The transcript has been transcribed and edited from English simultaneous interpretation, thus there may be potential semantic inaccuracies within it.
Daily Lesson (Morning), August 6, 2024.
Part 3: Baal HaSulam. Lesson on the Topic of “Uniting for the Sake of Humanity.”
Reader: We are reading selected excerpts from our sources. The topic is Uniting for the Sake of Humanity.” Number one by Rav Kook.
Reading: (00:13) The purpose of Israel is to unite the entire world into a single family.
Again, the purpose of Israel is to unite the entire world into a single family.
M. Laitman: If there are no questions, we'll continue.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (00:47) How is that possible?
M. Laitman: What?
Student: To unite the whole world into one family.
M. Laitman: Well, I guess it's possible to feel this way. To be willing to take care of everyone.
Student: That's on behalf of Israel, but how will the world feel that they are one family?
M. Laitman: I guess through Israel's tending, they'll be able to feel this way.
Student: What's the formula? What does the world need?
M. Laitman: We came out from one center, from one point, and then there was the breaking. And we divided, and departed, and moved away from each other into 600,000 souls, etc., and other things. Not only in the still, vegetative, and animate, but it begins in the speaking. So, this is what we have to come to.
Student: What is this?
M. Laitman: Back to this connection.
Student: So, the whole world has to feel..?
M. Laitman: This structure where everyone unites.
Student: And how does Israel do it?
M. Laitman: By doing it itself. And then it projects to all of humanity those same laws. And they don't agree, and they come, and they want to fight, they want to destroy us. And we insist on it nevertheless. And somehow we overcome them, and they join us.
Student: And Israel themselves. How do they reach this structure, and how do they rebuild it?
M. Laitman: It is done from above, as it is written that the temple, the Creator builds it.
Student: So, what does it mean that it's the purpose of Israel?
M. Laitman: Israel must want to submit themselves before it.
Reader: Baal HaSulam writes in the Arvut. Excerpt number two.
Reading: (03:56) It is upon the Israeli nation, through Torah and Mitzvot, commandments, to qualify itself and all the people of the world to develop until they take upon themselves that sublime work of love of others. This is the ladder to the purpose of creation, which is adhesion with Him.
M. Laitman: Clear. No questions about that?
Reader: Number three. Baal HaSulam.
Reading: (04:43) To be my Segula from among all peoples. This means that you will be my Segula, remedy, and the parks of purification and cleansing of the body will pass through you onto all the peoples and the nations of the world. For the nations of the world are not yet ready for this. And at any rate, I need one nation to start with now, so it will be as a remedy for all the nations. For this reason, He ends, for all the earth is mine, meaning all the peoples of the earth belong to me, as do you, and are destined to adhere to me. But now, while they are still incapable of performing that task, I need a virtuous people. If you agree to be the remedy for all the nations, I command you to be unto me a kingdom of priests.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (06:13) The nations of the world will have contact with the Torah, or will it only be through the nation of Segula?
M. Laitman: Through the nation, through the Israeli nation.
Student: They'll have some kind of relation to the Torah or only to Israel?
M. Laitman: There's a ladder of degrees. They'll have a connection to the Torah as well.
Student: Also, they'll study it, or?
M. Laitman: I don't know. It's according to the desire that's revealed.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (06:54) Rav, the Segula, the remedy, isn't something you just get. It's only if we perform our role, right?
M. Laitman: Probably, yes.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (07:08) Can a nation feel like a family compared to a different nation until the whole world is one family?
M. Laitman: Perhaps, I don't know. You're talking about things that are... Perhaps, could be. Okay, yes?
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (07:34) There's a condition that Israel has to engage in Torah and Mitzvot Lishma, and only by that action they can make the whole world worthy.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: The time when Israel ascend to Lishma, but... and they are still in between. How to depict the connection to the nations of the world?
M. Laitman: Israel themselves are in the intention to receive. And according to this, they connect.
Student: Is there some kind of..?
M. Laitman: There is something.
Student: The pressure of the nations, is that to push Israel to Lishma?
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: How do you create this point where Israel passes to Lishma?
M. Laitman: When the nations of the world need them in this way.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (09:14) I understand that we are the degree that has to incorporate the nation of Israel and pass the Segula onto them. How to speed that up?
M. Laitman: By showing the upper force that we are ready for our role.
Student: Are the nation of Israel ready for this ascent, or does it depend on us?
M. Laitman: It depends on us.
Reader: Number four.
Reading: (10:03) The children of Israel became responsible for the correction of the entire world by the power of the Torah. Everything depends on the children of Israel. As they correct themselves, so all creations drawn after them. As they correct themselves, so all creations drawn after them.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (10:40) What does it mean to show the upper force that we are ready for our role?
M. Laitman: What is a..?
Student: You said a moment ago that we should show the upper force that we are ready for our role.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: What is that?
M. Laitman: That we want to be connected, and we want to manage the connection.
Student: And that is what He prepares us for?
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: And if we look at the Israeli public, beyond all the parts, and groups, and separations, there is a different kind of attitude towards the Torah. One part of the public is extreme to one side. Then there is the liberal side, progressive side that wants to be like the nations, or the other side that wants to conserve it. And the struggle between those two forces, does it serve anything? Does it come to clarify anything?
M. Laitman: No.
Student: Should we have a different attitude towards those different types of public?
M. Laitman: No. Why do I care what color each of them has? They have no respect for spirituality, and it's hard for me to reach them.
Student: So, on both sides?
M. Laitman: Yes, of course.
Reader: Number five.
Reading: (12:37) You see that in the words, a kingdom of priests expresses the complete form of the work on the axis of love, your friend is yourself, meaning a kingdom that is all priests, that the Creator is their possession, and they have no self-possession of all the mundane possessions. We must admit that this is the only definition through which we can understand the words, a kingdom of priests.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Reader: Number five, I finished.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (13:50) You answered the friend, he asked about the two sides, and you said, what does it matter which color each one of them are, they all disregard spirituality. So, how do you recognize if the public doesn't disregard spirituality?
M. Laitman: I don't know. I'm talking about spirituality. How will you see it in the public?
Student: Let's say towards Baal HaSulam's attitude, we see there are more and more groups that have a positive attitude, and more and more groups are known as students and students of Baal HaSulam and so on. Can we say that those groups disregard spirituality less because they see Baal HaSulam as important?
M. Laitman: Could be, could be.
Student: I heard that Baal HaSulam is too exalted, and we need to stick close to Rabash.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: In society, we have this movement that we feel that we do want to go into Baal HaSulam's Social Writings, and this is our uniqueness.
M. Laitman: Yes.
Student: Now, we use your help, that you brought the Rabash closer to us, and we use the Rabash that brought Baal HaSulam closer to us. Now, the Rabash, his texts, the ones that especially relate to the work between the friends, that's part of Baal HaSulam's social vision?
M. Laitman: Yes. Yes. It's in the same spirit.
Question (Florida): (16:14) Is it more difficult now to unite the entire world into one family, say, than it was thousands of years ago? Is it more difficult now because of all the separation, or is this just an illusion?
M. Laitman: I don't know. It doesn't seem to me like previously it was easier, that people were closer to each other. Perhaps they were more indifferent to each other. But today, when each one tries to stand out more than the others, I think there's more of a chance to scrutinize what is between them and to bring them into one connection.
Question (Petah Tikva Center): (17:53) Let's say my approach to Baal HaSulam and Rabash, it was just blocked until I found your book. Only your book opened an option for me to approach Rabash.
M. Laitman: What book was that?
Student: I don't remember. I went to a store and bought your books. He writes that the nations don't have an approach to the Torah but only through Israel. What does that mean, not a direct approach?
M. Laitman: They can't open, they can't know the Torah. Unless, as we see through the generations, through stories, through other such things. But not directly. All kinds of legends. But we will see it soon, how it dresses, okay?
Reader: So, thank you, Rav. Let's have a lesson summary in the Tens, please. Let's summarize the lesson in the Tens.