Morning Lesson March 5, 2023
Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio
Part 2:
Zohar for All. "Introduction of The Book of Zohar". General Explanation for All Fourteen Commandments and How They Are Divided into the Seven Days of Creation. #5
Reading Item # 5 (00:27 - 06:16)
1. S. (06:19) Yes, we learn everything through the ten, through the connection with the friends we connect to them and we read about the different parts of a ten, how to work correctly, how can we discern correctly between the upper part, lower part?
R. No, in the ten we can't yet connect and distinguish between the two and the ten, that is forbidden.
S. How can I see the complete correct structure of the ten?
R. If your ten is completely connected you can locate its complete structure otherwise, how will you see it? You are lacking an organ, an eye, an ear, you don't have the vessel from which you can see.
S. What does it mean to see the complete structure of the ten?
R. To see how we are connected mutually to each other, how much we define each other.
S. Well, we see it (maybe something else you mean?) We feel our connection, the connection...
R. It's not enough, we need the emotion of the internal connection, an inner connection where each one affects all the others, where we feel in one vessel.
S. It’s interesting that I feel a certain attitude towards a certain friend in the ten, how should I feel that everyone bestows to anyone?
R. It is an emotion, such emotions, such knowledge, it comes out of us feeling each other and depending on each other.
S. But I want to understand, what does it add to our work here because if we feel that the friends are bestowing, somebody said something, somebody exerted, somebody said less, this shows the connections in the ten, you’re talking about an extra addition in bestowal?
R. A common feeling, that is still lacking; there is a pot and inside it you put all kinds of ingredients and you're cooking it and there is the result of all that. That is called ‘the soup’, now here there’s a big difference: if you are tasting the soup you don't feel a certain component, what do you feel is the general integration, how they complement each other.
S. How to work in that way because now it feels we're really working with the components, how to work with the soup?
R. Now we are about to come close to that, little by little, into this state, we're starting to enter there.
2. S. (10:36) What should we do, where do we take the lacking NHY vessels?
R. Only from the connection with your friends can you feel that they're lacking and to demand them from the Creator, from the group to the Creator.
S. How to understand these words, Shema Israel, ‘hear oh Israel’, it is not clear?
R. From below they have to clothe in you, when you will be together, Israel is the common, general Kli that yearns to resemble the Creator, you will feel that inside you.
3. S. (11:50) What is the correct unification and how do you do it?
R. The correct unification is when we complement each other until we have ten vessels
4. S. (12:11) He gives us parts in the Zohar is a practical advice for the ten, like he says “to find two sides of unification”, so can I take a practical advice from this for our life in the ten?
R. Yes.
S. So what does it mean ‘love on two sides’?
R. Yes, both of the good side and the evil side, it doesn't matter what I feel, if I feel that I'm getting it from the Creator, it is good.
S. And then he says “we can perform the unification in wholeness”. how?
R. In wholeness.
S. What does it mean?
R. It means it doesn't matter what I get from the Creator, I get it as a good thing because I relate to the one who gives this to me, not what I receive. According to the Giver rather than the receiver, that is how I judge the situation.
S. Is there a connection of ‘love will cover all crimes’ on the two sides, supposedly?
R. Yes.
5. S. (13:37) Question about the soup: who puts the pot on the fire?
R. Ask again.
S. Who puts that pot on the fire with all those components?
R. I don't know, I would say the Creator.
S. Can we in some way influence where He puts the pot?
R. Yes, it depends on our mutual connections.
Reading Item # 6 (14:23 - 17:11)
6. R. (17:12) In these three days everything I got from above, it formulates and then it's ready and prepared to be given to the lower ones. We will come back to this, these things that are deeper and difficult, I understand.
Reading Item # 7 (17:47 – 25:25)