Series of lessons on the topic: Rashbi - undefined

30 August 2022 - 11 March 2023

Lesson 82Mar 9, 2023

Zohar for All. Introduction of The Book of Zohar. General Explanation for All Fourteen Commandments and How They Divide into the Seven Days of Creation, item 10

Lesson 82|Mar 9, 2023
To all the lessons of the collection: Introduction of The Book of Zohar 2022

Morning Lesson March 9, 2023

Transcription is made from simultaneous translation which leaves a possibility for differences in the audio

Part 2:

Zohar for All. "Introduction of The Book of Zohar". General Explanation for All Fourteen Commandments and How They Are Divided into the Seven Days of Creation. #10

Reading Item #10. (00:30) “This commandment comprises three commandments..”

1. R. (10:35) We'll learn all of these states, we will learn them when we get closer to the actions and for now we're reading it and we'll get back to it when we are closer to the deed. For now we're going to the third part.