The World with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

"The World" is a TV program exploring current affairs, the most pressing and intriguing topics affecting the world, from an integral and global perspective, with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Norma Livne.

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In this episode of The World, hosted by journalist, Norma Livne, Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman will discuss the topic of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial intelligence is the most important revolution in technology since computing was invented. It is already impacting our entire lives, although we are not clear about when, or how... or why. It is the great paradox of AI. The ability for machines to think and reason on their own may be the most important advancement in technology in recent centuries, but it also represents a real danger to humanity. Because computers today control nuclear power plants, electricity supply, armed missiles... What if one day artificial intelligence decides that humans are not necessary? It sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, but it's a fear shared by some of the brightest minds of our time, from Bill Gates to Elon Musk to the late Stephen Hawking. One of the fathers of artificial intelligence, Marvin Lee Minsky, was convinced that AI would save humanity. But he, too, prophesied in 1970: "When the computers take over, we may never be able to get it back. We'll survive as long as they tolerate us. If we're lucky, they may decide to keep us as their pets."
Episode 210Oct 20, 20221374 Views
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman will discuss what is a yearning for spirituality according to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Longing or yearning is a strong desire for something. It can be something physical/tangible or intangible. Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), in Letter 21, writes the following: “Baal HaSulam said that everything is insipid unless there is a desire and an appetite for it, called ‘yearning.’” In this episode of The World, hosted by Norma Livne, Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman will discuss what is a yearning for spirituality according to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Episode 209Oct 13, 20221133 Views