Series of lessons on the topic: Baal HaSulam - undefined

18 - 26 ноября 2022

Lesson 724 нояб. 2022 г.

Baal HaSulam. The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee), item 26

Lesson 7|24 нояб. 2022 г.
To all the lessons of the collection: The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee), November 2022

Part 3:

Baal HaSulam. The Arvut [Mutual Guarantee]. #26

Reading Item number 26 “ Bear in mind that these matters..”

1. R. (05:14) You see there is a challenge here first it's not a study challenge let’s take a challenge or problem or scientific for philosophers or philologist rather it's a problem of how to understand what the Creator demands of people. Yes, we understand that since then that it has been when it was thousands of years ago, we don't have a lot left from these times meeting for humanity so at least to understand what we need to know in order not to make the mistake and build humanity in the right way so that the upper force will be adapted to us because to the statement we are we exist to this day and we do not know how to adjust and how to make peace with the upper governence and everything we enter in a private way and each of us between us to of a variety of challenges private and Collective.

2. S. (06:56) What does it mean that it is written that Moses turned to the elders of the people and later passed the word of the Creator to the nation?

R. Maybe he meant it allegorically but this is what he wanted to say that Moses is as a collective of all of the yearnings and complaints of the people to the Creator this is in a simple way. He knew how to be the connector between the people and the Creator and the Creator and the people.

3. S. (07:50) What did Baal HaSulam want to explain to us that he brought all of the interpreters of?

R. That everyone dealt yet haven't found an answer that could satisfy everyone.

4. S. (08:18) Whenever we red this it's kind of a paradox Rav look he said if you shall hear my voice and you kept my covenant and he doesn't interpret to us everything and not the covenant of what will take place so it's really doesn't it sound like some very high things that we cannot pass?

R. If we don't understand this we won't understand how to proceed how to advance towards the Arvut and the correction.

S. What is there to understand here he said if you should hear my voice and keep my covenant and we don't hear his voice and we don’t work covenant and we don't know what that is, so how can we do here?

R. So let's continue and listen.

5. S. (09:09) Similar question, what are the special connections with the Creator that he keep hears his voice and covenant?

R. This is the correct question this is the system as it is built like a pyramid from degree to degree, from degree to degree until we raise our MAN or questions that we also received from above MAD from the Creator to us. Here, there are degrees and this is what he wants to explain to us that all of these degrees, all some up to one degree that then turns into a deficiency for the Creator. That's it.

Reading item number 27 “ however by all that we have explained..”

6. S. (15:48) So when am I considered a kingdom of priests and what am I considered a holy nation?

R. When you are included in a group that belongs to the nation of Israel then you already can begin the work that is called the work of Israel meaning to bestow to everyone according to the commandant of the Creator.

S. So what makes the difference between a kingdom of the priests and holy nation, they're both work in Israel right?

R. Yes but a holy is the one who bestows and is in bestwal to everyone and a kingdom of priests are only those who are acting from the side of the nation to the Creator.

S. Is there a possibility that you will be in Israel but you won't be a holy nation?

R. Apparently yes, so let's continue.

S. Another little thing, there's the matter of the work in reason and above reason or am I getting into confusions here?

R. No this is all in above reason because it speaks about pure bestowal.

7. S. (17:15) You actually can say that you can summarize everything that said here in a very simple sentence that is interesting, nothing will be lacking to any of his friends in a matter that he will have nothing to worry about his own needs. I think that he tried to do that at one point, it's a little Communistic isn't it?

R. No he wanted to write it and all sorts of forms but in essence yes in other words it is communism but not as we wanted to do according to the brain but this is really the future so.

S. Are we going to go back to that where no one will have to worry about his needs what you're saying?

R. For sure all the upper light will have to arrange all the vessels from below up words until the very bottom of the seem of Galgalta.

Reading item number 28 (18:25) “ now we fully understand the previous words..”

8. R. (21:22) Meaning there are still questions that we need to clarify them but the matter is that there is still a way to connect to the Creator and to receive from him guidance and Corrections and reach the end of correction the final correction.

9. S. (22:01) What is the purification of the body?

R. Purification of the body means that it takes on itself the rules of the ...

S. but does it need to be kind of Israel that it call here can't do this without the whole world?

R. No we are connected to everyone it cannot be that anyone will reach his final correction unless the whole world enters the final correction.

S. So what is the work of Israel?

R. The work of Israel is to give an example and to advertise disseminate to everyone what is the role of the world and that the world has to do to reach the final correction all together. But all in all as we red and here also not just in the Arvut that the end the goal is for everyone to reach as one vessel one man and one heart to reach the final correction.

S. So what is he talking about here about the purification of the joining?

R. This joining this connection it's like cleaning gold from all the impurities of all the impurities of the Adam HaRishon that's been scattered amongst all the vessels that were previously pure and  in each and every Kli has acquired a portion of this impurity and so this cleaning that has to be done to all of the desires for them to see where within them there is the portion of in order to receive and take out the in order to receive and acquire the in order to bestow and receive all the light that comes to them from the Creator.

10. S. (24:40) According to this verse the Creator's telling to the people of Israel that nation is not ready to receive the Torah and for that I need you to be as a Segula but in practice we see the thousands of years have passed and still the people of Israel are still not ready for this role how is this possible?

R. How can this be asked yourself but it's possible that another thousand years thousands of years will go through it all depends on how much we're going to accept it the rules of nature is an absolute what we will do is how we will stay.

S. But it's as if the Creator is talking to them like if they're ready already.

R. The Creator is speaking to that same generation that was ready.

S. And what happens in that state in which there's no one that can understand what the Creator wants to pass to them?

R. Then more time will pass and more suffering and more suffering until the suffering brings a brain.

11. S. (25:53) It is written that the Dvekut adhesion is the reward for the Isreal, what is adhesion what its reward?

R. Dvekut adhesion is the reward because in Dvekut we begin to resemble the Creator and we become as the Creator himself that is it.

12. S. (26:34) If we are a virtue to the nation's the text says that the land was given that we need to work it to get the fruit and to share it with the friends to feed them the food, so what is the work that we need to do for the benefit of the friends?

R. To connect everyone and bring them to be as one man with one heart. There is nothing other than that.