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Rav Laitman's Blog

Sep 11, 2024 5:55 AM -

961.2Question: When I work in a group, there is always anxiety about if I am acting for the sake of bestowal. Sometimes a friend misunderstands you, and then this apprehension just does not let you rest. How can such a situation be balanced?

Answer: You must understand that this is the path of correction given to us to follow.

The path of correction is a long one. You are still in the process of correcting all your desires, intentions, and everything you have in relation to others so that you radiate goodness, are ready to help and elevate them, and bring them closer to the Creator. So don’t worry. Gradually, we will master it all. This path will not escape us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/22/24, Writings of Rabash, Notes 146 “Suffering and Joy”

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Pride and Fear
Overcome All Fears
Learn to Bestow

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Sep 11, 2024 5:51 AM -

527.03Everything is ruled by chance. If only we knew who rules chance (Jerzy Stanislav Lec).

My Response: Actually, it is incorrect that chance is above all.

Comment: But he says: “If only we knew who rules chance.”

My Response: Chance is ruled by idea of the Creator, the path of the Creator. And what else do you need to know about this?

Question: So you need to know that there are no accidents in life?

Answer: Of course.

Question: There are no accidents in life?

Answer: None.

Comment: Everything that happens to me, all encounters, marriages, divorces, everything.

My Response: Everything, everything, absolutely everything! Everything you want is not accidental.

Question: And all these paths–where do they lead to?

Answer: To the realization that a person is under the Creator.

Question: And what does this realization give me? Here I am under the Creator. Let’s say I even felt it in my heart and with all my fibers. What does this give me?

Answer: Cling to Him and do not let go like a little child.

Question: That’s it, just like a child clings to mom!  The child wraps his arms and legs around mom and holds on like that. And what will happen if I can suddenly do this?

Answer: You can be sure that nothing will happen to you.

Question: This is my complete safety?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/1/24

Related Material:
Life Is Not A Random Set Of Events
Let Go and Float!
There Are No Coincidences In Nature

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Sep 11, 2024 5:44 AM -

628.3Question: What is an illness in spirituality? How can we recognize and prevent it?

Answer: An illness in spirituality is not the power of all sorts of microbes and viruses, but the power of egoism over us. In this case, we are considered spiritually ill. Therefore, we need to recover and maintain such a standard of living so as not to be spiritually ill.

Question: If I feel the pain of separation from the group, the pain of disunity between us, and a reluctance to get up for the morning lesson and unite with my friends, can this be called a disease, and the group is a doctor?

Answer: Yes, it can be seen that way; you’re correct.

Question: How do you deal with such states?

Answer: You should annul yourself in relation to the group. Self-annulment, without questioning whether your friends are right or wrong, is always the correct approach. If the entire group has a unified opinion, you can join it without any further checks.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/16/24, Writings of Rabash “A Near Road and a Faraway Road”

Related Material:
Discover The Disease Along With The Medicine
Illness Is A Lack Of Connection
Congenital Disease: Hatred Of Friends

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Sep 11, 2024 5:37 AM -

610.2Question: The evil inclination takes away the taste for work. And if a person still does daily actions of working in the ten and in the world Kli, what happens to the evil inclination? Is it annulled?

Answer: It is changing but very slowly.

Question: How can we speed up this process?

Answer: To do this, you need to work against the evil inclination and be in the right intention.

Question: How can you correctly direct your ten to such an intention?

Answer: By setting an example.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/24/24, Writings of Rabash “One Who Restrains Himself in Strife”

Related Material:
Reveal the Evil Inclination
Interconnection against the Evil Inclination
Fight Against the Evil Inclination

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