Baal HaSulam. Chronology of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Disclosing a Portion, Covering Two (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Exile and Redemption (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Exile and Redemption (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Exile and Redemption (modified) (3)
Baal HaSulam. Exile and Redemption (modified) (4)
Baal HaSulam. Foreword to the Book “The Tree of Life” (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Four Worlds (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Four Worlds (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Freedom of Will (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Freedom of Will (modified)(2)
Baal HaSulam. From the mouth of a Wise man (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. From the mouth of a Wise man (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. General preface (modified)
Baal HaSulam. I will know the creator from within myself (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Influence of the Creator (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Influence of the Creator (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Inheritance of the Land (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Introduction to the Book of Zohar (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Introduction to the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Kabbalah as Compared with Other Sciences (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Kabbalah as a Root of All Sciences (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Kabbalah as a modern teaching (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 13 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 16 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 21 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 47 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 49 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Letter 5 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Love for the Creator and Love for the Created Beings (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Love for the Creator and Love for the Created Beings (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah) (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah) (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Matter and Form in Kabbalah (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Matter and Form in Kabbalah (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Newspaper "The Nation" (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Newspaper "The Nation" (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. One law (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. One law (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Peace in the World (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Peace in the World (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Peace in the World (modified) (3)
Baal HaSulam. Preface to the Sulam Commentary (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 115. Still, Vegetative, Animate, and Speaking (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 164. There Is a Difference between Corporeality and Spirituality (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 169. Concerning a Complete Righteous (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 33. The Lots on Yom Kippurim and with Haman (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 67. Depart from Evil (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 68. Man's Connection to the Sefirot (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Shamati 74. World, Year, Soul (modified)
Baal HaSulam. TES, Part 1, Histaklut Pnimit (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Arvut (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Creating Mind (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. The Creating Mind (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Creating Mind (modified) (3)
Baal HaSulam. The Creator’s Concealment and Revelation - 1 (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Difference between the Science of Kabbalah and Religion (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. The Essence of the Science of Kabbalah (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Giving of the Torah. The Arvut (modified) (3)
Baal HaSulam. The Last Generation (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. The Last Generation (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Meaning of the Chaf in Anochi (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Peace (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. The Peace (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Peace (modified) (3)
Baal HaSulam. The Prophecy (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Purpose of Kabbalah (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The Quality of the Wisdom of the Hidden in General (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. The Teaching of the Kabbalah and Its Essence (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. The Wisdom of Israel Compared to External Wisdoms (modified)
Baal HaSulam. The language of Kabbalah (modified)
Baal HaSulam. This Is for Judah (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. This Is for Judah (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Time to Act (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Time to Act (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy (modified) (2)
Michael Laitman. Attainment of Unity of the Universe
Michael Laitman. How to achieve happiness ?
Michael Laitman. To perceive the greatness of nature
Summaries of Psalms (rus)
Baal HaSulam. From My Flesh I Shall See God (modified)
Baal HaSulam. 600,000 Souls (modified)
Baal HaSulam. All who feel the affliction of the public (modified)
Baal HaSulam. A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar (modified)
Baal HaSulam. Body and Soul (modified) (2)
Baal HaSulam. Body and Soul (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Characteristics of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (modified) (1)
Baal HaSulam. Conditions of Revealing the Kabbalistic Knowledge (modified)
Summaries of Psalms for Twitter (rus)
בעל הסולם. מבוא לפתיחה לחכמת הקבלה - קיצור
Michael Laitman/Summaries of articles and letters of Baal HaSulam
Baal HaSulam. Chronology of the Wisdom of Kabbalah (modified)

История Каббалы (конспект)

(адаптированный, литературно обработанный текст для ознакомления)

Первая книга по науке Каббала - "Сефер Ецира" (Книга Созидания). Приписывают ее Аврааму, но большинство считают рабби Акиву, поскольку только в его время было дано разрешение записывать устную методику, передававшуюся из уст в уста. До него был записал только ТАНА"Х (Тора, Нэвиим, Ктувим).

Но после разрушения Храма и рассеяния народа за пределами Израиля, из опасения забвения науки Каббала, было разрешено записать ее методику. И ученики рабби Акивы, владеющие методикой Каббалы, начали ее записывать.

Каждый получил задание: рабби Меир составил Мишнаёт, рабби Иегуда - Дополнения и т.д., а рабби Шимон Бар Йохай обобщил методику Каббалы, которой они свободно пользовались, и написал Книгу Зоар и Тикуним. Как Мишнаёт - это сборник Алахот всех поколений, вплоть до поколения рабби Меира, так и Зоар - это методика науки Каббала, вобравшая в себя знания всех предшествовавших РАШБИ каббалистов. А приписывается РАШБИ, поскольку он упорядочил ее и добавил собственные постижения.

Ученики рабби Акивы не запретили дополнять свои книги, а положили начало дополнениям других исследователей, которые в новых раскрытиях, продолжили, начатое ими.

Так продолжалось до поколения рабби Иегуды а-Наси, который нашел, что поколения измельчали и более недостойны спорить с первыми поколениями каббалистов. И, кроме того, было опасение, что непорядочные ученики скроют, сказанное первыми. А потому он завершил написание Мишны, и с тех пор никому не позволено дополнять Мишну или оспаривать приведенные в ней утверждения.

Однако не было запрещено дополнять Книгу Зоар, поскольку ей суждено было находиться в скрытии. Она не была распространена в народе, хранилась лишь у предводителей поколений и каждый из предводителей поколений дополнял ее тем, чем считал нужным. И это продолжалось до времен мудрецов Савурай... (Продолжение отсутствует).