Series of lessons on the topic: undefined

05 March - 05 April 2023

Lesson 5Mar 11, 2023

Lesson on the topic of "Connecting the World in the Last Generation"

Lesson 5|Mar 11, 2023
To all the lessons of the collection: Connecting the World in the Last Generation

Morning Lesson March 11, 2023 

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 3:

Connecting the World in the Last Generation - Selected Excerpts from the Sources. #6

Reading Excerpt #6. (00:17) “The law of development which is..”

1. S. (02:55) What is the law of development? It says that the law of reality and all reality will bring all bad to good and beneficial, meaning, without asking the earth dwellers: so what is the law of development?

R. Why are you inserting your words? He hears us, He doesn’t hear us.

S. Let’s read number six together. The law of development, what is that?

R. The law of development is that in nature there is a force that moves all of nature including us because we are inside of nature and it moves us from small development to greater development.

S. He says that he promises to bring every bad back to the good. What does this mean?

R. So, probably those who study this law of development see that there is in it all the forces that organize our development correctly and we come to a predetermined state.

S. So, actually they're not asking us whether we come to correct or not, so it doesn't depend on man or does it depend on man or not?

R. However we understand the law of development but this is what he says.

S. What does he say, I don't understand?

R. He says that there's a law in nature and we are inside nature and nature surrounds everything all the still, vegetative, animate and speaking, and it’s especially relating to the speaking, meaning to man. And also within man there's also still, vegetative, animate and speaking, these four phases, or discernments, so nature surrounds them so they will achieve the development that was predetermined in nature; in advance. That's it.

S. He's saying to accept this law of development in the hands of man and permitted to accept the above mentioned law of development are completely free of time?

R. Yes, do you want to do the talking or would you like me to do the talking?

S. No, you.

R. Please be quiet and allow me to put in a sentence.

S. Please.

R. In this law of development there is man. He develops according to the law of nature, he develops from the degree 1, 2, 3 and 4 through the still, vegetative, animate and speaking within man both physically but mainly it's about emotionally, internally, spiritually, that's it. And then we are in the development of this law and we see in this our history, how we develop, as much as we understand.

S. So, he is saying that he can hasten the process of development as he wishes?

R. So, it means that we cannot change the way of development, the direction of development, the manners of development. We can influence only the speed, the pace of our development.

S. He says it's completely independent of the boundaries of time: what does that mean?

R. It means accelerating the development.

S. That’s called hastening the times?

R. This is called hastening it.

2. S. (07:35) What is actually the meaning of speeding up the process of development?

R. It means we can increase in us the sensitivity to the states we go through under the influence of the upper light. This light operates on us and expands our awareness, our sensitivity, our understanding of what we see and where we are. This is why we can become incorporated in this process more quickly, so we’re integrated in it. This is called accelerating time.

S. It turns out to the extent that I increase my sensitivity I maintain the changes. Let's say yesterday I saw 10 changes and today I saw 11, so that means that I speed up my development?

R. It seems like it is, yes.

3. S. (09:08) How do we accelerate the development, the speed of the development?

R. By getting closer between us in the group and wanting to be closer to our development, We don't slight or depreciate the development itself and by this we can accelerate the development. in other words, by this we can change more quickly according to the forces of nature that operate on a us. 

S. If someone has a very big ego how can that person use this to speed up their development?

R. Even if a person has a bigger ego normally it is balanced within a person. Opposite that ego he might have a bigger brain or more emotional or mental power and then he advances perhaps at his own pace, less or more than others but this is what happens to him. This doesn't belong to us, it has to do with the root of the soul of each person, as much as one can advance. It may be that one is from a very high soul but he is advancing initially very slowly, we don’t know that. We need only to close our eyes and as much as possible attach ourselves to the development that the Creator shines on us.

4. S. (11:26) If I feel like a rock in the ten what does it mean for me to raise a sensitivity of the ten on me?

R. I didn’t understand your question.

S. If I’m like a rock without any feeling, like the still, I don’t feel anything, I don’t feel the influence of the ten on me, what does it mean to increase my sensitivity, how can I do that?

R. Ask for them to take you through all the states they’re going through, as if they put that stone in their pocket. Try to be between them like a rock in their pocket, just like that, quiet, just be with them. Whatever they do, you try to participate and gradually, slowly a sensitivity to their actions will develop in you.

S. What seems to me now like I feel something, should I erase it and truly become a rock, canceling myself completely like putting myself in their pocket?

R. Yes, well you can do more than that but if you say you’re like a rock between them that's fine, be like a rock, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to participate even if it's in a passive way.

5. S. (13:35) What is the difference between the governance of heaven and the governance of the Earth?

R. The governance of heaven is the Creator and the governance of the land is of people.

S. Without any connection to the Creator? How do they accelerate time?

R. No, the governance of the land can’t hasten the times. It’s as much as they connect themselves to the governance of above.

S. So that's the question, how do we use the governance of the Earth, the connection between us that the Creator gave us in order to come to the governance of heaven?

R. We annul the governance of the land, of the Earth and by that ascribe ourselves to the governance of the heavens.

S. And then we’re under that law of development again, under that press?

R. Of course, but then it's not a press anymore it's something desired from us. That's why we advance in such a way, quickly and by adding forces of our own we pray, we ask, we do all kind of actions that depend on us in order to be as close to the Creator as we can. That's called to be the Creator’s workers.

S. And by this we accelerate, we hasten the end?

R. Yes of course. We are actually pushing forward this whole chariot of humanity.

S. So can we then jump, skip the exile going through this process more quickly, what we learned in the previous part?

R. We can speed up the time of exile.

S. How do we do this?

R. By participating, prayers, by pushing ourselves ahead.

6. S. (16:05) What happens is there’s a personal feeling of exile and yet we can collect all those personal feelings into a general feeling of exile by uniting, building the deficiency. This is what’s revealed, that by connecting in the same deficiency we reveal it not as a press but we clothe within it as an inseparable part of it.

R. Right. The press is if we don't speed ourselves up that press of nature that has a direction and a specific time to finish the work just pushes us and obligates us to run before it.

S. Because the feeling is felt in everyone, we’re talking since the beginning of the lesson. Each one brings his deficiency, his desire individually and that's the feeling of exile within us. But if we take it all and unite these feelings, pains too as one, then basically that's the key.

R. Yes, you understand it correctly.

7. S. (18:02) Is it possible to correct the ego through the champion of the world? To tame the ego through the champion of the world?

R. Everything is possible through the champion of the world.

8. S. (18:27) About hastening time, when I discover that I'm in exile, in this prison of the ego what accelerates time more, to cry out powerfully and quantitatively to the Creator or does He want quality and precision in our prayer?

R. Only towards connection with the others and a prayer to Him, but first connection, with all your forces.

9. S. (19:16) The press of development brings me this question. In nature there are diamonds that are natural and they are also artificial diamonds. Do we come to such a state where we become like artificial diamonds?

R. It can be because the laws of the Creator are constant and determinant and we must revolve and gather again into the structure of Adam HaRishon; and in that structure we must receive that final form.

10. S. (20:20) I’m confused with what you mentioned that there's a law in nature that is called Elohim, God, but the same numerical value and it there is the still, vegetative, animate and speaking. These four processes do they accelerate our development? This process is it the same as hastening it?

R. Yes, only quicker.

11. S. (21:07) I often think that I'm on the most advanced among the friends and I know that others also see themselves like that sometimes. How come we balance this situation?

R. You’re truly advancing and more than everybody in a certain moment and in the next moment the others are advancing more than you. And in this way you are constantly jumping and jumping, each one ahead and it's in their time and it's nice to see, because through that there's a general advancement. And I'm very happy that’s happening especially the Turkish group. I think it’s our biggest group today outside of Israel and it really makes me happy.

Especially the women, you are young, beautiful, full of forces, wise. I'm really happy that you’re studying the wisdom of Kabbalah and I see you everyday on the screens. So, I hope to also see all of you more here with us, and we’ll visit you. I'm happy that this is the way it is. Now about the advancement, the main thing is connecting between you as we learn. You can really be as an example to all women in the world. You come from a different country, a different culture, everything is different and suddenly you gather and go ahead and understand and study, I really, really value you, so good luck. And we’re waiting for you if you want to come to us for Passover, it’s all open here.

12. S. (23:52) Kabbalists give us a lot of advice. Sometimes we take everything in a mechanical way, also when we speak we do it with their words, but we forget that there are many ways to melt our hearts, the hearts of the friends. What do you advise to not take everything mechanical? There's a lot of freedom of choice here?

R. We can’t completely run away from our destiny. Even if we change by connection all our actions we still have to realize the root of our soul that was connected to all other souls to the Partzuf of Adam HaRishon. So let's implementing it means to return to each ones natural root and in this way we will do those actions.

13. S. (25:48) I want to begin with great gratitude to you. I asked you some time ago how to come out of the ten and help the ten rise from a descent. You said that I have to make the friends feel the love of the Creator, the embrace of the Creator and I will pray for them. I did this, and now I feel a clear sense of the Creator. I see the togetherness, I see the friends smiling having the strength to continue. How can I thank the Creator for this mercy and grace? I feel something great and I would like to convey it to give it to the Creator in order to delight him.

R. Keep asking him to be revealed in your connection, keep asking, keep turning to him.

S. This will be gratitude?

R. With gratitude for the past and a request for the future. That you are asking him to be revealed in you, then everything will be clear from beginning to end. Everything will be revealed before you, all the secrets. All problems and times and everything.

14. S. (27:31) We are really inspired by the friends from Turkey, from the young people coming. Do you see in Israel young people coming too? What do we need to do to bring more young people or maybe it's not the time yet?

R. For more young people to come or not, I don't know. When I see women they always look young and beautiful and it's always like that. It doesn't matter who they are and what they are. A woman can’t be all not beautiful. She is always like that, beautiful and young. That's why I don't understand your question. You have to invite everyone to your homes, that they will be given a few days in Passover they can send with you. We will always organize meals and evenings and culture evenings and they will make make them happy. I will talk more and it won't be just the lesson but also conversations and meals and much as they will need and we will do it together. We will do something together, especially the people from Turkey. I am very impressed till today from the Congress we had in Turkey and as much as they were strong. They were pressing on us, they were serious and happy, and all in short there was everything. I'm very happy with that visit, I hope to come there more.

15. S. (30:02) When our ego gets coarser as we study more and more, will it become harder and harder to stay in the wisdom of Kabbalah, or does it get easier as time goes on because the connection with my friends also increases?

R. Of course easier, it is easier. First of all we are spreading our load between more and more friends, that's one thing. Second is that we enter this web of connection between us more and more and then it 's divided into those connections in that net. Third, as we understand what’s happening we become experienced and you will see how beneficial it is. Also the connection between men and women will be closer, more to the point. Then we will feel as much as we can help each other. Also, the people who were active and now let's say they calm down about a bit, it's a period that they're going through. The friend from Turkey was an angel, like a star from an Indian movie, that's what he seems like, and today he is already a bit dormant, but soon it will end and again he was going to dance and sing before us. That’s how it will be for everyone, that's how it is. This period is very good, very beneficial.

16. S. (32:53) A few moments ago you spoke about Passover and we know that we have this big opportunity with Passover. The question I want to ask you is: If a person has this opportunity to come for Passover or not, should he take it? What does a person gain by coming to Israel for Passover and what does he lose if he loses this opportunity but doesn’t take it?

R. It is hard for me to answer that and I'll tell you why. I used to live about 30 km from Rabash  and I had a car and it always wasn't simply to, drive and come back, drive and come back and I always contemplated even though I used to come to him personally. It is given from about all this calculations, that's why I cannot calculate for each and everyone. But who knows how what it will be in your time it's another day in our world who knows when the next opportunity will come, so for now let's invest in our connection as much as we can and connect. Connect virtually and physically as much as possible. I think we need to try and be together if we have such an opportunity and let's do it.

Write us, tell us where the issues are, where you are lacking, how to reach connection and we will do it. Afterwards we will see what else we can do for such a connection, maybe again in Turkey or somewhere else we will see. For now in Israel is going to be in the week of Passover so come at least for a few days if not for a week try, that's what you wanted to say Holland?

S. Yes, I remember that before Passover was big for us and of course with Covid we were not able to have it for 3 years. So what can friends expect coming to Israel now after this period of Covid is finished?

R. You need to see what you can do. There are dozens of friends here who are with us for tens of years even and they know how Passover used to be and how we are going to do it now. Whatever you decide we can decide I will agree with anything. I want to be with you from beginning to end, as much as you will be here.

17. S. (37:14) You just talked about the dividing the burden the load between the friends, you rarely speak about it, and it is something that is hard to scrutinize. Can you explain what it means because in the current state it is impossible to really get into it because it's an unclear topic. What is the division of the burden among the friends?

R. I don't know what you mean. I don't have any deep thoughts about it, it's just you have to try to organize one another through some mutual collective action.

S. Now the Turkish Kli has a huge deficiency and they have been lifting the whole world Kli lately. Do you think we should meet with the Turkish group that are burning now, and will such an incorporation help us?

R. Better if you come here. Somehow we will gather together hug, help each other and in this way we can come out of our prison inside, that's what I advise.

18. S. (39:09) How can I behave when I see conflicts and disagreements between my friends?

R. It is states of development. Just like with little kids. If there are diseases, we also have to see those groups when they grow, they will have all kinds of states that need to go through and the feeling of illness and I'm pleasant feelings.

19. S. (40:10) What do we rely on during dissemination? Not to members of BB, but to external people?

R. We will talk about that more. That's not simple. I see that there are three guys who are waiting for me already.

20. R. (48:57) After everything you said I don't know what to add. We only need to open our hearts to welcome everyone, everyone, all our students from all over the world.