A man cannot advance toward the goal of Creation through suffering, but it is necessary in order to correct his advancement in the right direction. So every time a person deviates from the goal (goes into his egoism), suffering brings him back, and he can already follow the right path. It turns out that it is impossible to go about without suffering? Yes, but a person has an opportunity to advance in such a way that even the suffering that he should have received by making mistakes on his path, will be for him as an advancement. That is, correcting mistakes and advancement become one and the same. In this case, a person moves not by “falling - rising - taking a step forward”, but as if in two lines, when left and right exist in parallel. When he advances in the left line, experiencing suffering, mistakes, and working in the right line in parallel. That is, walking on both legs toward the goal. This is the path of the Kabbalah - to go along the middle line.