Question: Sweden is known for its emphasis on work-life balance with generous vacation time, parental leave, and flexible working hours, which generally contribute to lower burn out rates compared to other countries. Despite this, some studies indicate burn out is still a growing issue in Sweden and some research suggests that younger workers may be more susceptible. It seems the problem is that people cannot manage their time correctly.
Question: How can you fill your free time? A vacuum forms. How can a person fill it so he does not suffer?
Answer: With the meaning of life. The meaning of life is what you need to fill it with!
And it is nowhere to be found. The lack of meaning eventually begins to suffocate a person! He sees his whole life before him; after all, we keep developing. A person sees where it begins, how it continues, and where it ends. And now, instead of 50 to 60 years, life has become twice as long. Who needs this?
Question: What is the solution?
Answer: To reveal the true meaning of life given to us by nature. This is beyond our egoism, beyond our comprehension. To do this, you need to grow. To do this, we need to open our eyes and see a completely different nature, the system in which we exist, not our egoistic one.
Change the basis of mastering the universe and you will see where you really are and what kind of world you can discover for yourself. Press the button and change the whole world.
Question: Where is this button? Where can I find it?
Answer: In the human heart. Naturally! One must understand he needs to change himself and thus change the world.
Comment: In one of your programs, you said that the desire to search for the highest meaning of life cannot be bought. That is, you cannot find it and appropriate it.
My Response: Yes, it is impossible. If a person needs to discover the upper world, the meaning of life, then it is there, if not, then not. But judging by the current state of humanity, we see we are all headed there.
Today, many people are getting carried away, looking for and hoping to find at least another universe. Another universe! That is, I want to go beyond this ecumene, I want to see something else. If I depict this world to myself, and it is drawn in me, then I want to picture it differently. I want to draw it.
This is when the science of Kabbalah emerges and says: “Please, here are your brushes, here is a blank canvas for you—paint!” This is what people need to engage in.
Comment: It is a very optimistic picture. On one hand some entity destroys all the cardboard houses in a person as if dragging him into a new corridor. But a person, in the midst of this destruction, does not see this corridor. It is like there is some kind of partition.
My Response: This is our inner consent to reveal the insignificance of our understanding and the limitations of our feelings. It will pass. Life teaches us. I am a big optimist.
Question: Can you depict the new reality? You said, “Push a button in your heart, and you will reveal the new reality.” What will it look like?
Answer: “A button in the heart” means you need to push yourself and start perceiving the world around you and yourself differently. Then, you will see that you actually exist in another reality. This is truly a miracle, but it happens through you when you change yourself, reverse your values, and see another world—the opposite world.
Here we need to understand that our whole nature, our whole universe, and our whole world exist only in our imagination. And this imagination is currently egoistic. By changing it to an altruistic one, we will see a different world. This will be the upper world—the world of altruism, the world of love.
Question: Will it be the same world, but will we see it differently?
Answer: We do not see our world either. We see it in us, in our properties. If our properties change, we will see a new world.
We only need to change ourselves. This whole world around me, it does not exist. It is in our minds. Only in our minds! It is in the heart. Only in one’s heart.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/9/19
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