Why is it that you Jews do everything the other way around? •Why does everyone write from left to right, and you write from right to left? •What does it mean to be close to spirituality? •Why does the world celebrate birthdays, and you celebrate the day of demise? •Can we say that leaving this world is a correction? •Why do Jews start the following day from sunset and everyone else from sunrise? •Why do Jews wear a head covering out of respect for the Creator and the rest of the world, out of respect takes off their head covering? •Why does a religious Jew wear a yarmulke? •Why do most nations celebrate the New Year in winter and the Jews, in fall? •Where does the Jewish calendar come from? •Why do Jews bury their dead as quickly as possible and in the world, it is customary to part for a longer period of time? •What does the burial symbolize? What spiritual root does it have? •Why does the Jewish New Year begin from the day of judgment? •When you feel that you’re hated, what is your inner response?
Oct 21, 20242985 Views