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Feb 17, 2025 5:55 AM -

281.02Question: Many of your students are at an ordinary level, meaning they do not sense spirituality. Their sensations are no different from those of the public to whom they want to convey information.

How can they better receive the information they wish to obtain in their egoistic feelings, as well as incorporate some informational message into it?

Answer: Yes, this is a problem. They should try. There is nothing else. Try.

By the way, such a person has an advantage because he is in the middle.

On one hand it is a problem. On the other hand, this problem is not artificially created by nature, but is a natural problem that is solved along with our correction.

We need to receive information precisely in its heavy, uncorrected form, and try to make it more accessible. It is this effort that causes our correction. And the correction leads to a different type of information, and so on.

We should understand that all of this is a part of one common solution, that is, a part of one common equation that includes the consumer, the source, the Creator, the teacher, and the students. We all engage in our common self-service together.

Therefore I do not think there is anything that needs to be changed here. We just need to go on this way and keep in mind that our state is a correct one. Accept it as it is and act from it. Do not try to break something in it as you must work within this framework. Then you will see how justified it is.

Question: Should we still sometimes mix with our clientele’s desires?

Answer: Yes, otherwise nothing will work. How can a mother not feel her child? First of all, she feels him with all her soul. And then she begins to feel what else could she add. Only in this way, naturally.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Try and Attempt” 6/1/10

Related Material:
The Relationship between the Disclosure of Material and Its Transmission
The Process of Transmitting Spiritual Information
Spreading Spiritual Energy

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Feb 17, 2025 5:43 AM -

530Question: Can we influence group work? For example, our ten has decided to get together. What can we add to this point?

Answer: We all have to end up in one point and not leave it. Then everything will work out for us in a quick way.

Question: What is this point? Meaning, the first impulse is for me not to emit any anger, to hold it, to remain neutral and appeal to the Creator right away?

Answer: Yes
From Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/1/25, “Connecting to Lishma

Related Material:
The Point of Connection in the Ten
Toward a Single Goal
In the Center of the Ten

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Feb 17, 2025 5:41 AM -

565.01Comment: A study was conducted to explore whether revenge in humans is induced by nature. They took 330 children between the ages of four and eight and played a game with them, built in two stages.

In the first stage, the researchers could give the child three stickers or keep them. The child should have thanked them and given them a gift in return. In the second stage, the task was to steal a sticker from another person. In response, one could punish or not punish the offender.

It turned out that children, even the youngest, were ready to strike when someone tried to steal their stickers. Children did not always want to reward others. Thus, the researchers concluded that people’s desire for revenge is more primal than their desire to be grateful.

My Response: This is natural. This is called “evsed mi karen” (loss from the fund).

Let us say I had a dollar in my pocket, and it disappeared somewhere. I would twist and turn, thinking, “Where could it have gone?” I would look for it as if I really needed it because I had it, it was mine, and now it is gone. That is why it is worth more than a dollar to me, worth maybe 20 dollars. This is how I feel about this loss.

Therefore if a person has harmed another, the latter considers this act worthy of tenfold retribution because this is how the magnitude of his friend’s negative attitude toward him is felt.

Question: Why does one not show gratitude?

Answer: Because I am sure that I am good, that I am the best in the world; that is what my mother told me. Therefore I am owed. To what they tell me, I reply, “Yes, I am pleased. Thank you; I will thank you too on occasion.” I turn around and walk away.

I think I got what I was supposed to get; as to what was stolen from me, it seems ten times more than it actually is! That is how I feel. If something positive comes my way, I value it ten times less than it is worth. But if something is taken away, I accept the loss as ten times worse. That is how we are built.

Therefore the fact that children want to take revenge on those who have done them even a little wrong, and moreover take pleasure in that revenge, I understand that very well. I was like that myself. I clearly remember these instances.

Question: What changed this approach in you, not to take revenge?

Answer: I began to realize that I share the same common desire with everyone; therefore I should not harm myself in this way, egoistically. We must try to always give in a little. It is better this way, more peaceful. It gives you some safety and surrounds you, at least, with more neutral people. So the main thing is to be careful not to harm another. In short, this is the conclusion.

And if you do harm, then of course, expect very serious reactions.

Comment: Researchers have an opinion similar to yours. They believe revenge is always a choice between the desire for revenge and the opportunity to forgive.

My Response: Who might have the opportunity to forgive? It just gets forgotten, or you cannot take good revenge because you are such a weakling, a loser, the other guy is stronger than you, etc. So there is nothing left for you to do.

Man is a selfish little animal. And if he can eat another, he does.

Question: Does revenge have any positive sides? Is revenge useful?

Answer: Then it is no longer revenge but education.

If you and I are playing chess or another game, and I am teaching you, then you feel that I am outplaying you with no intent to harm you; on the contrary, to give you some kind of pleasure, benefit, and so on. That is, it does not cause you to take revenge, but it still makes you feel awkward, and unhappy with the situation.

Imagine I am teaching and showing you how to play, but you still cannot. I am also smarter, wiser, and luckier than you; how unpleasant it is for you anyway.

Question: Yes, there is disappointment. So how can we move from taking revenge and supposedly restoring justice to motivating a person to move on rather than limiting ourselves to some parochial score-settling?

Answer: To do this, you need to make a very special calculation, meaning someone wanted to harm me, to see me poor, fallen, or damaged, and I must reach a state where he will be desperately jealous of me. Then I will revel in his seeing my position, which he is unable to do anything about it. That is how I want to get back at him.

On the other hand, I have to say, “I am grateful to him that he did this!” After all, I rose up thanks to him; I was doing it to cause him distress. But in the end, I did not!

That is, he somehow—without even suspecting, maybe without thinking—caused such forces in me that I rose higher, became more successful, intelligent, etc. I must tell him: “Thank you so much for doing this to me!”

The first person discovers that this is an educational process for him. Therefore he tells the second person, who wanted to harm him, “Thank you for doing that.”

Question: And what happens to the second person?

Answer: A double whammy. On the one hand, he sees that the former has succeeded, and moreover, he feels he is superior to him. He is seriously above him.

The conclusions are very simple. Add to this: “I did this and told you so that you could try to rise above yourself.” This is already a knockout. “There is thrill in battle!”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/4/19

Related Material:
Revenge, The Defeat Of Egoism
Men And Women, The Need For Fulfillment
Revenging My Egoism

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Feb 17, 2025 5:32 AM -

417In the past, Kabbalists were hidden, but they still formed groups among themselves.

The first group, consisting of several thousand people, was created by Abraham, who singled them out from ancient Babylon and led them to the territory of present-day Israel.

This was done intentionally to place the group under the greater influence of the upper force, because every part of the Earth is affected by a specific upper force. Here it manifests the most.

People who come from abroad to Jerusalem say that there is a special phenomenon there. They suddenly start feeling different. Artists say that there is a special yellowish air there. I find this a bit unclear, or maybe I do not want to believe it, but still there is something to it.

But the fact that by changing location we change our fate is absolutely true. And not because the society is different in another place, but because in every place on Earth, the upper force manifests itself in a unique way.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Environment” 6/10/10

Related Material:
The Psychological Impact of Jerusalem
A Special Point on the Map of Israel
Everything Came Out Of Jerusalem

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