Series of lessons on the topic: Baal HaSulam - undefined

17 ноември 2023 - 24 януари 2024

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Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 2. Part 6, item 7

Lesson 6|21 ное 2023
To all the lessons of the collection: Baal HaSulam. Study of the Ten Sefirot. Vol. 2. Part 6

Morning Lesson November 21, 2023

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation, which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 2:

Baal HaSulam. "Study of the Ten Sefirot" (TES). Vol. 2. Part 6. #7 (When the emanator wanted to emanate)

Reading #7 (00:12 - 03:34) “When the emanator wanted to emanate the world of Nekudim..” twice

Reading Inner Light #7 (03:43 - 04:37) “There is no strength and ability in the lower ones to receive..”

1. S. (04:44) It is not clear, if SAG went below Tabur and it's entirely to bestow, meaning light, so why does he say that there wasn’t light but now he has to bring a new light in order to awaken a desire for a greater correction, it is not clear?

R. We will learn, we will learn.

Continue reading (05:20 - 08:22) “There was another, second restriction in AK..”

2. S. (08:31) What happened to the lights that departed?

R. I do not know, it is not written about it.

3. S. (08:46) We say that the first restriction is part of AK, and the second restriction is part of Nekudim?

R. Yes.

4. S. (09:03) In NHY de AK, he calls it “the mixture of the Reshimot, the records of SAG in phase four.

R. Yes?

S. How can two types of records mix in the same place, what does that mean?

R. The influence of Reshimot of SAG on phase four

S. How do they influence one another, we never bumped into this before?

R. Of course, the Reshimot, the records influence the desire.

S. Yes, but there's a mixture of two kinds of records, of BINA of SAG and Malchut, what is in phase four that they mix in the same place, which is NHY of AK?

R. Yes and the certain desire to forms of Reshimo, records, mix.

S. Why?

R. Because it's a place that belongs to both of them.

Continue reading (10:15 - 14:06) “He elevated all the light that expanded in the internality of this AK..”

5. S. (14:16) I want to understand the process because he says that “two types of lights ascended upward of ZON and of Bina”.

R. Yes, AB, SAG.

S. So in the ARI’s words, he says that he wants to build vessels there, and in the beginning of the process, even the light that was there departs even more because he's an opposite action now?

R. Why the opposite?

S. Because the light was there.

R. Yes, and when the light departs it doesn't cause the existence of the vessels?

S. Now, there aren't any vessels that can receive the light.

R. But when there are no vessels they can receive the light, it is also a process of making, creating the vessels.

Reading (15:21 - 20:44) “He elevated all the light that expanded in the internality of this AK ‎from the place of its Tabur and below to above the place of the ‎Tabur into the upper half of its Guf…

6. S. (20:50) Before the departure of the lights, there cannot be a connection between the two?

R. How could there be a connection if the lights depart?

S. He writes that “you find that all this connection and incorporation was done through the ascent of the lights above Tabur”, so there are no lights there in the bottom part, so I'm asking if previously there was no possibility?

R. No, below Tabur there weren't any actions taking place.

S. Phase four and phase two connect below Tabur when the lights go up.

R. Yes.

S. Why specifically after the lights depart above they can connect?

R. These lights are entering one action, to depart from the vessels, that’s why the records were connected here.

S. If you can explain, why specifically during the departure of the lights there are conditions that enable the connection of phase four with phase two?

R. We learned even in previous parts that the light that ascends from below upward as the light of Nekudot, the screen that rises from below upward from Tabur, from the Sium to Peh, so there is a connection between the vessels and the other vessels.

S. Why specifically when the vessels are empty is it possible to perform the act of connection?

R. Because they are empty.

S. Why specifically?

R. Because they want to be filled by the lights ascending, let's say the lights from Tabur ascend to the Peh of Rosh, so they bump into all the vessels along the way, four, three, two, one root.

S. What enables the connection when the vessel is empty?

R. When the vessel is empty it is weak, the light doesn’t control it, that’s why even the records are enough in order to change the direction of the development of the vessel.

S. Why specifically when the vessel is empty it can connect, what is it about this emptiness that enables this connection?

R. In the emptiness of the vessel, there are no forces in the vessel, there is no light dwelling in there and controlling it; that’s why it can be controlled by the records or by the lights that ascend from below upward.

7. S. (24:55) I want to continue from the friend, you said that there was connection between the vessels, and he also writes that connection, bonding of phase two, which is Bina with phase four, which is Malchut. The connection of vessels is it the result of the mixture of the records that were before?

R. You could say that but.

S. It's not causing a consequence?

R. No I didn't see that mentioned.

S. At the end he writes “remember this understanding because it's the foundation, it’s the basis”.

R. Phase two and four mix and connect, it’s the foundation for the rest of the development of the vessel Malchut to Bina.

S. How do we relate to his advice,” remember this understanding”, what does it mean to ‘remember’, how to work with what he writes?

R. That there’s a connection between two and four because phase two is the beginning of the Nukva and phase four is the end of Nukva.

S. He also writes that “the bottom nine of SAG are closed in the bottom half of the…”, so clothed in or clothed over? The upper one is only clothed in or how does it work?

R. Who is clothing on who?

S. Yes, clothing in and over?

R. No, when vessels clothes on vessels, we need to scrutinize that.

S. We need to scrutinize; he also writes that “the looking of the lights from the body of the upper one is to save the lower one”, what is the condition to save the lower one that requires looking of the lights, first, a coupling or something?

R. The coupling is later but first, the lights have to depart.

S. Why is it a condition to save something new?

R. How could you perform the new coupling, you have the lights inside in the vessels.

S. There is incorporation of records in the coupling that there is?

R. No, no, a vessel has to feel itself empty and then it can choose the record and perform a coupling upon it.

S. The last one: here writes, “when the Emanator wanted to emanate”, what Emanator is he talking about, at what degree?

R. Upper one.

S. Now he’s saying that the emanator is Partzuf SAG or AB.?

R. Toward what’s happening below the Tabur SAG is the Emanator.

8. S. (28:06) Continuing that SAG is the Emanator, why is NHY of AK not under the control of Galgalta and it’s specifically under the control of SAG?

R. NHY de AK are under the control of Galgalta, yes, only it goes through SAG obviously because NHY of AK is NHY of Galgalta.

S. Okay so Galgalta has absolute knowledge about its Partzuf. It made a coupling by striking and here SAG takes control over the Partzuf and not Galgalta?

R. Galgalta doesn't have an ability to connect to NHY of AK. The vessels are empty, they want a fulfillment, they discover deficiency, they raise records, but Galgalta itself can't do it because it’s still a pure first restriction.

S. When the Reshimot rises to SAG, Rosh of Galgalta can't interfere with what happens in SAG even though it's the upper one it doesn't get into all this?

R. No, what happens below Tabur Galgalta doesn’t control.

9. S. (29:36) We're talking about the reforming of the Nekudim of SAG when Nekudim of SAG when all the lights departed from phase 4 phase two are these lights were in the Nekudim of SAG nothing happened in Zon of GT there everything remains as usual.

R. Yes.

S. Okay because there was a question about that before, can you describe what happened here? Nekudim of SAG where Nekudim is its territory it's not its own it. There was a grinch here of borders between Bina and Keter ZON of Keter Bina took things from Keter and raised it up and heard the process continue. It's as if she added to herself qualities of ZON of AK?

R. Yes.

10. S. (30:49) I didn't understand what equivalent form there is between phase four and phase two in the process which enables the ascent of phase 4 above the Zivug in Nikvey Eynaim?

R. You are asking why phase 2 and phase 4 are connected together.

S. Yes.

R. That's the whole point of what's happening here in Nekudot of Galgalta Eynaim (GE)

only Nekudim of SAG in the world of Nekudim when the world BEA comes out.

S. The principle of connection is according to the equivalence of form?

R. Two and four.

S. Yes, what does phase 4 have in common in equivalence with Phase 2 that enables her to connect and rise for a coupling?

R. They both feel the deficiency. Phase two and four and they both empty out the fulfillment they had before.

S. So they feel a deficiency but it's opposite?

R. Doesn't matter if they feel deficiency.

S. But there's no equivalence of form, phase four wants to receive and phase two wants to give. How can there be a connection between them?

R. That isn't very important I will find it soon where we are? 

Reading Item #8 (32:52) "The Learned one shall understand…"

Reading Item #9 ( 34:32) "Thus after he restricted himself…"

11. R. (35:41) That's already him telling us about the continuation of the second restriction.

Reading Item #9 Inner Light (36:07 ) Thus after He restricted himself…"

12. R. (43:28) Okay and that's so clear maybe but we heard it.

13. S. (43:39) What is the coupling of Malchut in Hochma of Rosh that causes the expansion of the vessels?

R. Malchut is in the place where a coupling took place, that's it.

S. She rises to Hochma and in there she performs it?

R. To any phase that came before her if she needs it she performs the coupling.

14. S. (44:08) I want to ask about what is written that "then this fear of the Rosh is divided into two degrees and to have them go because the Rosh still has no vessels in the actual clothing? So that means the Rosh is always from below upward. Is that true for all the Partzufim and all the Rosh?

R. From below upward yes.

S. How does it come out on coupling with Hochma and how does the Partzuf come out if there is no clothing or lights there? We say that on phase 4 the level of Keter emerges on the level of Hochma for example she's…[missing translation]

R. A phase three.

S. No.

R. What no?

S. On root coarseness we have Malchut level on coarseness number one we have ZA so first level of coarseness is Rosh and from below upward there's no light how does the Partzuf come up?

R. I don't understand what you're talking about.

S. There is coupling.

R. Where what?

S. Any Partzuf, even in AK there's a coupling. That Partzuf is five phases, the first phase is Keter is root coarseness and brings out the level of Malchut ,so another level of Malchut there isn't anything.

R. But it starts from Phase four.

S. OK, but there is a Zivug in phase one. Phase one is the coarseness of the Rosh. There’s also coupling on phase one phase one is the coarseness of the Rosh it's on the coarseness of the Rosh, Keter, Hochma.

R. Ok, keep going.

S. He says that Keter with Hochma are only reflected light. There is no reception of lights there.

So how does the coupling on this discernment? Brings out the Sefirot and brings out a Partzuf? 

R. Are you speaking on the coarseness of the screen or all together?

S. Coarseness of the screen?

R. If we have a will to receive and there is a screen on it and that's screen which coarseness were you saying? 

S. One.

R. So it comes from its own state until which Sefira?

S. ZA.

R. ZA okay.

S. He says that in this sefirot Keter and Hochma there is only from below upward. No reception from above downwards?

R. There is not enough coarseness.

S. Not enough coarseness so how does it engender a Partzuf?

R. Reflected light and as much as it's in the reflected light you can close in the direct light and that's what he received but what vessels of reception does he have? It's phase one, root in one.

S. Atzilut came out in root one?

R. What do you want to say by that?

S. That it's not a vessel that is negligible, that is insignificant that doesn't have any coarseness. Maybe I can't explain myself. I can't understand what he says here.

R. It will be clarified it will come back. 

15. S. (48:32) We learn on the one hand part of the world of Nekudim, on the other hand he merely begins to explain about the Partzufim of the world of Atzilut and the connection jumps from one to the other is not clear.

R. It's not to take it into account that everything will be smooth and nice like with little kids at school. They jump and explain, and you need to jump together with them and to try and to try and to be in a state where the light goes into you and builds the vessels and sometimes it is really not clear what is going on, right? Also, Rabash used to say, wow this is difficult, Where is this? Why is it like that but afterwards gradually it's getting clear. That is the way it is written that they don't take into account the new students so much that are starting from zero but with those who are already in some type of attainment and want to advance to this. I understand you and I am not that far away from you. Well, let's try as much as we can. Truthfully, it's not that important. It's not the wise person who studies but the one who invests his forces he receives a fulfillment.

16. S. (50:21) It says that there's no strength or ability with all other ones to receive the light that Nikvey Eynaim?

R. It means it has no screen, meaning no reflected light.. no Force to bestow back to the Creator, no way to receive from Him that will be as bestowal to Him.

S. What should I do in order to receive the light?

R. To pray to have the screen and they have accepted the light into the screen. Meaning in the intention to bestow, gradually It will all go into the right place, don't worry.

17. S. (51:34) We learn that there are no vessels in the Rosh but only roots of vessels; it does not receive light; it only scrutinizes, and the body receives light, so What does it mean that the Rosh was divided? How can there be a Guf in the body, and a Rosh in the head?

R. The vessels of reception joined part of the Rosh. We will talk about that later.

18 R. (52:22) Write down your questions and we'll see in a few weeks you'll see that you can already answer these questions. 

19.S (52:33) He mentioned the inner AK. If I understand correctly it's Partzuf Galgalta, Yesterday you talked about the inner MAN BON, and they are all below Tabor. What does it mean that all the external Partzufim are above theTabur?

R. MA and BON are ZA and Malchut when it expands towards the Tabor to that third of Tifferit

and below the Tzimtzum. There are more Partzufim that we will learn later on.

20. S. (53:52) Usually when there is a Zivug in Malchut of the Peh the lights spread below Tabur up to the sea of red? Is that Partzuf?

R. The same Partzuf, the coupling is always in Malchut even if we say Eynaim, the inner AK it doesn't matter where it's always in the Peh. That is where the Malchut stands.

S. Then the Malchut spreads from the Rosh downward.

R. From the Rosh downward to the Guf.

S. Here it says that the expansion when there is a coupling in the NE, it spreads only to the Rosh and Guf; it doesn't go below from the places of Zivug to all the rest of the Partzuf.

R. No it is like this there was coupling in malchut afterward it descended NE and to Eynaim to NE. So what does that tell us? It tells us that the Partzuf cannot use its vessels at all but only part of it. So part of the vessels of Partzuf are now below the Rosh, they become the Guf

S. Here it says the Rosh is divided into Rosh and Guf.

R. Supposedly as if for now.

S. So it is only an example of how the light should expand in the body afterwards. 

R. the light expands in the way that the Guf is now being divided.

S. In other words it is still regarded as…[missing translation]

R. There is above NE and below NE. There is …

S. Is this an example of how this new Guf should be divided into Rosh and Guf as well?

R. The Guf is Malchut and as much as it can it divides into a part that receive in order to bestow and a part that it can receive in order to bestow.

S. This characterizes what happens here in the coupling?

R. Yes, all in all we are just confused. But really there is nothing new here.


21. S. (56:25) Is the screen creating oppositeness as it is making what is outside [no translation] becomes hard outside?

R. Don’t bring us such examples.

S. But it makes things opposite and that is why it is difficult for us to understand where it is descending to?

R. I don’t know what you are asking.

S. The role of the screen.

R. Yes they are all the screen.

S. To filter?

R. The filter? Its role is to stand in the way of the light and not let it expand to a place that the vessels can receive the lights in order to bestow.

S. But then it is breached and the process inside is opposite. 

R. Who is broken?

S. The screen is breached because the light eventually penetrates?

R. How does it penetrate without the coupling without the equivalence of form otherwise it will be shattering. 

22. S. (57:40) The partzuf and Galgalta also went through a restriction like Nekudot of SAG?

R. The Tzimtzum was on Malchut of Ein Sof before she establishes Galgalta.

S. But the Galgalta goes down to the Sium and it similarly was restricted to Tabur.

R. Who?

S. Galgalta there is no light below the Tabur of Galgalta?

R. That is according to the decision of Galgalta as much as it revives in order to bestow as much as it can receive in order to bestow so it performs a calculation and receives the light in order to bestow.

S. Before that it received up to the Sium?

R. No.

S. So like Abba to begin with?

R. The restriction was before that in Malchut of Ein Sof

23. S. (59:00) Three days ago you asked how is there an ending unless studying until 6. For the past 3 days it feels like we are studying all the way.

R. You want to keep going until 6?

S. I don't want to make the friends angry but I feel you have more to give and we have come to a state that we can open more. I'm afraid to say things that will make people angry.

R. As much as we go into the word of Nekudim, I'm willing to keep going. If there is a lot of things here that I don't think everyone needs because for the correction we do not need it for our vessels but still in order to extend the lights, maybe a but I don’t know but that is according to how much you can.

S. I'm asking because it feels like [missing translation] and gradually connect and then we can study more gradually. I feel like the past few days the lesson ended but there was more energy to continue. 

R. I’m willing but I don't want it to be in force, falling asleep and yearning for the end of it, and cursing me for continuing to go on. 

24. S. (01:00:43) It is known that in direct light everything begins in NE and in directed light everything begins in Tabur. Is this wall permanent? 

R. I don't know but if you find this, so shall we.