will have to perform this correction. When a person who was born with poor cooperation genes inverts himself, he will be better than everyone. But he'll have some hard work to do: the greater the minus, the bigger the plus.
Nature did not screw anyone up, so to speak. Everyone has the ability to invert themselves
from minus to plus, and by doing so, discover their spiritual world. To the measure he loves everyone, he starts feeling that he is in the world of the Creator.
What does that feel like? God's world. A person loves everyone, understands everyone, feels everyone. This person treats everyone in a good and nice way, seeing themselves as a means to help others. The person is enjoying himself all the time because he can bestow. He or she can give to everyone, and that's unlimited, that's heaven.
Everyone can be that way. Not only is there hope for everyone but everyone has to go through this.