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Rav Laitman's Blog

Jan 17, 2025 5:59 AM -

231.01Question: What does it mean to become a support for the Creator, which leads to adhesion?

Answer: It means that in your state, within your group, you become the point where all questions and all answers, say, on a given topic, converge. In this way, you continue to move forward.

Question: Why can the greatness of the Creator be realized only through the coarse, lowly matter of a person, and from this adhesion can be achieved?

Answer: It is because the Creator resides within a person, and what a person says is of no consequence. The most important thing is the fact that the Creator does through him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/25, Writings of Baal HaSulamMatan Torah [The Giving of the Torah]”

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The Greatness of the Creator
Two Incarnations Of A Great Soul

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Jan 17, 2025 5:51 AM -

962.3It is a law that the creature cannot receive disclosed evil from the Creator, for it is a flaw in the glory of the Creator for the creature to perceive Him as an evildoer, for this is unbecoming of the complete Operator to act with evil (Rashbi, Zohar for All, Vol. 1, Introduction of The Book of Zohar, “Laila de Kalah [The Night of the Bride]”).

Evil arises when the creatures perceive the Creator’s actions as flawed. If creation interprets the Creator’s actions in this way due to its own lack of development, the Creator must conceal Himself to that extent.

Hence, when one feels bad, denial of the Creator’s guidance lies upon him and the superior Operator is concealed from him to that same extent. This is the greatest punishment in the world.

That is, when a person is given the sensation of evil, the revelation of his egoism, to this extent he naturally is unable to rise above it or justify it. Consequently, concealment occurs.

Thus, the sensation of good and evil in relation to His guidance brings with it the sensation of reward and punishment… If a person perceives everything as good, it is a reward. But if evil appears amidst the good, it is a punishment. There is no punishment greater than the disappearance of the Creator from the horizon of one’s perception.

…for one who exerts to not part from faith in the Creator is rewarded even when he tastes a bad taste in Providence. If the Creator distances Himself from me and disappears (sometimes I feel Him and sometimes not), yet I strive to grasp Him and maintain a connection with Him, these efforts are rewarded.

And if he does not exert, he will have a punishment… What is the punishment? The Creator disappears. The disappearance of the Creator is the disappearance of faith itself, for faith is the feeling of the Creator as the source of all that occurs.

To the extent that we exert ourselves in correction, we can hold the Creator within the field of our perception. But if we cannot justify His influence, that is, the world in which we exist, the Creator conceals Himself to that extent.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/4/19, Preparation for convention in Moldova “The Work in Concealment”

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It Is Impossible To Cry And Say Thank You
Reward Instead Of Punishment
Evil Is Our Inability To Feel Love

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Jan 17, 2025 5:47 AM -

528.02Comment: You clearly describe how the connection is formed between the friends in the group through the Creator.

My Response: Certainly. Then, to the extent of similarity to the Creator, the upper force manifests itself between them. Just like any physical law, as we attune to the same wavelength, we catch it and ether appears between us that binds us together. We catch each other and catch this ether, the Creator, who is between us.

Question: But you said that if a person reaches a state where he feels the Creator, then he perceives everything differently. Then there is no more “between us,” it is already one?

Answer: How can there be no between us? There is always a connection system between us. It is like a receiver in which you catch the Creator, discover the upper force. Without this detector, you will not perceive the Creator.

We are inside this immense force, but we cannot capture it and realize it. How can we use it? Only if we discover it. How can we reveal it between ourselves? Only if we unite.

This is a simple physical law, and there are many such phenomena in the world. When we attune ourselves to certain frequencies and forces, then we discover that they exist. The same applies to the entire universe around us: we tune ourselves to perceive it and then we sense it.

The same is true with the Creator. The Creator is the general force of the entire universe, that is why Einstein sought to discover one universal law.

Comment: But you gave the example of a simple device that can be used to catch a wave. And here is a completely different device that consists of many parts.

My Response: What’s the difference? We connect our relationships with one another and build a common field within which we discover the source of upper radiation called the Creator. We reveal that He created us, sustains us, that He is everything!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Connection Through the Creator” 4/17/10

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Ten Is a Locator for a Signal from Above
An Instrument For The Revelation Of The Creator
The Unruly Nature Of Egoism

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Jan 17, 2025 5:43 AM -

236.01Question: The Creator says: “Leave Me, but remember your Torah.” And you keep saying that we should turn to Him. How can we act in this contradiction?

Answer: This is not a contradiction. “Leave Me and study the Torah” means working on correction. If you turn to the Creator from correction, this is good. But if you start asking for things just to feel better, then you will only feel bad.

The Creator reacts to everything. First of all, this is the field in which we exist. God forbid that we imagine Him as some kind of a creature. This field is a limitless, an infinite volume, that we exist in. It reacts to everything regardless of whether you ask for something or desire something consciously or not.

First of all, everything that you feel is aroused in you by this field, and you yourself are allegedly not there. Our entire life, both corporeal and spiritual, is 99% about reacting to the impact that the Creator causes in us and nothing more.

The only thing left for us is to ask Him to include Himself in this work. That is why it is called the work of the Creator (Avodat HaShem). And then, we join it as much as we can.

All our work consists precisely in a person consciously joining in the work of the Creator. We do everything unconsciously anyway. Nothing is done except by Him. We only want to consciously participate in this.

That is why we are called the workers of the Creator, that is, we want to take part in His actions. And if not, then He will act anyway, and we will move anyway. Therefore, we need to develop such feelings in us that we can feel the actions of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/5/19, Preparation for convention in Moldova “Turning to the Creator”

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Retain the Source of What Is Happening within Oneself
Where Is My “Self”?
Feel the Creator of the World

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