Man, Woman and Divinity Between Them

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The female’s craving for the male makes a soul
Episode 1020 авг. 2024 г.1317 Views
Reconciliation and Receiving Permission
Today's episode discusses an excerpt from The Zohar, Beresheet Bet [Genesis 2], “Reconciliation and Receiving Permission,” Item 215 “One who connects with his wife should make peace with her and mitigate her with words. If he does not appease her, he will not stay the night with her because their desire must be as one, without coercion.”
Episode 930 июля 2024 г.2243 Views
Everything Is From the Woman
Today's episode discusses an excerpt from Midrash Rabbah, Beresheet, 17. “There is a story about a Hassid [one who belongs to the Hassidut movement] who was married to a woman but they could not have children. They said, ‘We are not helping the Creator whatsoever.’ He divorced her and married a wicked woman who made him wicked, while she [the former wife] married a wicked man and made him [her new husband] righteous. It follows that everything is from the woman.”
Episode 814 мая 2024 г.2317 Views
Today's episode discusses an excerpt from our teacher, the RABASH from his article, “Partnership.”
“It is like a partnership, where if each one does his job, everyone is happy, as it is written, “which God has created to do,” for there is nothing without labor. Hence, the husband toils and brings money, and his wife takes the money and toils with it, buying groceries and cooking, and seeing that the food is tasty, and then both are happy. If the woman cooks well, her husband will have good appetite and will then have strength to go to work and bring in money. Likewise, if the feet walk and the hands buy and give the food to the brain, the brain has the strength to think.”
Episode 72 апр. 2024 г.2300 Views
Man, woman and the Shechina [Divinity] between them
Today's episode discusses an excerpt from Kabbalist Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (RABASH). He writes in his article Discernments in States: “A man and a woman, if they are rewarded, the Shechina [Divinity] is between them.” We should ask, If they are opposite, how can there be peace between them? “It is specifically when one becomes worthy, when he inverts reception into bestowal, called ‘receiving in order to bestow,’ there is peace between them. Otherwise, they are in dispute or that one yields before the other. Yielding is not regarded as love in wholeness, for the one who yields always waits for when he will regain the power of control.”
Episode 619 мар. 2024 г.1851 Views