We received a very moving letter: “I decided to write to you after a year and a half of watching your clips. Everyone considers me a good, kind, and empathetic person, but I suddenly realized that there is not an ounce of love in me. The closest person to me is suffering, but I don't feel his pain. I act with compassion, but I have none of it. I don’t feel right being this way but I am afraid to admit this to others.”
The following is a loose transcript of a discussion between Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur about this letter…
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: If a person feels this way, she has matured. As it is said in Ecclesiastes, “He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.” Her knowledge of what it means to be a human has grown. It is simply a realization of life as a miserable existence within an awful state called “egoism.” She suffers from it, so that is good.
Semion Vinokur: How can she not suffer?
Dr. Laitman: By using her negative feelings to rise above this state to a higher one. She feels that she has no compassion for the person closest to her. It is a good start. To ascend to a higher state means more compassion and being closer to people.
But she cannot do this by herself. A person is not the Creator. A person cannot turn on a switch and suddenly become compassionate and begin to love. We can only advise her on a few techniques, which will work within, but indirectly. We can indirectly bring upon ourselves the upper light, the upper energy, an influence from above, which will correct and transform us.
Semion Vinokur: From the state “there is not an ounce of love in me” she will suddenly feel that there is love in her?
Dr. Laitman: Yes. In addition she will begin to investigate her attitude to the world and to people. Her attitude to everything and in the end to the Creator, who is the source of all her ideas about the world. Everything that she really sees in the world—the still, vegetative, animate, and human natures—will eventually unite inside of her as the image of the Creator. That is, the upper force projects such a state to her.
It is the Creator who provokes these sensations in her. It is said “There is none else besides Him.” The sensations she gets are for her to realize what true compassion is. But knowing true love is not the goal, it is only the means to attain the Creator Himself, His plan.
Through all these influences we attain their root, which is the Creator Himself. Why does He create such images in us? Why should we see the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human natures? Why are they around us? Why do they affect us and make us interact with them? What is it for?
These influences have only one root, a source, a reason: the root cause. And this root cause wants you to attain it, so that you get closer to it. It's like a call from the Creator to attain Him. He invites you to a date with Him.
Semion Vinokur: Well, if she decides to go on this date, what will she get out of it?
Dr. Laitman: I will teach her. I am here as a mediator, a go-between, one might say.
Semion Vinokur: That is, you can teach her how to go on this date, how to behave. And what will it give her?
Dr. Laitman: This is my profession. What are we looking for when we want to love, to delve into, to get to know another person? We want to broaden our relationship, expand feelings from one toward the other.
We start to explore ourselves, asking why it is so. We feel the other and question why they feel such and such a way. This is where a very interesting connection arises, I would say a romance between man and the Creator.
As a result, love arises—the biggest, the greatest, and an utterly selfless and most important love. It reveals absolutely everything. It turns out that everything in the world was created for the two of you. This alone is the reason for this world’s existence. It turns out that only this person and the Creator exist.
Semion Vinokur: Can this be said for all eight billion people that only I and the Creator exist? Can everyone say this?
Dr. Laitman. Yes. Such a date with the Creator should happen for everyone. Everyone should attain this love in a very personal way. It is like a giant computer and everyone has their own program.
This is how a person discovers that everything else in the world is just for him. The infinite number of all kinds of variations in everything that exists is specifically aimed at him.
Everything he sees, everything that happens, what he reads in the newspapers or is told. Just like if you write a screenplay, and you need to bring a protagonist to a certain turning point. Let's get closer, go on a date and learn to love.
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