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Heartbeat Synchronization and the Healing Power of Connection
Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman explains how synchronizing heartbeats and breathing with a loved one can alleviate suffering and highlights the importance of mutual support to rise above suffering in a discussion with Semion Vinokur.
27 Kas 2023210 Views
What Can We Learn from Wolves?
30 Kas 2023503 Views
How to Live Day by Day After Loss: Kabbalist Advice
In this video, Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman offers practical advice to a viewer on how to cope with major loss and continue living day by day without expectations.
13 Kas 2023269 Views
Why Civilization Fails: Insights from a Cannibal Island
Insights from a Cannibal Island
19 Eki 2023606 Views
What Can We Learn from Black Holes Giving Birth to Stars?
What can we learn from black holes giving birth to stars? Black holes are known to absorb everything within their gravitational field. Using the most powerful Hubble Telescope, astronomers discovered a black hole that became like a mother, giving birth to several stars. How it works is that the black hole sucks gas clouds into itself, gas clouds then heat up to certain temperatures, connect with plasma streams, and they become nurseries for future stars. This example of a black hole giving birth to stars shows that there is a clear transition from darkness to light, that there is a point it reaches when it can no longer absorb, and then it needs to expel. It displays a certain kind of pulsation at work. If we relate this example of a black hole giving birth to stars to our own lives: we contain properties of a black hole within us. Our egoistic self-serving nature constantly wishes to absorb and consume into itself.
13 Haz 2022100 Views
Elon Musk Welcomes Global Recession - Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman Reacts
Elon Musk believes a recession is good because “money has been raining down on fools for too long.” Elon Musk is among the business leaders anticipating massive changes in the industries worldwide. The profound changes will ultimately bring the world to a healthy and correct distribution of wealth. In the new state there will be a balance, where the right labor will be encouraged and properly compensated. Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman discusses Musk’s welcoming of a global recession with Semion Vinokur.
13 Haz 2022173 Views
Can You Quantify Human Disconnection?
The realization of how we are disconnected is of utmost value as it could aid in raising the importance of connection between us, the importance of providing everyone with necessities, the way we ought to build our society, and so on. In short, a society has to be set up in a way that, whatever happens, every individual or family receives their essentials. Together with each individual and family receiving their essentials, we would be wise to implement a process of connection-enriching learning so that a good reciprocal human connection would expand throughout society, since such connection has the capability to resolve all problems.
10 Oca 2022648 Views
World Demands from Jews
Today, we find ourselves in an intricately-connected world. The idea of sustaining ourselves in isolation, whether as individuals or as countries, has become obsolete. We feel pressured to share and to cooperate. Our intellect is egoistic. The mind seeks safety, and hates having to depend on others. Yet we feel the need for communication and cooperation regardless. The world is interconnected, and we all understand that these days, even though many still disagree on this. Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi discuss humanity’s intricate connections and how a better future depends on the Jewish people.
18 Kas 2021150 Views
Kabbalist Responds to the Metaverse
Mark Zuckerberg is creating a metaverse, a digital world that gives rise to a sense of physical presence in a virtual space. Users will be able to grasp this digital world through touch. Development of a thin, robot skinsuit is already underway, creating an effect of physical interaction with virtual reality, allowing one to see and touch objects. Movement and interplay will be possible regardless of physical distances. Students will have the capability of teleporting to other countries, going back in time to historical events, writing with the power of thought and so forth. This world will host a billion users. I wouldn’t want to live in such a universe, though. I aspire to a different spiritual reality where people will be capable of moving not due to having a particularly sensitive skinsuit, but first we need to clarify some criteria, such as, “What is happiness?” “What is the purpose of life?” and “What should we accomplish while alive in this world?” Then, we can start building the universe. We would then feel better living in such a universe compared to the current world around us. If the point of this envisioned virtual reality is to feel good, then it is no more than a drug, i.e. an escape through the creation of all sorts of illusions. The spiritual reality, however, is one where we can rise to the level of the upper force of love, bestowal and connection. Rising to the level of the upper force is something that we each need to build within ourselves. It cannot be created using physical, mechanical, technical or digital means. It requires determining what causes a person to enter and exit the spiritual reality. We have to acquire a desire to attain the spiritual world and to ask the upper force for this desire if it is absent. It is also important to remember that there is no coercion in spirituality; nobody can be manipulated to enter the spiritual world.
8 Kas 2021341 Views
The Five Whys
Sakichi Toyoda, founder of Toyota Industries, came up with the “Five Whys” rule. He used to practice it in life too. For example, you want a fur coat. 1. Why do I want a fur coat? It’s because I want to impress everyone. 2. Why do you want to impress everyone? It’s because I want to be noticed. 3. Why do you need to be noticed? It’s because I feel insecure. 4. Why do you feel insecure? It’s because I cannot realize my potential in any way. 5. Why can’t you realize your potential? It’s because I work in a job that I don't enjoy. Kabbalist Dr. Laitman explores other “whys”: These “whys” lead us further. Ultimately, leading us to the question, “Why do I live?” - Why are we falling apart? It’s because we relate to one another incorrectly. - Why do we relate to each other incorrectly? It’s because we are egoists. - Why are we egoists? Address that to the Creator. - Why do I need to address that to the Creator? It’s because He has all the answers.
4 Kas 2021206 Views
How to Alleviate Future Suffering
Previously we have spoken of the modern world appearing as hostile and unpredictable to humanity. Scientists believe that as a result of this, humans have experienced a shift in decision-making processes, and they inform us that we are becoming more definitive. More precisely, seeing things either as black or white. There is no gray area—no room for normality—it is all extremity. Such examples as to whether something is moral or not, does God exist or not, is there a need for the death penalty or not. Scientists state that humanity is on the verge of grave tribulations and will need wisdom and negotiating skills instead of jumping to conclusions—learn to live by rules of peaceful coexistence, even though it is apparent that we know less of how to live in this manner. While this is correct, I see the future as awful for humanity, one of intense repercussions and dramatic reactions that impact humanity. We probably are not able to escape them. Baal HaSulam, one of the acclaimed kabbalists, wrote that a third and even fourth nuclear world war is possible. If we do not listen to what the science of Kabbalah requires for us to do, then only disaster and blows can change us. Nature urges us to realize the evil inclination of our human nature so we may begin to change. Such is the law of nature. It will not change but only manifest itself increasingly before us. It has to be felt on our skins, on ourselves, that we hold the evil inclination within. It is impossible to bypass this step. Nature will keep combing our flesh raw with a rake, and there is nothing we will be able to do about it. We will need to reach the realization of the full depth of our terrible egotistical self and the need to change it, even of our own volition. Suffering will make this happen. We must arrive at a point and ask that nature change us internally in our inner qualities, in our minds. Why does nature drive us into such a dilemma? After all, realizing and drawing conclusions from the quality of our inferior nature can be relatively easy. Almost everyone will agree that human nature is cruel, and that we are incapable of holding positive relations. We cannot and will never be able to change on our own. It requires systematic kabbalistic education to explain how to invoke nature’s positive forces on us all. Over several years, these benevolent forces will gradually bring about changes in us. It all depends upon the extent to which we can draw these forces into our lives, wishing for them to implement these changes. A happy ending is possible, but we cannot jump to it. We can soberly look at what is happening and keep trying to raise human awareness. We can do nothing but constantly and sensibly add in such a direction. It will eventually sprout over time and with a lot of effort, drop by drop.
21 Eki 2021411 Views
How Squid Game Portrays Human Nature
The screenwriter and director of Squid Game have been noted as saying that "such is our world" in relation to the setup where people become willing to kill other people if placed under conditions where it is either their life or another's life. I would take it a step further: that our world is worse than what is presented in Squid Game. In our world, we wish to kill others without playing a game in order to do so, knowing in advance that we will kill them, and not as it is in Squid Game, where players agree to play a game according to certain rules. If we were to remove the filters that cloud human relations, we would see that we are killing each other. Imagine, for instance, the horrible phenomena we would see if everyone’s thoughts became revealed. Thankfully, however, we have been given a gift of being able to each keep our thoughts to ourselves, so that we would be spared from such a terrible vision. The main lesson that Squid Game might open up is a view of how human nature works: that we each prioritize self-benefit over anything else, up to a point of killing other people if we are placed in a situation where it is either us or them. However, such a lesson is only a small part of what we truly need lessons in today: the need to transform our nature so that we prioritize positive connection to each other and to nature. The more we develop without undergoing such a fateful transformation, the more we will suffer; and the sooner we take steps to transform our nature in order to positively connect with each other above our self-centeredness, then the sooner we will experience a new harmonious and peaceful world. Therefore, the main takeaway from Squid Game, which shows the evilness of our egoistic nature, should be paralleled with a serious endeavor that aims at clarifying what human nature is, how it works, why we create such shows, and whether they correctly portray our condition. We will be able to understand that we watch Squid Game and similar forms of art and entertainment because they portray the egoistic qualities that make up our current nature. Therefore, such viewing should be accompanied with an explanation of the need to change this nature if we are to shift our lives to a positive course, a world of happiness, balance and peace. Then, instead of identifying with our egos, we would start seeing our egoistic attitudes to each other as masks that hide a much better life from us, and we will then start feeling a desire to exit our egoistic state, and develop a completely different attitude to each other, to nature and to life in general.
21 Eki 2021337 Views
Kabbalist Responds to Viewer Who Realizes She Has No Love in Her
We received a very moving letter: “I decided to write to you after a year and a half of watching your clips. Everyone considers me a good, kind, and empathetic person, but I suddenly realized that there is not an ounce of love in me. The closest person to me is suffering, but I don't feel his pain. I act with compassion, but I have none of it. I don’t feel right being this way but I am afraid to admit this to others.” The following is a loose transcript of a discussion between Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur about this letter… Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman: If a person feels this way, she has matured. As it is said in Ecclesiastes, “He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.” Her knowledge of what it means to be a human has grown. It is simply a realization of life as a miserable existence within an awful state called “egoism.” She suffers from it, so that is good. Semion Vinokur: How can she not suffer? Dr. Laitman: By using her negative feelings to rise above this state to a higher one. She feels that she has no compassion for the person closest to her. It is a good start. To ascend to a higher state means more compassion and being closer to people. But she cannot do this by herself. A person is not the Creator. A person cannot turn on a switch and suddenly become compassionate and begin to love. We can only advise her on a few techniques, which will work within, but indirectly. We can indirectly bring upon ourselves the upper light, the upper energy, an influence from above, which will correct and transform us. Semion Vinokur: From the state “there is not an ounce of love in me” she will suddenly feel that there is love in her? Dr. Laitman: Yes. In addition she will begin to investigate her attitude to the world and to people. Her attitude to everything and in the end to the Creator, who is the source of all her ideas about the world. Everything that she really sees in the world—the still, vegetative, animate, and human natures—will eventually unite inside of her as the image of the Creator. That is, the upper force projects such a state to her. It is the Creator who provokes these sensations in her. It is said “There is none else besides Him.” The sensations she gets are for her to realize what true compassion is. But knowing true love is not the goal, it is only the means to attain the Creator Himself, His plan. Through all these influences we attain their root, which is the Creator Himself. Why does He create such images in us? Why should we see the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human natures? Why are they around us? Why do they affect us and make us interact with them? What is it for? These influences have only one root, a source, a reason: the root cause. And this root cause wants you to attain it, so that you get closer to it. It's like a call from the Creator to attain Him. He invites you to a date with Him. Semion Vinokur: Well, if she decides to go on this date, what will she get out of it? Dr. Laitman: I will teach her. I am here as a mediator, a go-between, one might say. Semion Vinokur: That is, you can teach her how to go on this date, how to behave. And what will it give her? Dr. Laitman: This is my profession. What are we looking for when we want to love, to delve into, to get to know another person? We want to broaden our relationship, expand feelings from one toward the other. We start to explore ourselves, asking why it is so. We feel the other and question why they feel such and such a way. This is where a very interesting connection arises, I would say a romance between man and the Creator. As a result, love arises—the biggest, the greatest, and an utterly selfless and most important love. It reveals absolutely everything. It turns out that everything in the world was created for the two of you. This alone is the reason for this world’s existence. It turns out that only this person and the Creator exist. Semion Vinokur: Can this be said for all eight billion people that only I and the Creator exist? Can everyone say this? Dr. Laitman. Yes. Such a date with the Creator should happen for everyone. Everyone should attain this love in a very personal way. It is like a giant computer and everyone has their own program. This is how a person discovers that everything else in the world is just for him. The infinite number of all kinds of variations in everything that exists is specifically aimed at him. Everything he sees, everything that happens, what he reads in the newspapers or is told. Just like if you write a screenplay, and you need to bring a protagonist to a certain turning point. Let's get closer, go on a date and learn to love.
11 Eki 2021294 Views
The Importance of a Father Figure
What is the importance of a father figure in a person’s development? In the words of Sigmund Freud, “I could not point to any need in childhood as strong as that for a father’s protection.” The importance of the father figure is embedded in nature and our biology. A child who grows up with a distorted fatherly presence, whether the child experiences abuse or neglect from the father, leads to certain distortions that become part of them for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, a child who grows up with a positive father figure accordingly absorbs a positive influence. In our times, since the human ego has reached overblown proportions, in order to be a positive father figure to a child, men need to undergo an educational process that gives them the ability to rise above their egoistic drives and consistently exercise an altruistic attitude to other people, including their family. If speaking in broader terms, then we can also say that humanity’s lack of feeling for its “Father,” i.e. the Creator, the upper force, is the cause of every problem that we experience in our lives. If we felt the caring attitude of our “Father”—the Creator, the upper force—which begets and cares for us at every moment, then we would bear witness to a completely different, positive, harmonious and peaceful world. However, it is impossible to feel such a presence with our inborn properties, because we would then possess no free will. We would feel the full love of the Creator, but we would also be subordinated by it. We thus have no such feeling, and it is in order to be able to act freely, i.e. to develop a similar attitude among each other in society as that of the upper force toward us. Until we do so, we will keep finding ourselves in a world that is full of increasing problems and crises.
7 Eki 2021197 Views
Why Fashion Is Going Out of Fashion
The latest fashion trend is virtual clothing. Digital fashion apps are taking over the market, customers “wear” digital clothing through augmented reality and digitally altered photos on various social networks. The accelerator for this new development was the lockdown from the coronavirus pandemic, which forced people indoors, no need to dress up with no places to go. The creators of these virtual clothing stores stand by the statement: “The traditional fashion industry pollutes the planet, but we do not.” We have been purchasing clothing on a whim, wearing it for one evening and then disposing of it. With this new way of shopping, we need only our pajamas as we sit in front of our screens, creating our digitally immersive virtual fashion experiences made solely out of pixels. Is fashion going out of fashion? Fashion generally is a concept. In the past, it had a language of its own and people were judged and categorized by their apparel. Today, it is no longer the case. Fashion is going out of fashion. We need to dress only for convenience and comfort. We should thus not be judged by our choice of clothes or hairstyle. I believe that none of it should matter, “I sit here before you as if I am naked.” By this, we will practically look at a person’s inner self, hear and feel the person, see their personality, their warm heart instead, and not be concerned with appearances. Nevertheless, we still see how purchasing a gift for another elevates their mood. This, too, is necessary within reason. But still, one way or another, we will leave all this behind. We see changes with the new generation. In the past, fashion was about status. Today, it has lost its meaning. We will come to seek comfort in practical things suitable for our convenience. We will value a person for who they are and not because of their apparel, appearances, or their possessions, and we will reach this state internally.
7 Eki 2021236 Views
War Between America and China? A Kabbalist’s Response
While the media reports on the Asia-Pacific region as turning into a powder keg, we should remember that the media is primarily interested in its ratings, and neither America nor China are interested in serious warfare with each other. There is no point in trying to conquer other countries and regions in a world where an all-encompassing global crisis sweeps over us. The real tension today is between us and nature. Nature is starting to work on us and our goal is to establish a dialogue with nature. This is of utmost importance: the establishment of a dialogue with nature is our primary goal. Nature will not leave us alone until we change ourselves, and it will change to the extent that we do. There are inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human natures. Human nature is at the peak of all the levels of nature, and as such, the other levels depend on it. If we can reach balance, more or less, among each other on our human level, then we can also bring calm to nature’s other levels. Kabbalistic books very clearly state in several places that only the good force exists in nature, and a human being can change everything. Humans cause imbalance in nature, and humans are also capable of bringing about balance.
4 Eki 2021214 Views
Is Winning the Lottery a Blessing or a Curse?
Margaret Loughrey, 56, from Strabane in Northern Ireland, was found dead in her home. In 2013, she won 27 million pounds in the lottery, acquired real estate, bought a house, a pub and opened a recreation center for residents of the city. She planned to build affordable housing for residents on her property. She spent half of her winnings on charity. The recreation center was set on fire more than once. She also received a suspended sentence for drunk or disorderly conduct. She later claimed that people stole millions from her. Shortly before her death, she said: “I regret winning the lottery […]. I was a happy person before. I am a human being and all it has done is destroy my life.” We mostly think of winning the lottery as a blessing, that if we had won the lottery, we would have used the money well. But there are no such examples. Winning the lottery is a curse. Our seemingly good deeds within the framework of our limited understanding of the world, i.e. giving millions of dollars to one or more causes, will always fall short and boomerang back to us in negative ways. I see no solution to such a problem other than an extensive worldwide educational program that teaches us to develop a sense of mutual responsibility and consideration toward each other in society, and to prioritize positively connecting to each other above our divisive drives. Humanity will come to realize that after all the unsolvable global challenges, the only cure left will be to implement unity among each other. We need different conditions and not people or organizations trying to manage these massive amounts of money. My conclusion is to not award such sums of money. Do not incite a person in such a way. I personally would also ask to not have such sums of money offered to me.
23 Eyl 2021181 Views
Will Men Give Birth?
Scientists in Shanghai, China have managed to impregnate male rats. The researchers transplanted a uterus into male rats and after eight weeks, they transplanted the embryos too. The result was ten pups delivered by caesarean section, who reached adulthood and were able to reproduce without serious diseases. An animal model of male pregnancy in mammals was thus created through this experiment. This phenomenon is also seen in a group of fish in the family Syngnathidae, which includes seahorses and their relatives, the pipefish and seadragons. According to Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman, such an act is against nature and the outcome will not be a good one, even if it will not be evident in the first few generations. The male and female bodies differ in every cell. They have a different psychology and mental structure. The Torah treats men and women differently, as two opposites, completely incomparable and precisely due to their differences, it lets them connect, unite and birth future generations. The union between male and female creates a system that resembles the Creator: “A man and a woman, the Creator between them.” Only in the voluntary connections above themselves, in the desire to unite despite their differences, do they begin to build something common, which is called “love.” Their offspring entirely depend on the connection between two opposites. The more developed a man and a woman become, the more complex the connection, which we do not yet understand. We cannot defeat nature. We are inside nature.
8 Tem 2021218 Views