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Rav Laitmans Blog

11. Dez. 2024 06:39 -

Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 23

How Can We Reach the Creator from a Middle Prayer?

The middle prayer is called “recognition of evil.” It expresses the extent to which we see our heart’s qualities. The external prayer is our ideal vision of ourselves, even if we do not fully agree with it. Yet, according to the middle prayer, we agree or deceive ourselves into wanting to be as we envision.

If we dwell in our heart, we can gradually see the connection between all such elements, discern where the Creator arranges them, and thus know how we can relate to the Creator.

Related Material:
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 22
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 21
Talks about the Steps of the Ladder, Part 20

11. Dez. 2024 05:55 -

229But the lower ones cannot receive the illumination of the left before it is clothed in Hassadim from the right line.

This is why Esau was weary and said, “Behold, I am at the point to die; and what profit shall the birthright do to me?” (Rashbi, Zohar for All, Vol. 3,  About the Revival of the Dead“)

After all, he wanted to receive the light of Hochma in his egoistic desires, his receiving Kelim, and he is not able to do this.

It is like our whole life. We want to enjoy life; we chase after all the pleasures and want to receive them, but as soon as I am about to achieve some pleasure, it immediately disappears. And so it has been my entire life.

That is why Esau was weary and said: “I cannot continue like this any longer. I am tired. I have despaired of all this. I am ready to unite with Jacob.”

Today all of humanity stands on the threshold of such awareness. And that is why the wisdom of Kabbalah is revealed—the method of Jacob. After all, this is the science of how to build a middle line.

Before such despair came, there was no need for the wisdom of Kabbalah. The need for it has appeared now. After all, the Torah is revealed from the middle line, the correction of egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/10, Zohar for All, Chayei Sara [The Life of Sarah]

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Seduction Of The Original Serpent
The Veil Over The Future

11. Dez. 2024 05:48 -

939.01Question: There is division in our ten. Some of the ten are only for joy and some are in different states. So the ten set a condition that everyone should gather together only in joy, and if you are in a descent, you should turn off the camera. Is this correct?

Answer: When a person goes to a meeting in the ten, he must be in an elevated mood. This is a mandatory condition; otherwise, the Creator will not accept his prayer.

Question: The more I study, the feeling of joy in me calms down more and more. It is as if it is hiding inside.

What should joy be like? Is it a feeling that you hide inside or should everyone see that you are happy to serve the Creator?

Answer: Joy should be common and all-encompassing in that you and your friends express your common desire to reach the Creator in order to bring Him your desire and fill Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/20/24, Writings of Rabash “Serve the Creator with Joy”

Related Material:
Tune in to Joy
Where Can You Find Joy?
Enjoy Working for the Creator

11. Dez. 2024 05:42 -

962.3Question: What does it mean to wish to bring everyone closer to the goal of creation with the Creator?

Answer: The desire of the Creator is to bring us closer to the goal of creation so that we can comprehend Him and merge with our root.

Then we will truly understand the intention of the Creator when He created us and determined our paths.

The similarity of our work with the work of the Creator is that we want to reveal His plan in our every move, in whatever it may be.

Whatever direction of movement we find ourselves in, we must know that it comes from Him. We need to study these movements and change ourselves in accordance with them. This is practically what we need to do—learn how to respond correctly to the plan of the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/25/24, Writings of Rabash “Generations”

Related Material:
Based On the Plan of Creation
The Thought of the Creator
The Purpose of Creation Is Absolute Adhesion with the Creator



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