Jan 17, 2025 5:51 AM - It is a law that the creature cannot receive disclosed evil from the Creator, for it is a flaw in the glory of the Creator for the creature to perceive Him as an evildoer, for this is unbecoming of the complete Operator to act with evil (Rashbi, Zohar for All, Vol. 1, Introduction of The Book of Zohar, “Laila de Kalah [The Night of the Bride]”).
Evil arises when the creatures perceive the Creator’s actions as flawed. If creation interprets the Creator’s actions in this way due to its own lack of development, the Creator must conceal Himself to that extent.
Hence, when one feels bad, denial of the Creator’s guidance lies upon him and the superior Operator is concealed from him to that same extent. This is the greatest punishment in the world.
That is, when a person is given the sensation of evil, the revelation of his egoism, to this extent he naturally is unable to rise above it or justify it. Consequently, concealment occurs.
Thus, the sensation of good and evil in relation to His guidance brings with it the sensation of reward and punishment… If a person perceives everything as good, it is a reward. But if evil appears amidst the good, it is a punishment. There is no punishment greater than the disappearance of the Creator from the horizon of one’s perception.
…for one who exerts to not part from faith in the Creator is rewarded even when he tastes a bad taste in Providence. If the Creator distances Himself from me and disappears (sometimes I feel Him and sometimes not), yet I strive to grasp Him and maintain a connection with Him, these efforts are rewarded.
And if he does not exert, he will have a punishment… What is the punishment? The Creator disappears. The disappearance of the Creator is the disappearance of faith itself, for faith is the feeling of the Creator as the source of all that occurs.
To the extent that we exert ourselves in correction, we can hold the Creator within the field of our perception. But if we cannot justify His influence, that is, the world in which we exist, the Creator conceals Himself to that extent.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/4/19, Preparation for convention in Moldova “The Work in Concealment”
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