New Life 1252 – Differences Of Opinion About The Coronavirus

New Life 1252 – Differences Of Opinion About The Coronavirus

Episode 1252|Jun 15, 2020
The problem with the coronavirus epidemic is that each expert is presenting his own opinion and the public is confused, hysterical, or indifferent. The unknown is scary. We are familiar with influenza and have experienced it personally. We are still unfamiliar with the coronavirus and therefore the disease stresses us greatly. The right thing to do is according to what most doctors say and not according to people’s inclinations or the media. It is up to me to accept whatever most people decide because I want to be with everyone. This will bring me happiness. We must behave in such a way that we are acting for the good of others and protecting their health even if we ourselves are indifferent. A person who doesn’t put on a mask is inconsiderate of others. Whoever acts for the benefit of others has no room for hysteria or indifference.